Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2276: Midi City

The Ghost Crown gave Sun Hao many unexpected abilities to command the ghost.

For example, with Sun Hao present, all the souls in the battle will instantly increase their strength by more than 50%. All the ghosts can get rid of most unfavorable conditions. All the ghosts enter a deadly loyalty state at the same time...

Sun Hao can also know the distribution and strength of the ghost through the crown of the ghost. As long as he meets the ghost, he can gain certain command ability.

There are several forms of existence in the ghosts of the entire undead domain.

The most abundant one is the ghost that survives in the dark seas connected to the spiritual tomb. Once these ghosts meet Sun Hao, they will automatically accept Sun Hao's temperance and will unconditionally fight for Sun Hao.

Within this sinister sea, there are now no fewer than 50 spiritual tombs. Of course, the top ten are the ten of the current secrets.

Within the crown of the ghost, Sun Hao saw 108 beads. The answer given by the ghost crown is the beads, which represent the ghosts of the past. The total number of spiritual tombs has reached the number of heavens, and now only more than 50 are lighted. The strength of the ghost is not as good as half of the heyday.

There is also a kind of sorrow, that is, some ghosts that exist in the races of the undead protoss, usually as combat units.

Within a large number of undead cities, it is possible to set up a small spiritual tomb, where some ghost soldiers will be stationed.

This kind of ghost, Sun Hao also has a certain ability to control, as long as it is not such a ghost to join the other battle sequences in accordance with the rules of the undead domain, Sun Hao can forcefully enter into their own forces and fight for themselves.

In the sense, the last type of ghost is not a ghost. Those who are originally meant to be ghosts, but after practicing, they have found a new path of evolution, embarked on the practice of the ghosts, and opened wisdom ahead of time. Become a kind of ghost of the monk.

This class has a high degree of wisdom and understanding, and will still be affected by some instinct, but more independent judgment.

This category is actually classified as a ghost monk. The path of walking is different from the completely pure wild evolution of the ghost. There are more self-cultivating exercises, and the practice is faster and has more ideas.

This category is completely independent of Sun Hao's temperance, and Sun Hao's ghost crown is difficult to command them.

However, there is one, Sun Hao’s ghost crown has great influence on such monks, as long as it is the body of the ghost when the initial practice is practiced, and the cultivation of oneself does not reach the level of the influence of the racial influence. When Sun Hao is opposite, he will naturally not be able to exert all his strength.

Just like a mouse saw a cat.

Sun Hao became the soul ancestor. In theory, he can also get a few special abilities, that is, he has the ability to rule the city of the ghost.

The undead city occupied by the ghosts is theoretically the territory of Sun Hao, and the ghost crown represents the ghost power.

Regrettably, at present, Sun Hao has not been able to perceive any city of ghosts. The age of the ghosts and powers has been very long. The city of the ghosts is not silent, or it has disappeared. Now it has disappeared into history, or it is still hidden in A place that is unknown.

The ghost crown also has a role in helping the soul ancestor build an immortal city of ghosts.

After the appointment of the Nine Emperors, Sun Hao knows the movement, and the tomb of the Nine Emperors is turning, and the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster. After reaching a certain speed, it turns into a virtual shadow and disappears from the secret tomb. No trace.

Through the crown of the ghost, Sun Hao perceives that the nine great emperors have returned to their respective seas of ghosts and have returned to their original position. However, the top of the nine tombs has a very secret special channel directly with the spirit. The tomb is closely connected.

If the nine great emperors get the permission of Sun Hao, they can easily and quickly travel to and from the spiritual tomb.

Now the nine yin emperors, not Sun Hao’s disciples are children. Naturally, there is no need for fortification. Sun Hao immediately opened up their authority, allowing them to practice in the denser spirits of the spirits of the spirits. The speed of the practice of the soul of the soul.

At this time, there is two ways to deal with the No. 1 Ling Tomb.

One is that, like other spiritual tombs, it also returns to the sea of ​​the ghosts in which it is located, and the spiritual tombs exist as a hub for the connection of the nine spiritual tombs.

The other one is based on the No. 1 Ling Tomb as the skeleton, relying on the ghost crown to build a city of immortal ghosts in the secret tomb.

After thinking a little, Sun Hao decided to build the secret tomb into a new city, but the construction method was slightly modified.

When the gods moved, the cemetery flew out and thundered and landed on the clouds.

Originally, the construction of the cemetery was made by relying on the ground of the undead domain. The spiritual tomb had no ground, only the white clouds, the cemetery fell, I wonder if it could be done.

Originally, among the secret tombs, it was possible to build a city. The condition for the construction of the city was to transform the No. 1 Ling Tomb into a strange city.

But Sun Hao gave up a cemetery.

Seeing Sun Hao’s spiritual tomb, the soul is a bit dumbfounded.

In theory, the tomb should be an undead hero, and it should be something that a powerful undead hero can have. It is very rare.

The role is a small city that can store troops and can move.

Isn't the adult a wild ghost? How can there be a cemetery?

If an adult is a hero, how can he become the owner of the tomb?

Can't figure it out!

The old monster soul said that he could not understand it at all.

However, the cemetery was in the midst of a booming sound. It was finally located on the white clouds of the spiritual tomb. It became a peculiar, small city pool standing on the top of the white clouds. The No. 1 Ling Tomb was transformed into a cemetery. The important building is located in the very center of the cemetery.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and he became a self-construction, and built the magical cemetery in this very secret place. In the future, perhaps this will become an important stronghold.

According to the characteristics of the cemetery, the construction in different areas will have different special effects. Now he builds himself on the white clouds in the dense tomb of the tomb, and does not know what kind of changes will occur.

Sun Hao felt a little bit, the information was too small, and he couldn't get much useful information. After handing over the management task of No. 1 Ling Tomb and Cemetery to Soul One, Sun Hao began to retreat and digest himself after becoming the soul ancestor. Income.

This time became the soul ancestor, Sun Hao destroyed the nine major emperors, and accumulated a lot of Yin spirit in the body. Nowadays, it is time to digest it. At the same time, Sun Hao has just greatly strengthened the body of the ghost. The process is also a bit too aggressive and it takes a certain amount of time to settle.

The ghosts naturally pick up the tombstones, drive the yin and yang, and sink into the practice.

The thick spirit of the spirit, through the tombstone, is yin and yang, and sent to the soul of Sun Hao, becoming the nutrient of Sun Hao's progress.

Milohayou, who is connected with the tombstone, opened his eyes in surprise, and turned over. The tombstone was pressed on the soul of Sun Hao, and he actively cooperated with Sun Hao to start practicing yin and yang. She has a huge beneficial effect, which can help her to better stabilize her cultivation.

I don't know how long it took, and Sun Hao completed his own practice, felt his own state, and smiled on his face.

This time, the purpose of Sun Hao into the undead domain is mainly the ancient star nucleus and the phase crystal.

Unexpectedly, under the coincidence of the opportunity, Sun Hao got a great opportunity to strengthen the sneaky spirits. After the change, until now, Sun Hao’s ghosts and ghosts finally reached a peak and reached the limit.

The sneaky ability may also be followed by Sun Hao's other powerful points.

At this time, the sneaky, with the blessing of the tombstone, its combat capability or the ability to assist in combat, is afraid to surpass other branches.

Seriously check his own state, Sun Hao combed his own ideas, after a short break for two days, called the soul one, after clearing some daily things, quietly into the temporary ghost road opened by Miha .

This ghost road is linked to the undead domain of Miha. Sun Hao perceives that Miha is still practicing, and that it does not take long for him to run there, so he does not bother her, quietly sneak into the rice. Ha's direction is like flying away.

Ghost Road took the special line and was very secretive, but it was specially opened by Miha.

Sun Hao stepped forward quickly. Within three days, Sun Hao appeared in a new channel with amazement.

The ghost road here is very spacious, connecting Sun Hao's secret road. It looks like Tongtian Avenue. What makes Sun Hao very surprised is that he saw many monks walking through the ghost road.

Well, it’s not a dead **** domain. After the ghost road passed through the ramp, it actually built a spacious public passage. Some things in the undead domain may have surpassed the imagination of the monks. .


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