Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2293: Cohesive earth

Chapter 2933

I am actually a little prince!

Sun Hao is a little bit crying and thinking, if he is a prince, it should be the old prince of the frog, not the little prince!

However, after sensing the mental state of Miha, Sun Hao’s heart was a little bit open.

Really not, then only according to the idea of ​​the undead king, borrow the financial resources of the ancestors to photograph the source crystals that they need.

After all, for yourself, a high-quality source crystal is a must, and Miha is just a few Taoists, and will take her a ride in the future.

Well, yes, take her a ride in the future.

Thinking in my heart, Sun Hao feels suddenly and cheerful.

The strength and financial resources of the zombie in the undead domain should be enough to crush other big families, and it should not be a problem to photograph the source crystals that they need.

Sun Hao has already seen the ranking of the auction, at least three of which are source crystals. From the auction position alone, there is no doubt that the auction name of “St. Yuan Jing”, which is ranked in the finale position, has the highest value.

According to the data of the Undead City, the source crystals within the undead domain are divided into different levels according to the conditions of their generation.

From low to high, the order is ordinary source crystal, high-grade source crystal, top source crystal, Wang Jing, Shengjing and Shenjing.

Sun Hao's current blood crystal should be the high-grade source crystal, and Sun Hao's own generated crystal should be the top source crystal.

In fact, according to the records, Wang Jing rarely appears above, and Shengjing is a rare rare thing in the millennium.

As for Shen Jing, the gadget is only in the legend.

The generation of source crystals is very interesting.

According to the data, even the lowest embarrassing, it is possible to generate Holy Crystal or Shenjing!

The most powerful bone dragon or dragon dragon may also generate only ordinary source crystals.

The grade standard that distinguishes the source crystal is not the amount of its energy content, but the exact purity of the source crystal itself, and its own degree of condensation.

However, it is this kind of difference. Sometimes, the value of a good crystal is likely to be quite limited.

For example, ordinary zombies give birth to the Holy Crystal. Because of its relationship, the energy of the Holy Crystal cannot be strong. Even if the absorption and digestibility of the Holy Crystal is higher, the effect may be limited.

Many things in the undead domain are hard to understand, such as the division of the source crystal grade, Sun Hao feels not very reasonable.

But the monks within the undead domain are used to it.

Also, the finale in the undead domain is not the last auction.

The finale in the undead domain is the penultimate auction.

These are all slightly different from Sun Hao’s usual cognition. If you can’t get to the undead domain, you have to follow the customs and follow suit.

In addition to the holy source of the finale, the 60th auction is also a source crystal, the name is very strange "pure yin".

Look at the name, it should be a source of pure yin attribute, but with a residual word may be flawed.

However, as far as Sun Hao knows, the source crystal can't be destroyed. Once it is destroyed, the source energy will be completely emptied. How can there be a residual crystal?

Sun Hao also wants to know why this is?

The third source crystal is in the forty-fifth position, and the level has reached the level of the king. However, because it only writes the level, it does not write the source crystal of the ethnic condensation, so I don't know its value for the time being.

The city of immortality is the holy city of the zombie. The general is the largest auction house of the zombies. The things that can be auctioned here are all extraordinary things.

As the auction progressed, many things caused a lot of people to grab.

A few of them, Sun Hao is also very interested, but finally did not start, chose to stand by and watch, it is really shy, can not get so many pure Yin Ling.

After all, Sun Hao’s time is not short, and there are not many areas to go to. There are not many opportunities to get more resources.

If you don't want to take up too much money, you can't participate in the auction.

For example, the 30th auction, Yin Qi Yu Yulin, is a Sun Hao also heart-warming, can refine the spirit of the yin and cold spirit of the complex period.

The conditions for the formation of this thing are very harsh, and among the monks of the tribes are almost absolutely rare.

I did not expect to see a strain in the undead domain.

What makes Sun Hao more speechless is that this thing is called "pure yin ointment" in the undead domain. The monk of the undead domain has made this valuable medicine into a transparent pill, which is a kind of transparent pill. Aphrodisiac for aphrodisiac pregnancy.

Many second-generation monks among the undead protoss are produced by this method. The biggest characteristic of this second-generation monk is that he has a weak wisdom at birth and can embark on the path of practice more quickly.

In a sense, the value of this elixir to the undead is indeed not under the value of alchemy.

After all, the undead race is special, not a jealousy, or a zombie. It is too difficult to produce the second generation.

So this thing is also a fetish.

Moreover, there is only one kind of **** that can be used by the immortal monk after the system has completely changed.

Natural value is even city.

Sun Hao did not do it, but it did not mean that other people in this box were not tempted. Milohayou stood up and started bidding.

Miha pushed the waves on the sidelines.

Milohayou called the price of this thing to the old high!

When Sun Hao is a little speechless, he also understands it a bit. Miloha is afraid to use this help of the gods to give himself a baby.

Since she has such an idea, she can only follow her.

In the end, Milohayou took three large four medium-sized pure Yin Lingmai before he took the elixir.

The pure Yin Ling pulse itself is not as much as the spiritual pulse, even if it is the undead domain, it is also consumed faster than the speed of generation. Such a high price is really equivalent to an astronomical number, which can also be seen, Miloha You are really sincere.

While Sun Hao shook his head in secret, his heart was also a little gratified.

It is not clear that this elixir may become more valuable in its own hands, and there is no other way to increase the chance of pregnancy with Miloha.

Sun Hao acquiesced to Milohayou's practice and actively cooperated. Sometimes, some things, a wayward, it is not bad. At the height of Sun Hao, it is really not necessary to care about it. Miloha is happy. it is good.

If this thing has no effect, then at that time, Sun Hao will come back and find another way.

After the auction that made Sun Haoxin feel moved, the 40th auction was on the scene. This is a Sun Hao that I have never seen before, but the famous auction, condensed earth.

However, after seeing the condensed earth in the distance and feeling the smell of condensed earth, Sun Hao’s heart produced a very strange feeling.

Above the open big grave, a blonde zombie said aloud: "The condensed earth is one liter, the starting price, a small vein, please bid."

One liter of condensed earth! The starting price has reached a small pulse!

It is estimated that the transaction price will not be lower than that of Milohayou. The blonde zombies did not introduce the usage of the condensed earth, which is because the use of condensed earth in the undead domain is well known.

The so-called condensed earth, as the name suggests, is the earth material that is condensed by the yin.

The race of the undead domain is actually a race formed by the ghosts after death.

For the undead protoss, yin is the foundation of its own existence.

According to legend, the reason why the undead protoss will appear, the reason why it will appear in a special form after death, is also due to the condensed earth.

Because there is condensed earth to help gather yin, it is not undead.

Equivalent to this is the source of the birth of the undead.

When Sun Hao read the materials in the city of immortality, he read the condensed earth and expressed surprise at his magic. He expressed his surprise at the form of his existence.

In the human race, actually has a very concentrated and extremely low-concentration condensed soil. Its typical feature is that there is a place where there is condensed earth. If it is a mortal after death, it will be Produce a corpse.

The result is a drought or a zombie.

The human race far away from the classics of the "Divination of God" records: "There are people in the south, two or three feet long, and they are all on the top, walking like the wind, the name is famous. The country is seen as a drought, a thousand miles in the red. A dry mother."

According to legend, this drought is caused by the death of a dead one hundred days after death. The bodies of the dead who have become droughts and floods do not rot, the grass does not grow grass, the graves seep into the water, and the marmots will pick up water at home at night. Only when the drought is burned, will it rain.

Within the large ethnic domain, the probability of occurrence of droughts and floods is very small. According to the experience of the undead domain, it is that the quality of the condensed earth is not high and the concentration is not high.

This is from

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