Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2256: Facial blood crystal

The blood family, there are several major weaknesses, even if it is a high blood group, once it falls into the hands of rivals with the same strength, it will be restrained by the weakness.

For example, the blood family is afraid of light, but if it is cultivated deep, the blood group's immunity to ordinary sunlight is greatly enhanced.

For example, the blood family hates the taste of garlic, but if it is cultivated deep, ordinary garlic can only make him frown.

For example, the blood family is afraid of the heart in the wooden pile nails, but if it is repaired to a deeper level, the ordinary wooden piles will not nail into his heart, and it is estimated that even his skin is helpless.

However, Sun Hao's true cultivation is already in the late stage of the fit, and Sun Hao's real combat power has almost reached the level of the peak of the fit. The whole imaginary, the ability to compete with Sun Hao has already been few.

Intentionally unintentional, coupled with the real repair is unmatched, Sun Hao found the weakness of Gudra, hit a hit, nailed it to the wall.

Gudra thought that Sun Hao was an aboriginal of the undead domain. At the crucial moment, he carried out his family and tried to shock Sun Hao.

Unfortunately, Sun Hao did not feel anything about it.

Only the blood family, Sun Hao does not think there will be any terrible.

With one hand and one wave, a large magic was overwhelmed from the sky above the castle.

The huge silver thunder net, with countless fireballs descending from the sky, under the gloomy sky, the gloomy castle seems to be caught in the end of the world.

Gudra, who was nailed to the wall, widened his eyes and asked in his mouth: "Who are you? How can a thunderbolt attribute spell? No, you are definitely not a Yin Emperor..."

Gudra’s men struggled in the fire and mourned in the thunder.

Sun Hao, a Thunderfire Skynet, killed and killed the vampires gathered by Gudra. In the old castle, a thick layer of ashes fell.

There was no explanation for Gudra, and Sun Hao’s right hand stretched out, and the condensed air tower flew out. The drip rotted and covered the ancient de la.

Seeing the golden light of the condensed air tower, Gudella’s heart was filled with a strong unmatchable feeling. He shouted in his mouth: "No, I am the eldest son of the Bruch family, you will get into trouble. , don't... ah..."

Seeing the opponent is not arrogant, Jinguang Pagoda will soon cover himself. Gudra knows that he is at the moment of life and death, and he will not be afraid of being hurt. He will scream in his mouth: "Boy, I will remember you all my life, we Not dead..."

In the voice, regardless of the heart will be seriously injured, the body slammed into the ground, a blast of explosions, the body suddenly turned into countless blood points, blood points become a small bat, **** in all directions .

Sun Hao said coldly: "Daoyou, want to escape under this seat, you want more."

In the voice of the voice, the air must be condensed, and the air tower suddenly slammed into a huge number of times. It became a shadow of the sky, covering the old castle. The bottom of the tower made a golden light, which generated a huge attraction and fled. The blood-sucking little bat is not falling, and is photographed in the hollow tower.

In the **** sea, countless small bats form a huge face, and the face of Gudra's face appears, struggling, unwillingly, as if cursing Sun Hao, or exerting the last secret technique, and then The entire tower was confined to the pagoda.

One hand and one trick, the condensate empty tower fell into the hand, Sun Hao suddenly moved in the heart, with the induction, the body swayed, disappeared into the castle, drilled into a corpse stone, tightly close The flower wall.

Over the castle, a loud bang, a huge blood group, a **** big face overlooking the castle from the sky, the gloomy voice, spread throughout the sky: "Gudra..."

Castle Fortson, no response.

On the big face, a little bit of blood dripped, and the whole castle suddenly fell into a **** color.

The big face is very gloomy and said: "Whoever hurts the heirs of the Bruch family, now he has to take it, and it is still too late. This seat can be used for the past, who will let me out."

Sun Hao ignored him.

However, what surprised Sun Hao was that this **** face in front of him gave Sun Hao a great sense of oppression.

This feeling comes from two aspects. On the one hand, it is a natural pressure. It should be the law of the undead domain. The life form of this big face is judged to be higher than the level of the body of the Yin Emperor. Suppression on the position.

On the other hand, it is repaired, even if the cultivation of this **** monk is not advanced, it is estimated that it is also a half-step Mahayana, so that Sun Hao’s heart has a very tricky feeling.

It is no wonder that when the **** monk was destroyed, he kept warning about himself. It turned out that he was standing behind a peerless power.

If it is outside, not suppressed by the undead domain, Sun Hao is completely fearless, and can completely let go with this opponent.

Still not within the dead domain.

The main purpose of Sun Hao to the undead domain is to find resources for cultivation. However, there is absolutely no need to confront this kind of power. Once it is opened, it is definitely a long-lasting battle that can be exempted.

Sun Hao, a Thunderfire Skynet, destroyed the inside of the castle. Gudra brought the vampires who besieged himself. Among them, there are four smarter vampires.

After the **** cockroaches appeared in the air, there were vampires flying out, but these scorpions were simply unable to understand the situation.

The blood family was angry for a long time and could not have found much.

Teminus is quite unique, and even if he is angry, it is useless.

Even if you use the means of peerlessness, you can't help the castle.

In other words, Sun Hao’s Thunderfire Skynet went down, but it was able to burn the corpse stone to death, but it did not affect the ancient castle body.

This can also be seen from the strangeness and mystery of the castle.

Perhaps, as Luo Pengfei said, this ancient castle is really the ancient city of Temennas, a group of true gods.

Roaring for a while, no way.

The **** tycoon is arrogant: "No matter who you are, I know that you are still there. If you don't let me out, we will not die. Waiting for you will be the endless pursuit of the Bruch family... You, don't want to escape the Gobi God... I swear in the name of my blood that the Gobi will be a restricted area for blood, and no one can take a step..."

In the sound of screaming, above the sky, there was a **** rain.

The entire Gobi Desert Gothic was centered on Teminas and fell into a tumultuous storm.

A large number of corpse flowers, a large number of corpse flowers grow from the Gobi, under the powerful blood clan spells, the entire 陨Go Gobi instantly turned into a large **** ocean.

The Bruch family's **** cockerel said coldly in the air: "I haven't happened when I let go of my child. Otherwise, my **** prisoner will trap you here for 10,000 years. Within 10,000 years, I may Find your presence at any time and drop you into the Gobi."

Sun Hao silently clung to the inner wall of the corpse flower No words, no movement.

Everyone is trained to be a standard, who will believe in what is not awkward.

Besides, after Sun Hao used the condensed air tower to suppress Gudra, he had discovered that his spiritual monument began to draw the source of blood from Gudra, and the blood crystal on the monument was also rapidly forming.

The final shape of the blood crystal can be expected, and there is no reason to let go.

Even if Bruch yelled at the scorpion, Sun Hao was still the same, and the power was not heard.

Bruch also knows that the hope of letting others release their sons is very embarrassing. In the midst of anger, he screams: "Okay, if that is the case, then we will not die, blood and rain will fall, blood corpses everywhere, boy, I see if you can Escaped my Bruher's perception..."

No matter what happened outside, no matter how Bruch thundered, Sun Hao was always unmoved and quietly hid in the corpse flower.

The corpse flower has a magical isolation effect.

Bruch seems to have a special jealousy here, and he dare not do it. If so, then pretend not to hear it.

Sun Hao clung to the inner wall of the corpse stone, and his mind sank into the empty tower, and stepped up the digestion to eliminate Gudra.

Gudra did not know how many years he spent the old castle, and he was nourished by the special atmosphere inside the castle. Now he is absorbed by Sun Hao through the monument.

I don't know how long it has been, and there is no screaming screaming outside.

The blood crystal on Sun Haoling's tablet was finally digested after the last drop of Gudra's blood, and it was completely formed.

Sun Hao swayed the undead domain and got the second phase crystal, the normal phase blood crystal.

According to Luo Pengfei's words, there is also a lot of magical use in the blood of the Fa, and the actual use of Dan and the body of the technique will have a peculiar advantage and can be regarded as one of the alternatives. (To be continued...)

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