Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2348: Have a lot of power

There are too many corpse witches, the level is too high, and the situation is not open. The army has been a dead one in the past.

After deliberation, the two ancestors decided to go into battle personally, plus Miha's little zombies, to go to the road.

Under the command of the ancestors, Sun Hao also took in with the monks around him.

Just appeared on the sixth floor, Sun Hao suddenly felt a shock, the poisonous gas bomb exploded in front of him, almost at the same time, in the dark underground space, there was a large cloud of dark green gas.

That was formed after the corpse attack.

As soon as the gods swept out, Sun Hao suddenly found the hills on the opposite side of the hill, standing full of the sorcerer with the staff, looking at it, endless, a little bit of the meaning of the bones, the number does not know much.

These corpse witches are now killing the six-story entrance area, and a large number of gas bombs are broken and attacked the entrance.

Countless attacks have fallen on the body, and those who are weaker can't hold back.

Bianmu a dead dog hiding behind Sun Hao, his mouth screamed: "I rely, no, so far fart! I also served..."

Bao Ketu stood next to Sun Hao and covered his face with his hands. He said, "This is called a gas bomb, not a fart."

Bianmu: "Almost, it's almost the same, stinky dog, it's really stinky."

Think of the magical sense of the pastoral, Sun Hao could not help but laugh, this guy smells sensitive, it is estimated that the gas bomb really makes it uncomfortable.

The sorrowful screamed: "Mija, throw the little guy over."

Miha snorted, waiting to get the little guy, suddenly found that the little zombie was looking at himself with tears at this moment, a pair of fearful look, a pair of small hands tightly grasped his shoulders, life and death May the past.

Miha was a little hesitant and couldn't bear it!

Sun Hao discovered the state of Miha, could not help but laugh, and stretched out his hand, pulled the little guy down, rolled his arms and threw it forward.

The little zombies danced and danced involuntarily, like a cannonball, passing through the poisonous gas layer and smashing into the corpse.

In the middle of the air, the little zombie screamed with a huge roar, and before he landed, he became a big zombie in steel, roaring in his mouth, wielding a thick arm, and smashing it.

The tiger enters the wolves, and the steel zombies continually swing their arms and quickly harvest the corpse around them.

Every kill can kill many sorcerers.

At this point, the ancestors and the sacred ancestors looked at each other, and both of them broke out loudly. The bodies of the two men also instantly became taller, and he took a big step on the ground and rushed forward.

There are too many corpse witches, they need to help the little zombies, or they don't know how long it takes to really open the six-story entrance and stand firm.

Sun Hao stood in the back of the team and watched the new fighting state of the ancestors and the ancestors, and the heart could not help but shine.

At the time of the squad, the two ancestors had been confronting the team, and they rarely did it.

This time the situation is special, and they are not allowed to hide.

At this time, the ancestors were more than ten feet tall, and the whole body was flashing purple and purple. Waving a huge bone gun in his hand, rushing to the past, a shot down, also sweeping a large piece.

The ancestors were stronger, and they were transformed into a behemoth that was taller than the ancestors. They waved a large mace in their hands. In the violent roar, the mountain rushed to the moon and swiftly rushed to the corpse.

The two ancestors, together with a large steel zombie, suddenly became chaotic in the corpse.

The monks and other monks who followed the zombies and the ancestors came in, no less than twenty distracted powers roared, and took the opportunity to cover the past.

Most of the monks in the undead domain are thick and thick, which is also a typical feature of the undead. Nowadays, it is also the fighting style of their characteristics.

In contrast, the monks around Sun Hao, both in terms of quantity and strength, seem to be weaker.

On the battlefield of the corpse, the most powerful is the king of death.

High and high, the big bang slammed down, the bang, the ground shook, the huge shock wave spread to the surrounding, the corpse around him was shaken to the ground, a stick down, a hundred meters The corpse witches were all killed by the earthquake, and the number was nearly a thousand.

The bone ancestor's bone gun is completely another way of fighting. When the gun is out of the dragon, a stroke is attacked, and a tornado is rushed out in the sky. The corpse that rushes in will be rolled up in the air and turned into a powder. .

The most special is the steel zombies, sweeping, kicking, or simply sitting on a large piece, each attack seems to be an instinctive action.

Powerful and powerful.

Sun Hao stood on the side and quickly judged the situation in his heart.

After the two ancestors went out of battle, they were assisted by the big steel zombies, and the lethality of the semi-dead creatures increased. Together with the monks behind them, they should be able to support longer time.

However, the number of corpse witches is too much, and the strength is strong enough. Sun Hao’s desire to stand on the sixth floor is likely to take a lot of time.

If you don't work well, you have to be distracted and distracted to achieve your goals.

Among the corpse witches, there is a more powerful corpse witch, which is the evolution of the corpse witch, with a more powerful attack effect. They are not only strong in overall combat capability, but also have the initial strength to resist the distraction.

During the fierce battle, the two ancestors had to lend a helping hand to their distraction. In order to avoid accidental injuries, their attacking actions also converge slightly, and correspondingly, the killing effect is greatly reduced.

If you follow this speed, you won't be able to get back to it.

This is also a no-brainer. The powerful assault is already the most powerful way to break the door. Usually, if it is not a last resort, it will not be so. If you are not careful, you will lose a few distractions. That is race. The huge loss will directly affect the outcome of the subsequent battle.

Looking at the battlefield, Sun Hao’s thoughts will say to several monks around him: “You all come up with your own true skills, go up and help, it’s estimated that someone is engaging in ghosts, so don’t give too much to the secret person and beat me. Yes, Ogawa, you also come in to fight..."

Sun Hao’s personality is mostly in the future, and does not deliberately express his own fighting ability. After entering the fourth floor of the Red Crescent, he is also quite low-key.

But it does not mean that the shot will not be shot.

The few distractions around Sun Hao have long been eager to try, they are also a skill, I really want to participate in the war! I really want to show my hand.

After all, after coming in, the guys of the bones and the zombies were higher than the top, and they were not able to see the monks of the ghosts.

I have already breathed a sigh of relief!

Sun Hao gave a loud order, and several monks around him shouted loudly: "Okay! Received!"

Sun Hao will be the soul of the soul, the monks around will also be, this time are coming to cultivate the ghost, but it does not mean that they only have an incarnation of the ghost.

After Sun Hao’s speech, there was a huge change in the battlefield.

The most powerful sound is the easy road light, the body vacated, the easy road lights roaring in the sky, leaping forward, when the body landed, it has suddenly turned into a height of more than ten feet, more than 20 feet Long, a big mouth, two huge horrors of thick and big feet!

Sun Hao rarely asked his disciples about the practice of the disciples. At this time, the horror of the phobias of the Yi Lu lights was not brightened. The impression of the horror to Sun Hao was too deep, the power was infinite, the spells were invalid, and the attack was powerful.

The terrain of the Red Crescent Cave is extremely violent to attack, and the road lights begin to sprint, and slammed into the army of the corpse. The poisonous gas bomb fell on his body, as if the water splashed, and it did not have much influence.

The huge and violent horror passed, and the corpse witch turned upside down and was straight out of a straight passage.

The momentum of the packer figure is not much weaker than the easy road light, but his attack method is a bit of a sneer.

Packertu appeared in the deity, a hill that was not much weaker than the steel zombies appeared in front of the corpse.

The huge octopus has eight arms, one of which is above the arm, and it has a huge, no-pound, silver-plated rifle. The eight-legged force is used, and the long-gun is swept forward. It is very different from the bone ancestors.

At the same time, Bao Ketu’s rifle was at the same time. Actually, eight wrists and a pair of wrists shot a shot, and in front of him, a silver gun shadow.

In the end, is it that eight guns attack at the same time? Or did eight hands take one shot per hand in turn?

Sun Hao clearly saw that the Bauc map is actually eight wrists and shot backwards, which shocked forward, but this speed is too fast, and the gun used to go to the wrist is completely irregular, so it seems that eight wrists are at the same time. Sprinkle a silver gun shadow.

Bags and easy road lights have shown the stunt of the bottom of the pressure box, that is, do not know what kind of stunts Xiaoyu Feitian will be?

Xiaoyu Feitian is a flying monk. In a sense, it is more difficult than a bag and an easy road lamp. Wouldn’t it be too weak?

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