Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2254: Prince Bruch

The Gobi Desert, where the birds are not smashing, the dead Teminus. ┡.Ωm

The prince Gudra felt that this place was really boring. The vampires were all kind of dresses. There was no personality at all. Apart from being able to practice as a soldier, there was no entertainment at all.

As the eldest son of the family, Gudara was sent to guard this ghost place. It is really one hundred and twenty unwilling.

When I got the news that I would be here, I was used to Gudra, who was in the sanctuary of the Congo, like a five-thunder, and ran to ask her mother.

Is the father old confused?

Or he has been abandoned by his father.

But who knows that the mother is excited to tell him that Teminnas is the most sacred place of the Bruchs. Only after the vampires who have practiced Teminus, can they truly become the future masters of the family.

Gudra didn't want to be in charge of the Bruch, and he didn't have much interest in it. He cares about delicious things and **** blood-sucking beauty.

Twisted thighs, on that miserable night, he was mercilessly expelled to Teminus by his father, and began a long, seemingly imprisoned cultivation career.

What is this ghost place for his mother!

There are scorpions everywhere, no emotion.

The generated vampires are all in a clear shape, and the faces are almost the same. Gudra has no idea who is who, and more importantly, the original nascent, the vampire born in the blood pool has the vampire generated in this mother's mother. Great difference.

I am graceful and wise.

The vampire that the bird does not pull, the men and women don’t say anything, and they are all the same as the scorpion, they don’t open their minds, just the time they started, even a ghost of communication. nothing.

Dissatisfaction and resentment are useless, and the days are over.

According to his father's arrangement, Gudra had to step into the normal cultivation process.

This refining is actually thousands of years.

I also resisted and sneaked back, but in the end I was not able to sneak a few days and was forcibly repatriated.

It was not until the four corners that the vampires of wisdom were cultivated, that Gudra had the object of talking and communicating.

But what makes him depressed is that these guys are still dull guys, and the wisdom is not very high.

With a little subtotal, you can get the four guys to jump.

The plain life does not know how many years have passed.

Teminas has finally come from a dead end, and there have been some accidental changes.

A ghost who didn't know where to wander from it, actually mixed into his own territory and ran to Teminus to secretly play ghosts.

The Bruch family monks who have the power of the gods, anyone who wants to engage in ghosts, is whimsical.

A blood image of Gudra, the ghost was given out.

The war started.

There is a typical sign of the ghost on the opponent. After the warrior approaches, the fighting spirit and combat ability are greatly affected by the surgery.

The ghost, even if it became the ghost of the Yin Emperor, is theoretically lower than its own blood level by more than one grade.

Gudra did not put this ghost in his eyes.

However, it is rare that this bird can not appear in such a place to play such a funny character, Gudra is not eager to destroy him, slowly teasing him to play.

However, let Gudra be more depressed.

Originally, I wanted to tease him to play, but who knows that the flames of people are extremely powerful, and the sparks that are sputtered can all point to their own vampire army.

Strange, when can the ghosts practice such a powerful flame? Isn't the smoldering smoldering fire completely devoid of lethality?

In the end, is this smoldering fire too fierce? Or are these younger brothers who have accepted them in Teminus are some rookies?

Gudra didn’t understand.

The war lasted for half a day, and the opponent lost little, but his vampire lost at least 100. In the hall, the sputtered flame also ignited his own triumph, built with the living stones. The outer layer of the castle.

The corpse stone flower was originally very fleshy and full of yin, which is the most difficult to point. The flame of this ghost is too strange, and even the castles of their own are burning.

I have spent hundreds of years, carefully arranged castles, so that this guy gave a fire to the point?

Gudella is filled with resentment.

After observing for a long time, Gudra finally showed the weakness of the flame of the ghost. This kind of flame, you don't touch him, don't attack him, he won't come out.

The more attacks you take, the more this flame will be sputtered.

Moreover, the egg shell of the ghost body also has a time limit. Each egg shell can last for about an hour, so you are not in a hurry.

Wait until his egg shell fails.

Sun Hao feels that the vampires here are completely different. The vampires in the castle are not only more powerful, but also advanced and regressive, with a lot of offense and defense, much like the battle team that they have commanded.

Not only is it as simple as wisdom, but it should also be good at analysis. After the threat of its own Aegis, it temporarily stopped the attack.

Next, the way the vampires attacked, let Sun Hao thoroughly understand, there is absolutely a commanding vampire in the vampire castle.

A small group of vampires floated up and turned into a half bat in the air. In the hand, a black sword with a blood trough was mentioned.

After the flames of their own Aegis flames were extinguished, these vampires raised their swords in the air and went down.

The vampire's sword light instantly gathered together and turned into a flashing light blade, falling down to himself.

Sun Hao's heart is moving, ready to get up and go, suddenly, different directions in the air, different vampire squads, are a kind of attack, and for a moment, they have fallen into the siege of a sword.

The sword light intertwined into a net constitutes a sword array, surrounded by all directions, and encircles its own way.

Undoubtedly, this is the result of commanding and manipulating behind the commander, otherwise it is impossible.

Sun Haofei quickly judged the situation, and his heart moved. The body of the sinister swayed in the air for a few times. The body appeared in layers and evaded Jianguang. In fact, he used his ability to use his sword.

There are strange rules of survival in the undead domain, and many of Sun Hao’s abilities have been suppressed, but the undead domain is still closely connected with the imaginary, and many laws are still universal.

The natural leadership of the sword is still there.

Jianguang fell on Sun Hao's sneaky body, and he was tempered by the unparalleled sword bone, which turned into a light spot and did not produce much effect.

The feeling of giving people is like that the body of the ghost of Sun Hao is transparent. If you don't pay attention, you can't cut it.

Gudra, in my heart sighed, it turned out to be the ghost of the object, it is really annoying, only the use of magic attacks, but fortunately the Bruch family inheritance all-encompassing, the dark magic spells they learned are quite a lot ~www If you can only rely on bloodsucking to fight vampires, isn't it helpless?

With a feeling of pride, Gudra began to attack the opponent with a spell.

Over the sky, there are different general flushes and **** colors. Sun Hao suddenly feels that his blood is boiling, and he has an impulse to be violent.

His current state is the body of the ghost, the body of the sneaky, strictly speaking, his current state is that there is no blood at all, but he can still perceive the blood movement, no doubt, that is, the opponent is engaged in ghosts. It is.

Within this castle, there should be hidden opponents with weak strength. Because of the suppression of the blood, and because of the strange isolation ability of the corpse, Sun Hao really could not find out where the opponent was hiding.

The blood is diffuse, above the sky, there is still a mysterious blood rune. On the head of Sun Hao, the blood color culture is a huge blood-colored six-pointed star pattern, flashing a dark red light, and playing a dark red to Sun Hao. symbol.

This is a rune attack technique.

A very rare spell, Sun Hao feels an eye-opener. This spell is based on common spells and symbols, and has a very powerful attack effect.

I haven’t hit myself yet, and I’m already affecting my blood flow. Once I’m hit, it’s not a good thing.

Since it is a rune, then it will be easier.

In Sun Hao’s mind, there is a strong life-like symbol, a purple gold belt.

The gods know that a purple gold belt blooms in the sea of ​​knowledge. The rune that flies outside is still not on Sun Hao. It has been smashed like a fireworks. Announcement: app Android, Apple-specific version, bid farewell to all ads, please pay attention to WeChat public number to enter the download installation: (press and hold three seconds to copy)

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