Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2298: Brother-in-law (2)


The second two-eighth chapter brother-in-law is mighty (2)

Whether it is the last or the penultimate, the finale is a big show. It is a big show that must be able to keep the whole station and make people shine. ..

The last auction was revealed, and it immediately made one of the brightest.

This holy crystal will actually be a dragon crystal.

The quality is up to the holy level, and it is still the source of the abundant dragon crystal, no doubt, this is the real treasure.

Within the undead domain, there are two types of dragons, one is a bone dragon and the other is a dragon.

The bone dragon is a bone shelf, which relies on the fire of the soul to drive the whole body. It is characterized by high resistance to various spells.

The bone dragons within the undead domain are basically without the dragons. Most of the bone dragons are dragons that have been born after the death of the dragon, the bones are different, and the fire of the soul is not extinguished.

Every bone dragon is born, it is a party overlord, repaired as the most bone dragon, at least there is more than the robbery.

If the bone dragon produces dragon crystal, it is only possible within the fire of the soul. Once the dragon crystal is taken away, it means that the bone dragon is really broken up and becomes a bone slag.

The dragon is a ghost dragon. The soul and spirit of the dragon are not scattered, and eventually it is formed. In a sense, the dragon is actually the ghost of the dragon.

It is not easy for the dragon to appear. It must be super-powerful, with strong grievances or dragons that are missed, and finally have the chance to become a ghost dragon.

Its characteristics are exactly the opposite of the bone dragon. The huge soul can immunize most of the physical attributes of the attack, and it has the supreme power. When fighting, it can often let the opponent escape without fighting.

The Nether Dragon can also breed Longjing, which is similar to the inner dragon of the dragons that survive in the Wanzu.

No matter which kind of dragon, Longjing is a crucial thing, the chance of Longjing being born is quite small, because each dragon crystal means the fall of a dragon.

It is only in the auction house among the nine cities of the Holy City that it is possible to have an auction like Longjing.

A dragon crystal, starting price, a medium-sized spirit, each increase can not be less than a medium-sized vein.

After the auction began, Miha was a little bit smothered, and the price was too strong. The price was too high and it was overspending. Now there is really no money to continue.

I can only watch the show.

Long Shengjing, this can be the real phase crystal that can be used directly, and it is still the most anticipated by Sun Hao, and I always think that it is the best phase crystal.

Shenjing is not so good, even if it is Sun Hao some means, it is not necessarily able to consolidate the Shenjing, which may be quite a lot of variables.

If there is Longjing, Sun Hao will have no worries.

There was a faint smile on his face. Sun Hao whispered: "Mija, come on, I am optimistic about you, continue to help me shoot this dragon crystal, I have to fix it."

Miha grinned: "Sister, you are standing and talking, no pain, the old lady let me and my sister at most can spend ten large-scale spiritual resources, I have already overspend, this Longjing, sorry, this public can not participate Up..."

Public, well! This is another strange name for the undead domain.

Meaning the same kind of princess.

Sun Hao smiled and said in his mouth: "Nothing, this dragon crystal is bid by me, you just help me bid."

Mich's eyes are bright: "Is it ah? Brother, didn't you lie to me? Tell me, when do I start calling? How much can I call?"

Sun Hao took a sip of tea and said calmly: "When someone calls three large ones, you go directly to six. If someone raises the price later, you can boldly turn up. Just ask one, give me a shot of Longjing. Come down."

Miha squinted and eagerly tried, and said in his mouth: "Sister, this is what my brother-in-law asked me to call, so I won't blame me if you go bankrupt."

As I said, I also tried to do a big job.

Miloha swept Sun Hao and said with a sigh of relief: "Let you shoot, you can shoot, and there are so many nonsense."

The importance and rarity of Long Shengjing, Milohayou naturally knows that an important purpose of Sun Hao’s coming is Yuanjing. The dragon’s face is naturally, and he must fully assist Sun Hao to take it down.

In the past few years, she has also accumulated a lot. As long as she can win it, how can she go bankrupt?

He felt the thought of Milohayou, and Sun Hao Zhan smiled at her, did not speak, the heart of the jade, made Sun Hao feel very comfortable, of course, the auction, I hope to finally give her a surprise.

And this lively and sly little scorpion, when she got it, she was shocked.

The outside bidding quickly reached three large-scale veins.

Such a price is definitely not the end of Long Shengjing.

Therefore, the speed of bidding is still very fast, and the auction house does not have to announce it. Underneath, those graves are constantly playing new prices.

The number of bidding prices is rising rapidly.

At this time, Muha, who has been waiting for it, finally got the chance to start a strong shot: "Six large."

Small public is a small public!

Unusual shots, suddenly, a lot quieter on the field.

In the box, Miha giggled with a smirk. What he wanted was this kind of effect. If you don’t sing, it’s a blockbuster. It’s this.

The scene was slightly quiet, and the main shot finally caught the opportunity to speak: "Well, six large, small public lifts raise the auction price to six large, is there a higher price than this? Well, the predecessor bids seven large spirits Pulse, wow, this predecessor is stranger, it seems to be a hermit monk..."

The voice did not fall, Miha has already told her in advance according to Sun Hao, and began to show his side of the domineering side, and his mouth screamed loudly: "Ten large."

She did not directly double, but chose an integer to report it.

Ten big, this guy!

It is really a high price, and it is basically close to the real auction price of Long Shengjing.

The entire auction site was quiet again in an instant.

Ten large-scale spiritual veins surpassed the accumulation of many large families, and most auctioneers can only watch the drama.

At this time, it may be time for the real buyer to kill.

Mija's offer did not scare the real big family.

The sound of this time will be calmer, and it will no longer be a straw-clad screaming, but a low-speaking saying: "11 large-scale spiritual veins."

Not a medium-sized one, directly added a large one.

The drought is not followed by follow-up: "Twelve large-scale spiritual veins."

Michal widened his eyes and looked at Miloha, and lowered his voice and said to Sun Hao: "Brother, as far as I know, all the old sisters have accumulated together, but fifteen large veins, you are sure Continue to quote?"

Sun Hao smiled and glanced at Miloha, and said in his mouth: "Of course, I said, Longjing must win, but Miha, you will change the unit of measurement once again."

Michal: "What do you mean?"

She didn't understand it.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I remember that the most common hard currency in the undead domain seems to be condensed earth. So, how do you give me a smoldering earth directly?"

Condensed earth! Still a trip!

Miha is a bit dazed.

Milohayou whispered: "Xiaohao, if you condense the earth, you are afraid of a lot, and the value is more than 20 large-scale veins."

When the condensed earth is used as a currency, it can be the size of the standard 棺椁 size. Such a lot of condensed soil is not only more than 20 large-scale veins, but also has no price.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Nothing, I have so many things, Miha, you are going to report, if you can't do it, then come two..."

If you can't do it, then come two!

Is there so much?

Miha blinked, no matter what the three seven twenty-one, the mouth was crisp and shouted: "The old is a big pulse, this public move is already very impatient, so I bid for a sloppy earth."

A condensed earth?

The scene was quiet and quiet!

What is the concept of a condensed earth? That is, the undead monk can completely refine himself to be able to go in and practice at any time, and be able to run around, like a secret.

Since ancient times, there have been very few auction sites that use condensed earth as the auction currency. I didn’t expect to see it again this time. It’s really an eye-opener.

The voice of the second is passed over: " do you say about condensed earth?"

Miha said proudly: "Yes, you have the ability to continue to go up!"

I will cough twice: "No, I mean, or I will give you twenty, oh no, it is twenty-five large-scale veins to replace your condensate."

Miha hasn't spoken yet.

Drought without asking loudly said: "I will take 30 large-scale spiritual changes!"

Miha is a bit dumbfounded, looking at Sun Hao, said in his mouth: "Sister, you are too powerful, just take the shot, have let these two nephews forget what they are doing!"

This is from p://../b//26/26782/n.

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