Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2250: The role of the cemetery

The role of the second and second chapters of the cemetery

The Temple of the Vampire, there is a collapsed altar inside, abandoned rooms. (.vodtw.)

Within the ridiculous temple, the corpse flower was still tenaciously growing, like a weed, dotted between the courtyards.

Inside a small house, there is a sigh of glory.

The vampire's rank is not very high among the undead races. In theory, it is not Sun Hao's hope that the law of high-level undead creatures will crystallize.

However, vampires are a special kind of existence among the undead.

The strength of the vampire may not be strong, but in the legend, the blood of the vampire is very noble, and the ancestors were once very powerful, and it is one of the true undead.

The vampire's ability is also unique, able to absorb the blood of other creatures to restore their own injuries and improve their abilities.

Among the human monks, the blood demon who practiced the blood is the practice of practicing the vampire's spiritual principles.

The history of the ancestors of the Terran and the vampires is said to date back to the origin of the Terran.

In a sense, a vampire is the most stubborn undead creature.

There are only two defects in the vampire. One is to be afraid of light. If the undead domain is out, the vampire can't be exposed to the sun, only in the dark.

Many monks suspect that the cloud of immortality is to make the vampires and other dark undead possess more powerful combat capabilities.

The second shortcoming of the vampire is the need to **** blood.

Once you meet a creature that has no blood to absorb, it is bad. For example, a very rare stone man, such as a tree of sap, is a **** tree, such as a zombie or a mummy, a bloodless or bloodless, undead, vampire. The ability is greatly reduced.

The reason why the vampire failed to discharge into the high-level undead is that it needs blood.

The magical blood-sucking regenerative ability, if it can condense the crystallization of the law, even if it is not helpful to Sun Hao, it may be of great help to Wanxue Island in the future.

Sun Hao silently descended into the temple of the vampire.

However, Sun Hao has just fallen, and the early warning function of the temple immediately made the vampire inside the temple discover the invasion of Sun Hao.

No less than twenty vampires flew out of the temple and launched a siege to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s cultivation is much higher than that of a vampire. The body of the ghost is also a Yin Emperor, and its strength is much stronger than that of a vampire.

In addition, the body of the sorrow has no blood to absorb, and the greatest advantage of the vampire is difficult to play.

After half a day, Sun Hao eliminated all the vampires in the temple through a fierce battle.

After the battle ended, Sun Hao began to test several new special skills that he had acquired from the Emperor's body.

A ray of light hit out, in front of Sun Hao, has become a big bat of flying ash, making a squeaking noise.

Sun Hao wants to see if his own death technique has any effect on these vampires.

Regrettably, the death of the gods, the vampires who were eliminated did not show signs of standing up, and the death was invalid.

A magical power is ineffective, and Sun Hao immediately drives the technique of gathering souls to see if this kind of magical technique that Luo Pengfei calls back-return has different effects.

After getting a few different emperors, Sun Hao can understand the purpose. There is only one skill. If there is a chance, it is natural to try the two secrets.

Unfortunately, there is no reaction to Soul Art.

I don't know if these two secrets are ineffective for vampires, or the way they use them is wrong.

The two different spells were invalid, and Sun Hao began to explore the vampire temple.

Most of the resources within the undead domain have a strong dead air. For ordinary monks, this kind of deadness is poison, and the resources of the undead domain are hard to use.

The strength of Sun Hao is that there are ghosts and ghosts. As long as it is a higher level of cultivation resources, it can be added to the body of the ghost.

After sweeping the ground building of the temple, Sun Hao has harvested some strange pure Yin character Lingyu, similar to Lingshi, and the aura is more pure, which is of great help to the cultivation of yin and cold attributes. And elixir.

The elixir here is actually very different. It is more appropriate to use ghost medicine to describe it. In addition to the level of alchemy such as Sun Hao, even master masters of alchemy can't easily use these different drugs.

The temple also has two basements.

In the bottom underground room, Sun Hao discovered a blood pool.

The blood flows slowly in the blood pool, and a personal shape is slowly turning, as if the soul is struggling.

It looks like the blood of the Wanxue Devil Island, but the scale is much smaller, and there are obviously strange life rules running inside, which is very different from Wanxue Island.

Wanxue Island can provide serious training for the Monks of the Gorefiend, but it does not have the ability to nurture a new monk.

The **** sea of ​​Wanxue Island is a spiritual sanctuary, and the blood pool that Sun Hao sees now is the special existence of a vampire.

When Sun Hao came to collect resources, the blood pool just changed. A bat fanned his wings and flew out of the blood pool. When he landed on the shore, he changed from a bat to a vampire.

After seeing Sun Hao, the vampire immediately fell to the ground with one knee on his knees. A thought came from the mind and thoughts: "See the adults and ask the adults to give their names."

Sun Hao is a bit surprised, this vampire actually knows to rely on himself? Don't fight against yourself, not just not hostile to yourself, but also give him a name.

What is the difference between them? Or is there anything to pay attention to?

Is it true that this vampire will choose to be his own subordinate, and if so, what is the difference between a vampire in a purple belt?

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and his thoughts came out: “You are called Andehai.”

Sun Hao thought of Andervi and gave the vampire a name.

Ander Hai respectfully spread the idea "Thank you adults."

Sun Hao looked at the blood pool that had an area of ​​about three feet to see Fang. When the gods knew it, they would wait for the blood pool to be condensed.

At this point, the accident happened.

The tombstone inlaid in the chest of the ghost has a message: Is the undead temple found, is it a graveyard?

This blood pool represents the entire temple of undead? Or is it the core of the entire Undead Temple?

What is the use of the cemetery to earn the Undead Temple?

As soon as I thought of it, Sun Hao’s heart moved and decided to take the undead temple into the cemetery to see the situation.

But after Sun Hao’s order was retracted, the tombstone sent a message again: “The cemetery is far away, and it takes a certain amount of time to recover...”

By the way, Sun Hao immediately remembered that he had swayed the lower bounds of the male and female witches, and threw a cemetery into the fighting world. He had not managed for many years. At this time, he recovered the cemetery and did not know what it would look like.

To be honest, if the tombstone reminded me, Sun Hao almost forgot that he had thrown something in the fight.

Not anxious, Sun Hao waited with ease.

I don't know the secrets of the undead domain, and I don't understand the rules of operation of the cemetery.

Sun Hao waited for three months, and the environment around him began to change.

The cemetery that he left in the fighting world gradually appeared outside the temple of the dead.

Seeing this cemetery, Sun Hao’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. He had no management for many years, and he did not know what the cemetery had encountered in the fighting world. At this time, it was already very desolate, and the entire cemetery had no rice. At the size of the year of the year, there was no place for cultivating undead warriors.

It may also be because of the back-to-back, there is no soldier in the entire cemetery.

Empty, very simple.

After the cemetery was completely in shape, Sun Hao knew the move and issued an order to collect the undead temple.

Then the cemetery was rumbled, and began to take root outside the temple of the dead, and the temple of the undead was turned into a part of the cemetery.

On top of the tombstone, there is a temple pattern. Sun Hao is still on the wall of the temple and sees the name of Andehai.

Almost at the same time, the tombstone also gave Sun Hao a special reminder: "Eight 8,000 kilometers in the east, find another cemetery."

The cemetery has a positioning role in the undead domain? It is also possible to earn all the buildings of the Undead domain.

So do you need to go to Zhengdong to see?

Soon, Sun Hao, who explored the application of the cemetery, found that he could build a ghost road together with another cemetery. In that case, it would most likely be connected to a huge cemetery. Then, within the undead domain, you can There are shuttles within different cemeteries.

I just don't know what the cost is and what are the limits.

Sun Hao did not open the ghost road, but went out with An Dehai to verify some information.

This is from

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