Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2300: Tribal League

The second three zero chapter triad alliance

Sun Hao’s condensed earth has so many mountains.

Over the years, affected by the dying charcoal, a large valley of grass is not born, the yin is pressing, and the soil inside has become condensed.

Sun Hao brought the auction, and there were transactions to the red-haired zombies, all of which were condensed in the outer layer, giving the sisters of Nawei and Miloha, but the inner concentration was very high.

Condensed soil is not worthy of money in Sun Hao. It is not worth the money in the territory of the tribes, and the large spiritual veins are worthy of Sun Hao.

Reserve large-scale spiritual veins, which can promote the evolution of the condensate empty tower, or directly use it to enhance Sun Hao's real yuan cultivation.

Sun Hao's veins and branches are the most expensive consumers. The more the souls of Sun Hao are invested, the more rapid the growth of trees will be.

What height will Jianmu eventually grow? Sun Hao does not know at present, but there is no doubt that the resources of the spiritual resources are more and better.

Since the condensed earth is particularly valuable in the field of undead, then Sun Hao can change some out and exchange for some spirituality.

After completing the exchange with Nawei, Sun Hao’s participation in this auction is a profit.

Not only did he get the auction he wanted, but he also made a net profit of more than 100 large-scale threads, which is the result Sun Hao did not expect.

The monks have reached a certain height. With the increase of the south and the north, the knowledge has increased and the resources have increased. Many times, inadvertently, there are many treasures on the body.

This is the case of condensed earth.

However, Sun Hao’s stagnation of the chilly attribute resources obtained by the undead domain was not able to bring huge benefits to Sun Hao after being inferior.

After all, the undead gods and the nations have been fighting for years, and the monks who can come to the undead domain are really few and far between, and the monks who can bring back a lot of resources to cultivate resources may be unique.

I am happy to complete the transaction.

The auction has been interrupted midway, and the undead king ran away from everyone, and the last auction was successfully patted.

Nawei got a good quality condensed earth, and the bones and chins kept shaking, and it was very happy.

The bones of the bones of the mothers showed a smile that everyone could see, and they said: "Zombie, soul ancestor, since everyone is there, why not cooperate, discuss one or two, red hair and big blood Let's listen."

The red-haired zombies who are doubting Sun Hao’s identity and the **** stalemate look at Sun Hao.

Listening to the meaning of the ancestors, this guy is the soul ancestors?

However, among the undead domain, isn’t there only eight ancestors? Isn't the soul ancestor the hardest to appear?

It turned out that a soul ancestor was really alive with the ancestors and bones.

Miha had a big eyes and looked at Sun Hao with disbelief.

Here, she knows the origins of Sun Hao, and she knows that her brother-in-law is a great monk who is now a human race, but she can’t think of it, her brother-in-law is still the soul ancestors!

Is this a bit fake?

A human race monk actually ran to the undead domain, and gave it to the soul ancestor. How did the brother-in-law get it?


My eyes have already popped up with little stars. Miha thought: "Hey, the father has already given himself to his brother-in-law. Later, he is not a brother-in-law but a husband. Hey, shame, my sister said my brother-in-law..."

Sun Hao’s heart can perceive Michal’s current thoughts, and his feelings of sorrow and sorrow are in his heart. He quickly turned his attention away from her. Sun Hao faced his ancestors and said with a chuckle: “Well, choose a day instead. When we hit the sun, we can really discuss it. Next, how should we cooperate?"

The red hair and the big blood stabs look at each other and fall down to some extent, indicating respect for the three people in the air.

In the air, three ancestors stood side by side and began to discuss business.

Everyone is an ancestor. As long as there is no fundamental conflict of interest, it is easy to reach a cooperation intention.

The King of Undead first stated: "I want that thing, everything else is easy to say."

The bone ancestors smiled and looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said faintly: "I want to give priority to the treasures on the altar."

The ancestors nodded and said: "What I need is the parts of the old devil, the soul ancestors, are we not in conflict?"

Sun Hao did not say what to choose. If Sun Hao chose something from the old demon, the two would have contradictions.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The zombies and the ancestors need to be different from me."

The direction of your practice is different, and the nature of your needs is different. From the perspective of value, perhaps the crown of death is the most powerful treasure.

But for Sun Hao, the undead crown is not very important. On the contrary, the ancient star nucleus under the crown of the undead is the most necessary baby of Sun Hao.

As long as you get the ancient star nucleus, plus Longjing, Sun Hao can immediately start his own body Dan practice, complete the fit.

Jiuhe into the body, pointing to the Mahayana!

Look at the appearance of the ancestors, the red moon and the old devil, there are also things he must have.

The three-party goals are not contradictory and have a basis for cooperation.

Next, there are some general details of the cooperation.

This cooperation is an action, and it can be regarded as a loose alliance of the three tribes. The basic framework is set up first, and everyone will follow the plan to separate actions.

The opinion of the ancestors is: "Our tribes can marry first. Since the soul ancestors personally came to participate in the election of the small public sect, I want to pay attention to the marriage. I also sent Nawei, my thought is..."

Sun Hao is a bit speechless and wants to say that I actually got the wrong person and made a big joke!

The opinions of the ancestors have been raised.

The foundation of the tri-family alliance is that the ancestors of the ancestors Nawei and the Zhuang aristocrats became close relatives, and the soul ancestors also made a close relationship with the zombies. At the same time, Nawei and the soul ancestors made good friends, so they may become alien brothers, so the tribes will have The trend of the alliance.

This idea of ​​the ancestors is more cumbersome, and it involves some secrets such as the contract vows.

In short, once this marriage is successful, the three tribes have truly realized the basic alliance, and there are many effects.

The core point is that after the zombies have won the undead crown, the suppression and binding of the soul ancestors and the ancestors will be restricted by the covenant and will be correspondingly weakened.

It can be seen that the ancestors were very careful and prepared for this alliance.

In fact, among the Nine of the Undead Gods, the ancestors of the ancestors are the largest cannon foss race and the weakest race of the higher monks. The alliance may be the best choice for the Yi people.

The best races that the Yi people are looking for are the Zombies and the Souls.

Everyone is a low-level race, and their strengths are weak. It is just a group to warm up and advance together.

In other words, the strength of the high-ranking monks of the three tribes is inferior to that of other higher races. However, after the tri-family alliance, there are three ancestors, and no race, or even any two ethnic alliances, will be the opponents of the tri-ethnic coalition.

After the bones of the ancestors finished, the zombie laughed: "Oh, I think this is quite good. We can really use this method for the three tribes. The fate is connected, the common advance and retreat, the courage of the Red Crescent, OK, I agree, the alliance. One thing, getting married, this thing, in my undead city, I will handle it by hand, follow-up things, after the alliance, everyone will discuss again, soul ancestors, you have no opinion?"

Sun Hao looked at his ancestors and looked at Nawei, who had a look of hope. Then he looked at the shy look around him. In fact, Miha, who was happy inside, sighed at the bottom of his heart and said: "Yes, respectfulness is better than death. However, the ancestors and the ancestors, you need to know that although your age is light, your status is there. Afterwards, everyone will be on an equal footing, but don’t lean on me and sell old...”

Zombie: "Where can I? I dare not ask the soul ancestors to do things for me."

That is what he said, but Sun Hao immediately used his heart to perceive that this guy is thinking that "I will find two daughters to talk after I have something to do with my daughter. The eldest daughter can’t, look for the second child, the second child can’t do it, let the two daughters go at the same time, don’t believe it. Maybe you..."

It is the ancestor, and the table says: "Well, everyone talks about it, but Xiaowei is simple, and maybe he will help the soul in the future."

The tri-family alliance is basically formed.

The red-smoothed family, who happened to be in the meeting, became the best witness.

Seeing that Sun Hao is actually the soul ancestor, the drought and the lack of peace will completely eliminate the sound, and there is no arrogance.

This is the same as the existence of the zombies. They did not kill them on the spot. They were already kind enough. When the three ancestors were in the business alliance, they could not breathe.

I am afraid that the soul ancestors will remember them.

After a simple deliberation, the city of immortality began to be lively, and the ancestors passed down the order to "come and celebrate the two feuds and complete the beauty of the beautiful women in the family..."

This is from

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