Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2333: Was light

The biggest difference between the fourth layer of the Red Crescent and the first three layers is that from this level, the nine races are all in one layer.

In theory, everyone has a chance to meet.

In other words, in addition to dealing with the half-dead monsters of the Red Crescent, the team is likely to encounter sneak attacks by other ethnic monks.

Some powerful races, such as the undead dragons, are often the nightmare of other races.

On the fourth floor of the Red Crescent, there is a huge difference to Sun Hao’s team, that is, there is no need to kill the spider endlessly.

The three layers of the Red Moon before the Yinshou family were given to the pear by Sun Hao. In addition to spiders and spiders, Sun Hao trained for two hundred years in front of the big spider. Everyone killed the spider for two hundred years. This is tired!

Thankfully, the fourth half of the Red Moon finally appeared a brand new half-dead monster.

At the entrance to the fourth floor, it is still surrounded by layers of semi-dead creatures, and there is no other race to kill the entrance to the ghost family.

This time in front of everyone is a batch of sharp heads with a pair of sharp corners, a shape like a zebra-like semi-dead creature, the tide is generally besieged to Sun Hao's troops.

With Jin Liuwei, the breakthrough is not particularly great for Sun Hao.

With Sun Hao came in about 10,000 Jin Liuwei, to withstand the pressure of the semi-dead creatures in front, Zhang Hao violently, less than ten days of effort, the surrounding semi-dead creatures were wiped out.

The fourth floor of the Red Crescent is already a secondary ban. Normally, the troops lost here cannot be compensated, but Sun Hao is not in this usual.

As long as he finds that his Jin Liuwei has suffered losses, Sun Hao is a death, and will soon be resurrected.

Without losing one soldier, Sun Hao led his team to advance into the fourth floor.

Behind Sun Hao, millions of troops rushed in and began to expand to the surrounding forces.

When Miha came in, he immediately drove the secret technique to start sensing the ancestors.

It is not easy to smash the Red Crescent Cave. The movement of any race is not too fast. Especially after the modern times, when every race smashes the Red Crescent, the first trick is to stabilize and stabilize.

At the same time, each race needs a certain amount of time to accumulate its own army.

But in any case, over the past few hundred years, many races have already killed the fourth floor of the Red Crescent, even the fifth floor. The fastest, it has already killed the sixth floor.

Mich quickly contacted the ancestors.

The first sentence of the ancestral gods is: "Thank God, little ancestors, you are finally here. I have been waiting for decades with the old bones. If we wait for ten years, we are going to break into five." Layered..."

For hundreds of years, Miha’s mentality has changed tremendously.

She was not aware of it, almost instinctively, she was helping Sun Hao to cover: "Daddy, no way, it takes a long time for him to be public."

In the past, if she did not do well, she would immediately say that Sun Hao needs to train and needs to practice secret techniques. Now, it is ambiguous to say that it takes so long.

The ancestral **** said in his mind: "I have done it. I know that the strength of the ghost family has not recovered. It is impossible to develop rapidly in such a short period of time. Well, come, just fine, you guys. How many soldiers are there?"

Miha said truthfully: "With me, a total of about five million."

The ancestors of the ancestors revealed their dissatisfaction: "Why is this so? Isn't that what you said? You have to do everything possible to save your troops. If you forget it, five million will be five million. It is better than nothing."

If it is in the past, Miha will definitely tell the old man that he is a very fierce and fierce army, especially the one million Jin Liuwei is so fierce.

But now, think of the account of the public, low-key!

OK, since the old man thinks that five million is not enough, then you will be shocked.

I didn't say that these five million are weak chickens, and that these five million are extremely powerful and excellent!

The ancestors knew that their baby niece was sloppy with their own eyes, and after a few words in the mouth, this strength was really enough. He said very eloquently: "Oh, that's it, you sense my direction, I feel Your direction, let's move forward together and get together as soon as possible."

Other ancestors have estimated that they have already reached the fifth floor of the Red Crescent.

Do not step up!

After Miha sensed the direction of the ancestors, he said to Sun Hao with a smile: "Xiang Gong, Dad expressed dissatisfaction with our progress. Right, it is regrettable that you only have five million sinister soldiers."

Sun Hao laughed.

The progress is a bit slow. This is normal. Sun Hao does not deny it, but Sun Hao feels that the strength of his army is not weak. Miha should also understand it.

However, what is interesting is that Miha certainly did not tell the truth about the ancestors and chose to play sloppy eyes.

This is really a girl's extroversion. Miha is pointing to herself and giving herself a cover.

Sun Hao did not deliberately conceal his meaning, but he did not want to be too out of the limelight. He did not want to be too high-profile, because Sun Hao’s purpose was to be an ancient star, not a crown of death.

In the direction of Michal induction, the team began to move forward quickly.

The road to explore is the force of the road.

To be precise, Sun Hao’s army is not only five million, but six million. The Yilu lights are the Tiangu soldiers. Today’s Tiangou soldiers have evolved to be invisible anywhere, even Sun Hao. Without careful observation, you can only perceive anomalies in the air, not knowing what those surging ones will be.

Because in a hurry, Sun Hao did not work hard to move forward, and directly took his own Jin Liuwei to follow the Tengu, and advanced forward.

There are countless half-dead creatures in the four layers of the Red Moon. Each and every individual is powerful and has little wisdom, but there are often many special abilities, such as breaking the defense, such as force. A powerful semi-dead creature like a big infinity.

However, under Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei, no semi-dead creature can be close to the surrounding area of ​​the Sun Hao army. Most of the semi-dead creatures have not yet perceived the enemy and have been shot in a thin willow.

Millions of troops are like torrents, rolling forward.

The fourth layer of the Red Moon is the land where the nine communities gather. In the field of undead gods, there is such a saying that the four layers of the Red Crescent are three-five, and the four-storey land is three times the sum of the nine communities.

The meaning is that the area of ​​the fourth floor of the Red Crescent is extremely large and may not be much weaker than a large domain.

According to the situation of the human race, this is quite horrible. With the body of Sun Hao’s Dapeng Golden Wings, it takes a short time to fly through the Terran. If you want Sun Hao’s troops to run through the Red Crescent. Layer, this time is afraid of being short.

But if you think about it, you will understand that millions of troops have invested in the fourth floor of the Red Crescent. It is like a black dot on a piece of white paper. The area of ​​the fourth floor of the Red Moon can be imagined.

This time, Sun Hao did not detour and went straight to the direction of the zombies.

The distance between the two sides was not short. Sun Hao led the troops to rush for two years, which gradually slowed down the speed of action and approached the troops of the zombies.

After a few days, there was an unforgettable scene in front of Sun Hao’s team.

The endless white ocean appears on the horizon, and the overwhelming skulls come out layer after layer...

At first glance, the front is covered with a layer of snow, a white snow.

It’s all warriors, and the number doesn’t know how many warriors there are. Seeing the scale of this kind of warrior, Sun Hao finally understood a little bit why the ancestors regret that their number of teams is not enough.

Indeed, but in terms of quantity, this team of its own can be neglected.

Seeing this overwhelming warrior, Sun Hao realized for the first time that the undead protoss have a natural advantage over the Wan people. For example, the Yi people, each of their members are warriors, and basically do not need to supply ~www. won't make any garbage, can participate in the battle at any time...

This number is really scary.

The three tribes meet, and Sun Hao’s millions of troops are like the Yangtze River flowing into the sea, and they are drowned silently.

Seeing the ancestors and ancestors among the elite troops, Sun Hao felt that if the two of them had taken a fancy to their top-level combat power, it is estimated that they had already left their own advances to the fifth floor of the Red Crescent.

Because it is the relationship between Sun Hao and Lao Zhang, the ancestors speak a lot of random: "I said the soul ancestor, why didn't you gather together?" This is the biggest capital of our red moon..."

Sun Hao gathers out the souls that are all ghosts! How can it be gathered together?

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