Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2329: Sacrifice 00,000

Chapter 2329

The strength of a Jin Liuwei is indeed far less than a perfection.

Jin Liuwei's attack does not have the ability to lock. It is very suitable for a single match. The perfection of the gods can completely avoid the fine willow and directly attack the body of Jin Liuwei.

It can be said that if the battle is alone, Jin Liuwei will be defeated, and there are many ways to turn the gods into the air.

However, the number is more than one. Once Jin Liuwei becomes a soldier, a large number of fine willows can form an attack on the blockade space, but it is enough to make any gods and monks look tremble.

A Jin Liuwei is not an opponent of a **** monk.

One hundred, even one thousand, ten thousand Jin Liuwei may also be defeated to the same number of gods.

However, if more than 100,000 Jin Liuwei is on the top 100,000 soldiers, then Jin Liuwei will have the upper hand.

Once the number reaches a million-level confrontation, the God Warrior will definitely end the battle, there is no second possibility.

After reaching a tens of millions of levels of confrontation, it is not so easy for any race to cultivate an elite monk.

After all, the number is quite a lot.

Tens of thousands of elite warriors, in the virtual, that is the powerful elite of the first hundred races can be obtained.

Sun Hao was trained in the Red Crescent.

After all Jin Liuwei’s training was completed, Sun Hao ordered that the total number of 12 million Jin Liuwei Qi Qi raised his own gold plaque, aimed at the huge spider that helped Sun Hao practice hundreds of years of soldiers. The round volley, the big spider was completely shot into a transparent yin, in the sound of the thunder, collapsed in the ruins.

After the big spider was shot, Sun Hao got a magic scroll without accident.

This is the specialty of the ancient ruins of the third layer of the Red Crescent, and it is not known which ethnicity of the ancients is the singular ability.

The effect of this magic scroll is very peculiar. To be precise, it is to reduce the use of various spells, so that the spell can be mastered by lower-level monks and can be used by lower-level monks.

This point, Bianmu with Sun Hao's disciple and Miha has already been verified.

A total of twenty-one books of similar magic scrolls were collected by the side of the animal husbandry, including 13 of them, and eight of them.

The so-called down one is to lower the first-level use requirements; the second is to lower the second-level use requirements.

The one that Sun Hao got, the one that was searched from the old nest after killing the big spider, was the only one of the three magic scrolls that appeared in the ancient ruins.

Drop three! In other words, Sun Hao can be reduced by three times to use the spell.

This is down to three, but it is equivalent to a big step down directly! This effect is quite scary.

For example, Sun Hao’s death god.

This is originally a powerful, resurrection of the undead warrior's magic. The role of this kind of magic is to gather the yin of the undead, to ignite the origin of the undead, and to resurrect it.

To do this, the level of the spell is quite high, only extremely rare, the undead monk who has reached the level of distraction can master, and the spell level has reached the level of distraction accordingly.

Sun Hao’s death to death is for his own magical powers, coupled with Sun Hao’s strange snow and white crystals, allowing Sun Hao to use it in the third-level banned area of ​​the Red Crescent.

Now, Sun Hao has got a magic scroll of the third, and the most direct effect is that Sun Hao can use the death **** in the second-level banned area.

Deathkills can be used in the second-level banned area, so Sun Hao can cast spells in the Red Crescent, but it is really a lot.

This kind of reduction means that you can't apply the Wanjuan spell. If it can be applied, its value will be immeasurable. The effect is equivalent to reducing the monk's many spells from the angle of consumption to the level of the commander.

If possible, Sun Hao may even master the Mahayana level spells in advance!

Lowering the third is to directly drop a big order!

The value of this magic scroll produced in this ancient ruins is not low. The Red Crescent is dangerous, but each layer gives Sun Hao a lot of different feelings.

These special special tools also enabled Sun Hao's practice to open up new ideas and let Sun Hao's refining tools have a new direction.

The original refiner can also be refined like this!

After thinking for a long time, Sun Hao vaguely feels that this way of refining may involve the understanding of the avenue. After specialization, it will specialize and form a special refiner effect, which directly utilizes the power of the avenue.

Packing out the big spider and getting a strange three-reel scroll, Sun Hao is completely completing his own three-level training in the front of the Red Crescent.

As soon as the gods moved, Sun Hao let the monks around him stay away from the remains of the ancient city on the third floor. After they could not get close, they began to implement their next plans.

Sun Hao training, the purpose is not to dominate the Red Crescent.

Sun Hao training, the basic purpose is to use the pure Yin soldiers trained to strengthen their own Shenjing.

The technique of strengthening is the art of rituals passed down by the soul ancestors of the previous generation.

To say that it is a sacrifice, in fact, is to swallow the Yin soldiers to deprive them of their yin.

More than 10 million loyalty, not much wisdom, only know the battle of Jin Liuwei, row, row, standing in front of Sun Hao, looking at it, a huge momentum, became a golden ocean.

Looking at this prosperous military, Sun Hao suddenly felt a bit sad, or it felt a bit too cruel!

In order to be able to shape my own crystal, I need to turn my hand into a cloud, and sacrifice the millions of troops.

These Jin Liuwei are not much wisdom, they can only be regarded as war machines, but in any case, the number has reached tens of millions.

Looking at the thousands of golden willows, Sun Hao’s heart burst into a burst of sorrow.

once Upon a time? I have become the peerless demon who kills and wins only to cultivate mystery.

Can you really sacrifice your sacrifices and practice your own peerless crystal? Sun Hao was a bit dazed, and when it came to the end, Sun Hao looked at Jin Liuwei, who was like a golden sea. He suddenly didn’t know what he should do.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao thought quietly. After a long time, he floated up and gave a scream in his mouth.

Heart is hot and spicy!

Ruthless love is also good!

If you decide, you need to go forward and go forward. Jin Liuwei himself is born for his peerless gods. They themselves are the nutrients they cultivated with hard training. There is no reason to retreat at this juncture.

This is essentially different from the slaughter of civilians to refine the magic.

People raise pigs, they must not eat pigs!

Taking a long breath, Sun Hao stood up straight and his eyes were clear.

Of course, there is a fundamental difference between Jin Liuwei and the pigs who follow the South in the North War. Even if they want to sacrifice them, they need to give them glory and give them their immortal spirit.

Floating up, Sun Hao’s thoughts conveyed his will wave to the millions of Jin Liuwei.

Dear people, my sorrowful family is born in the spirit of the tomb, and is raised for the undead world. It is one of the nine protoss of my immortality. The long-standing ghost family, the great and heavy ghost family, was once the most powerful in this land. Owner.

At that time, our sorcerers, our Jin Liuwei, right, you, once shocked the entire domain.

Under the influence of Sun Hao’s will, the ten thousand Jin Liuwei burst into a sense of pride.

However, when time passes, once upon a time, my ghosts have become the bottom of the undead domain, being bullied by other races, being exploited by other races, and being squeezed by other races...

Perceived this passage, the heart of Jin Liuwei’s heart rushed to feel anxious and very unwilling.

Now I, the contemporary soul ancestor, pre-rate my sorrowful family once again rises from the domain of the gods, once again climbed the top of the nine protoss, but to achieve this step, my soul crystal, you must Complete the final evolution, because only then can we truly enhance the natural roots of my sorrowful family and enhance the true order of the ghosts...

This passage was handed down from the soul of the previous generation, not Sun Hao.

Tens of thousands of Jin Liuwei Qiqie rushed to look forward to it, as if they were meeting Sun Hao in the will, cheering loudly, expecting the soul ancestors to reach their wishes as soon as possible.

In Sun Hao’s thoughts, he slowly said: “To achieve this step, we need our sinisters to be united, especially if we need Jinliuwei to be one of the best, and to return to the source, Wanliu’s return to the soul, you need to bring the soul to my god. The crystal volume is one, you need to be a member of the soul crystal, and eventually become an integral part of my soul ancestor. "Now, my people, tell me, you are willing or not...

This is from

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