Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2290: Red Moon Cave

I have lived in the city of immortality for a while, so that Sun Hao is more gratified that the undead king and Miha seem to have forgotten the election. Since that day, it was rarely mentioned, giving Sun Hao enough time to think. buffer. ?network?

With the help of Milohayou, Sun Hao entered the sacred place of the Undead City and consulted some materials. Later, after preliminary negotiations with the undead king, Zang Zu Miha Dewei, they knew two things they needed. How should I get it.

The crystal of the law, called the source crystal in the domain of the undead, is also very rare and often used by the undead monk to upgrade himself, rare cultivation resources.

In theory, as long as it is a certain uncultivated undead creature will have the opportunity to breed the source crystal in the body, this thing, equivalent to the demon animal inside Dan, after a certain grade, can be very helpful to the practice of immortal monks.

Of course, how to use the source crystal is the secret of some strong or some ancient races. In theory, among the undead domain, the practice of arbitrarily capturing the source crystal is not advocated, even very hostile, and many strong families The city has even rigorously resold the source crystal.

If the source crystal is difficult to remove impurities and the degree of improvement is limited, then the undead domain is not so stable.

After getting the information about the source crystal in the undead domain, Sun Hao’s heart has a strange feeling.

It is very different from other undead monks. Sun Hao himself has the unique ability to continuously optimize, accumulate and overlap to generate high-quality source crystals.

For example, the six-star snowflake source crystal that has important help to Sun Hao is Sun Hao's long-term battle, and finally absorbed the origin of the tomb of the tomb, and finally formed the strange crystal.

Then, in the future, Sun Hao will continue to be able to collect better source crystals to become the crystals he needs.

Among the undead cities, the record of the active crystal auction, Milohayou is helping Sun Hao to contact, book in advance, ready to see if there is any source crystal that has more blood.

There is an auction record, this is a good news, as long as Sun Hao has resources, in exchange for a good source crystal, it should not be a problem.

Sun Hao entrusted Miloha to secretly release the news of the demand source crystal. It is estimated that there should be goods at the time.

Source crystal is relatively good, the difficulty is how to get the best, the higher the quality, the greater the help for yourself.

Compared to the phase crystal, the ancient star nucleus is not so easy to get.

In the classics of the City of Death, there is no record of ancient stars, as if this does not exist at all, Sun Hao knows where there will be.

Only this thing exists in the form of pillars. It is obviously a supporting role. In the field of undead gods, other undead monks really value, and may still be the crown of undead.

The undead crown is still a very secret existence. In the classics of the undead city, Sun Hao only saw the record of only a few words. The language is unknown, and he simply can't understand where it appears and what effect it will have.

Sun Hao found the king of undead, and sincerely asked for advice, saying that he had seen the crown of undead, and he was very surprised by this thing. He was very strange and wanted to know some basic situations.

After understanding, Sun Hao knew many secrets of the undead crown.

In the end, Sun Hao also understood that the reason why the undead king would be courteous to himself was probably because the undead crown was useless to himself, and his strength was quite high. He wanted to be able to reach out and help him.

The undead crown symbolizes the highest status of the undead domain. According to legend, the crown of undead is worn on the head, and it can tremble the entire undead group. Under one command, the nine people must be in order to listen.

However, according to legend, the undead crown has a strong destructive effect on other monks of the tribe. Any monk who is not an undead race will not die after the undead crown, and some will even become dead and dead.

Undead Wang Dafang told Sun Hao that the vague opinion is that this thing does not help Sun Hao’s deity. If he does not, it will erode Sun Hao’s deity and is not suitable for Sun Hao.

The purpose of Sun Hao is not the undead crown. Naturally, it is not so much in the heart. After expressing that he does not have any idea of ​​having an undead crown, he casually asks where he should go and how to find the undead crown.

After Sun Hao’s verbal commitment, and after Sun Hao expressed his willingness to help him win the crown of God, the undead king told him how to win the undead crown.

The crown of undead is hidden in the Red Crescent, and it is harder to win than to win.

The half-dead and undead monsters inside the magic cave let the undead kings talk about the color change. If the interests are not big enough, the undead king said that he would not go to drowning.

The Red Moon Magic Cave is hidden among the unknown mountains. It is a towering tower of undead. I don't know how big it is. I don't know where the great mountains are.

The abdomen of the mountain is completely hollow, and inside is the Red Moon Magic Cave. That is to say, the Red Moon Magic Cave is actually a special space hidden in the undead domain.

To go to the Red Crescent, you must pass the Black Gate.

The gate of the Black Day is a very strange place in itself. Here, it is the only place in the undead domain that can see the sun in the sky, but the color of the sun itself is a kind of dark light that is destroyed.

Therefore, the undead monk called this the gate of the dark.

The Gate of the Black Day does not know where it exists, and the monks of the Undead Protoss can reach the gate of the Black Sun through special channels.

After coming out of the gate, the monks will be arranged in different scenes according to their races. Therefore, after the monks of each race come in, they will appear in different parts.

That is to say, if a monk wants to enter the Red Moon Magic Cave through the Black Gate, he will eventually appear in various passages according to his race. As long as he is inside a deep cave, he will have the chance to meet other undead monks.

That is to say, if Sun Hao and the Undead King advance and retreat, they must rely on their own strength to reach the certain parts of the Red Moon before they can meet allies.

Undead King also explained to Sun Hao the basic situation of the Red Crescent.

The Red Crescent is said to be a special space formed after the war of the year. There is a lot of energy in it. Sometimes, the energy is quite strong and quite irregular. The result will have a very negative impact on the monk.

According to the interpretation of the Undead King, the means that the monks were able to use in the most fierce areas of the past battles were greatly limited.

Such an area is almost full of the Red Crescent.

Differentiating from the different degrees of restriction, it is roughly divided into three types. The saying of the Undead King is actually a classification based on the magnitude of the suppression force.

In the first-level banned area, the ban on law is the strongest. After the monks enter, they can only display the extremely low energy level, which is almost the spell level from the refining period to the base period.

Among such areas, the undead monsters in the Red Crescent Cave are extremely strong, and the skin is thick and hard. When most methods are banned, dealing with these undead monsters can be a huge problem.

In the second-level banned area, the ability to ban the law is weaker. After the monk enters, he can display some spells with a slightly higher energy level. The culmination is the Yuan Ying period spell.

Finally, it is a relatively easy-to-use, three-level banned area with the largest area. This banned area can use a spell with the highest level of spells.

However, this area is also the most dangerous.

The danger is that the active undead monster or the semi-dead monster has some attack effects with the For example, paralysis, this is a kind of poisoning effect attack, there is a strange person in the Red Moon Cave. Face spider, will fly, very fast, after being shot by its tail needle, there is a great chance that whether you are poisoned or not, you will enter a paralyzed state, can not move, can only survive and attack.

For example, tearing, a law that destroys the effect of judging an attack, a huge black-skinned corpse, a pair of big pliers, hit by it, there is a great chance of tearing effect, some tearing The cracking effect will cause the monk to open the skin, but if it is torn to the key parts of the arm and head, it is a disaster.

There used to be a savage old ancestor who ran to the Red Crescent Cave. He was torn to the soul of the soul by the black skin corpse. The result was directly abolished and fell into the magic cave.

In a word, this is a very dangerous place. If you go to jealousy, you need a weak courage.

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