Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2346: Strange things


The two ancestors were careful, but they led the team quickly through the wells of Huangquan. ↑△小↓△..]

Under the ground, unknown monsters emerge from time to time as if they are threatening.

The ground is still shaking fiercely from time to time, as if the monsters on the ground are going to make a big noise.

The two ancestors were a little scared. The things on the ground are definitely not good things. There is absolutely a flaw in the Huangquan Well. If the monsters on the ground are rushing up, it is estimated that no one has a good life.

In this fearful day, I came safely.

The large team had completely passed through the dangerous area, and the rest were some tail soldiers. Some soldiers who had dispersed because of the topographical differences gradually followed in twos and threes.

The organization of these soldiers is very disciplined, the speed is not fast, and the number can be quite a lot. The two ancestors counted the team while waiting patiently.

At this point, what surprised them was the very thing that happened.

After spending the Yellow Springs well, the team’s losses are not big? The strength of the loss of the two ancestors did not reach 10%? When did the Jedi Huangquan Welljing speak so well?

According to the data, when I met Huang Quan’s well, the ancestors did not lose more than 30% of their strength. But this time everyone’s losses are so small?

Not only that, Huang Chuanjing, there are still soldiers returning to the team, looking from afar, perception, there are still many.

That is to say, this time I came to Huangquan Well, everyone’s loss is not too big. How can this be?

The two ancestors were very surprised! It feels very unexpected.

No one can give them an answer. Nawei said that many things may be rumored to be rumors. When it is not true, what is the actual situation? Only when you know it.

Nawei does not think how terrible Huang Quanjing is! The two ancestors knew that because they had been there when they were young, they had suffered once and suffered heavy losses, and they almost did not fall into it.

How is this Huangquan Well is not normal?

After Miha waited for his father's elite, he had already sneaked back to meet the soul ancestors.

Zangzu expressed understanding, but also expressed gratitude, this baby gimmick, married or still thinking about himself, the zombie army can lose very little, it really has the daughter's credit.

Now that the Zombies are safe, Miha should be rushing to accelerate the troops of the Soul. I hope that the troops of the Souls will not lose much.

However, the soul ancestors have a little strength in total, and it is entirely possible that one brain will be swallowed by Huang Quanjingjing, hoping that he will not be so unlucky.

The two ancestors thought that the strength of the soul ancestors actually had little effect on the war situation, as long as the soul ancestors had nothing to do.

Huang Quan’s well-killing is very powerful, but as long as the strength reaches the distraction, he pays a little attention and does not rush into the Huangquan well, but it is relatively safe.

Miha did return to Sun Hao, and the way to come back was quite simple and quick. He was on the same door and came back with a hurry.

When she came to Sun Hao, Sun Hao had already killed the worms on the ground, and the team was already cleaning the battlefield.

What Miha saw was piled up like a mountain, and a big mouth was like a deep hole, and it fell into a huge monster deep in the ground.

Sun Hao has just found a weapon that looks very powerful from within the body of the monster.

A silver gun, a length of one foot and two sizes, the tip of the gun is silvery, the chill is sturdy, the mouth of the gun is thick, and there seems to be a silver dragon running on it.

The Red Moon Magic Cave should be the place of the war of the year. There are many magical ancient treasures inside, but these treasures are guarded by the powerful beasts in the Red Crescent Cave, giving the stranger the unique ability.

This is the case with the broken hammer, and the same is true of the phoenix-winged gilt. Now this silver gun does not know what powerful effect it has.

In the well of Huang Quan, the bag has the greatest credit, and the bag has never had a weapon for picking up the hand. This gun is just equipped for him.

The wrist flicked, the silver gun flashed, the gun head seemed like a roar, and a silver dragon shook out with a hand, just banging and plunging into the distance.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Bag, this gun is good, it will be used for you."

In the case of a big battle, it was a very tired pink octopus. Standing on Sun Hao’s shoulder, I heard Sun Hao’s words, and suddenly I smiled, and a few small wrists waved together, as if Welcome in clap your hands.

Miha saw the little octopus dancing, and she was very curious. This was the first time she saw such a small creature. She couldn’t help but say: "Wow, Xianggong, this is your spiritual pet. It’s too good. Wow, I didn't expect you to raise these ornamental pets. Hey, let me play for a few days?"

Bianmu was on the side and called: "Silly big sister, you are wrong. You look like this in front of you, but a big guy, right, bag, you have to become a meat dumpling, everyone still wants Continue to run, there are still many dead creatures in the Yellow Springs well that have not been destroyed!"

Packer figure grabbed the silver gun with eight tiny brachiopods, which seemed to be very clumsy and waved very hard.

The shape of the small octopus waving silver gun once again makes Miha look at the stars, it is just too good.

The Bauc map perceives the deep interest in Miha's eyes, and suddenly there is a bad feeling in his heart.

If this is the teacher, she wants to be a pet. What can I do? No, I have to quickly dispel her thoughts.

Flying quickly, the silver gun in his hand, Bao Ketu's small body flicked into the air, and his body screamed. The body rose with the wind. In less than a moment, it has become a huge, eight-legged waving, like a hill. .

Miha had a big mouth and an incredible expression on his face.

Bianmu Wang screamed: "This is its original appearance, telling you, this is the hegemony of the sea, the eight-legged deformation of the king, Wang Wang, know that it is amazing."

The packer figure is also nonsense, and the eight-legged one roll forms a huge meat mass and steadily stops in front.

Here is the nest of thousands of worms that everyone has destroyed. The ground is big enough, and the gram diagram is in the heart. So, what appears in front of everyone is a giant ball.

Sun Hao smiled and threw a heavy weight on the body of Bao Ketu. He said to Miha in his mouth: "Millet, this is the Bao Ketu, my contract beast, repaired as not under you, but not what to watch. Sexual pet."

Miha stunned and giggled.

The big meat mountain in front of you can be eccentric!

Under the command of Sun Hao, several disciples moved together and screamed, pushing the gram to start rolling in the well of Huangquan.

Seeing such a wonderful way of moving forward, Miha felt more interesting. Followed by the team, his mouth giggled and rolled all the way.

The big meat ball is over, no matter what, all the way.

Within the well of Huang Quan, a straight hoistway was directly emptied by the big meat ball. It is still the same method of warfare. When encountering a bone shelf or a lot of zombie skin, Sun Hao throws out a death god.

And Sun Hao’s own troops, always in the sky above Huangquan’s well, went into their own rolling progress and slowly drifted to the opposite side.

Without the sudden devour of the Thousand-Warn worm, the gloomy army that can float has no danger of falling down the Yellow Well, and it is unscathed all the way.

It was almost the shore of Huangquan's well, and Sun Hao came out with the team from the inside. If he returned to the team without any problems, he would be able to catch up with the two ancestors.

When Sun Hao returned to the team, he found that the two ancestors were very surprised to count the battle damage.

This time, it is really too unexpected.

Miha knows what is going on, just don't say, hey, Miha is now most interested in how to make that little boy become a small octopus to play for a while, is it really too good?

The surprise of the two ancestors reached the apex.

The troops of the soul ancestors were unscathed. Of course, the total number of soul ancestors was so little that they did not encounter a particularly strong devour, and did not lose normal.

The key is that your troops are too surprised.

With the follow-up soldiers gradually returning to the team two ancestors accidentally discovered that the entire battle damage is not even more than a million, and most of them are some warriors with little fighting power.

Such losses are relative to their huge army, relatively thirty bones, it is really a hair!

How is the loss so small? It’s too evil, people can’t believe it.

The memory of the zombie is good. In the statistics, I was suddenly surprised to see a tall, zombie warrior who came afterwards!

If he is not mistaken, this zombie warrior should have fallen into the well of Huang Quan, but now he actually returned to the team...

Looks like, this kind of elite is still quite a lot! Have you climbed from the Huangquan Well? Zangzu began to ask what happened to these wooden mind bags! . . .

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