Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2274: Undead crown

The heart is full of joy, and there is strangeness.

Sun Hao raised his right hand and said loudly: "One emperor, please don't worry to continue to form gold beads. I am still digesting the death god. I still have a few questions to ask for."

A face of the emperor was slightly puzzled: "No, according to the inheritance of the ghost, similar to this kind of reinforcement does not require much digestion. How can you like this?"

Sun Hao was a little embarrassed, and his mouth quickly said: "It may be a special situation. Otherwise, my death **** will not get the first reinforcement. Right, what I want to know now is why you are a emperor. Will the tempered skin be placed on top of the death god?"

One Emperor was attracted by Sun Hao and did not continue to pursue the problem of digestion. He said: "In the middle, it is mainly the difference in applicability."

Sun Hao said: "I feel that the use of tempered skin magical power is far less powerful than death godfare. You must know that the **** of death has a magical reincarnation rule inside."

One emperor nodded: "Although I don't have a deep understanding of the death god, I can perceive the magic of the spell. A powerful monk who can reach the death of the six emperors is enough to be worth thousands of troops. ,but……"

After a pause, the emperor said this time: "However, any uncultivated monk's ultimate goal of cultivation still has physical support. Even after our ghosts become heroes, there will be such cultivation goals, and the tempered skin will not look at the ghosts. The body is not obvious, in fact, his role is universal..."

Sun Hao heard an explanation from the emperor, and his heart was filled with inexplicable sighs and incredible feelings.

The role of this tempered skin is really as magical as the same emperor said, then the help of Sun Hao may be really above the death, even more important than the soul of the soul.

The versatility of tempered skin means that after the yin is cultivated into the body, the effect of this technique is to increase the defense capacity by more than 20%.

As the primary, advanced, and senior improve, the increased defense will increase accordingly.

If you come to a senior +3, you don't know how much it will be.

This effect is still universal, what does that mean? It means that the ghost is made into a flesh and can act on the flesh.

It seems that it is a defensive avenue.

However, it is estimated that there will be a huge change.

In itself, the ghost is just a distraction of Sun Hao. If this kind of tempered skin has a universal effect, does it mean that after Sun Hao's body is incarnate, can he still use tempered skin to strengthen his defense?

Does it mean that Sun Hao can still strengthen his defense after he has turned into the Taikoo Beast and the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird?

If it can, then the effect of this tempered skin may be ranked first in Sun Hao.

After all, the soul-harvesting and lethal techniques can only be performed by the ghosts and ghosts, and they must all be used in certain conditions, unlike the tempered skin.

When the emperor explained the use of the tempered skin, Sun Hao nodded and said that he said: "If you say this to the emperor, I understand a lot of truths. Indeed, the use of tempered skin may be really good, but one emperor, after Just after this exchange, I found that I was suddenly less disgusted with you. I thought of a special way to deal with you. I wonder if you are willing to cooperate?"

When the emperor stunned, he could not help but ask: "I want to hear it."

Sun Hao: "I have already won your Golden Pearl. I have already won the dominance of the No. 1 Ling Tomb. Now, you only need to go down from the No. 1 Ling Tomb. When I go up to the summit, I naturally complete the transfer of rights. It’s not the best of both worlds. At that time, there are problems with your old predecessors, a lot of practice, and you can ask a lot."

One emperor stayed completely. After half a sigh, he said in his mouth: "This is a good idea, but are you sure you want to do this? It is a disguised deportation. Are you sure to leave me? In that case, in the future, maybe I will have a huge chance to compete for your soul ancestors, and it will pose a huge challenge to you. Are you sure not to accept my gold beads and continue to strengthen your ability?"

One emperor has several problems.

It can be seen that he really does not understand why Sun Hao is doing this now.

Sun Hao is not a passer-by to the undead domain. Come here to find resources.

When the soul ancestors had no problems, but tied themselves to this position, it was completely unnecessary.

The biggest difference between Sun Hao and Yi Huang is actually the understanding of the outside world and the judgment of the general trend.

Perhaps for a emperor, the top ancestors are the greatest pursuit, the most ambitious goal, even what needs to be done after the soul ancestors, a emperor is still confused.

However, Sun Hao is different. Sun Hao is the ambition of Hongjun. In the future, it is absolutely impossible for him to stay in the undead domain of birds for a long time.

Then the best way is to find a more suitable monk and pass the position of the soul ancestor before you travel.

If he absorbs the remaining gold beads of the emperor to help himself, Sun Hao will kill him unceremoniously.

However, the three-three won nine, Sun Hao's reinforcement reached the limit, and then to destroy a king is completely worth the loss.

The best way is that Sun Hao now thinks of staying in the emperor, and he will be tired of it in the future, so he can take a walk and let the emperor continue to manage.

Sun Hao’s children and disciples are actually not reliable. Sun Hao did not intend to let them mix in this gloomy undead domain for a long time, as long as they strengthen the sorrow to a certain extent, that is, when they leave.

The most appropriate candidate for the Ghost Reign is actually an emperor.

No one in Sun Hao can feel that a emperor can pose a threat to himself.

Sun Hao instead believes that when he is not able to take a trip, he will be able to take over his position, and if he can succeed in his position, he will have a strong strength in the undead domain.

Sun Hao knows his own affairs at home, and such a choice is undoubtedly the best.

An emperor is really stunned! He is willing to accept his life and is willing to help the Six Emperors. He is not willing to return to the market, but because he knows that he can't beat it. It is only a matter of time before he is destroyed. Instead of being ruthlessly killed, it is better to fulfill the other side and grow up the ghost.

Deep down, he actually has a lot of unwillingness and hidden deep desire to resist, but who knows that this time, the Six Emperors actually gave him such a surprise, this is really unexpected.

Not stunned.

Floating from the No. 1 Ling Tomb, the Emperor said: "Today, I am willing to treat the adults with the Lord. I also ask the adults to be in the emperor. I also wish that the adults can successfully climb the top of the soul and create me. The ghost is a new era."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded to him, floating up, and fell on the top of the No. 1 Ling Tomb.

When Sun Hao’s body fell on the top of the No. 1 Ling Tomb, there was a sudden tremor in the dense tomb.

The No. 1 Ling Tomb was taken up from the air, and between the white clouds, with Sun Hao flew to the middle of the secret.

Outside, the nine tombs of the tombs wandered around, the flash of light flashed, illuminating the aura of light, and rushing to the tomb of No. 1 rising high in the middle.

The original dark tomb material, under the illumination of the light shows the same crystal color as the ink jade, the entire first spiritual tomb, giving people a black pure, black and transparent, black and boundless A feeling of difference.

Sun Hao shoulders his hands and floats to the top of the tomb. It seems to be accepting the worship of the nine tombs.

The fierce spirit of the intrepid burst into the sneaky body.

The original sneaky sneaky scorpion became real, and the surface of the body emerged like a jade-like surface of the same tomb.

The whole sneaky body grows taller and deeper, and looks more elegant and stylish.

The Nine-Soul Tomb, together with the No. 1 Ling Tomb under Sun Hao’s seat, formed a lotus platform under Sun Hao’s body, and gradually formed a crown made of jade on the head of Sun Hao.

The crown fell from the air, the size is right, and it is very pleasing to the eye of Sun Hao's body.

The crown fell, and Sun Hao’s body jerked!

This crown is a symbol of the true soul ancestor.

I actually really at this moment, climbed to the top of the tomb, became the ancestor of the ghost!

Before he couldn't die, Sun Hao didn't think of it. He would have become one of the nine races of the undead protoss, the leader of the most mysterious ghosts, and became the real soul ancestor.

Just at the moment when Sun Hao’s heart sighed, the crown that had just been brought on the top of his head, once again bloomed, and shot a white light above the high ground of the dense land.

Almost at the same time, there was a strange change again on the distant gray sky of Midi.

A full nine white light did not know where to rush out, echoing in the opposite direction, on the top of Sun Hao's head, intertwined with a strange crown shape.

what is this?

Sun Hao could not help but wonder.

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