Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2362: Bone ancestor

Seeing the goal of the undead crown, Sun Hao couldn’t help but shrink.

There is no mistake in the undead crown, and the Lich family is really in a state of great power.

Imagine that if Sun Hao puts aside the soul, if he does not ask for the quality, he will kill it from the layer of the Red Crescent. Under the hand, it will have gathered together as many soul soldiers of the bones.

Sun Hao remembers that the success rate of Andre Vina's soul gathering is super high, and its ghosts are all corpse witches.

Then the number of the corpse may be quite scary.

Andrew's choice of arms, the price is quite high, the corpse itself is the highest among the middle ranks, and it is the only long-range strike unit in the undead domain, training is quite easy.

In the darkness, Sun Hao did not perceive the specific circumstances of Andrei's majesty, but according to Sun Hao's guess, there may be several corpse army in the number of bones.

If it is true, then it is completely normal to choose Andrevi.

Only the next battle scene is a bit out of Sun Hao’s surprise.

After the selected Great Lich went up, the number of corpses behind him was not too much, only a few million.

Opposite, the number of undead dragons is not much, only less than 10,000.

However, the tens of thousands of undead dragons have come together. The huge body has already appeared in the sky-covered scene. From a distance, the black is crushed.

After the battle started, it was completely one-sided.

The 10,000 undead dragons rushed into the corpse army very quickly, sweeping their mouths, sweeping three times and fives, and ending the battle in less than an hour.

The battle plate determined that the Dragons won and they started to take off.

The defeated big lich was silent, without any expression, and did not say a word, returned to his own line, quietly watching the next battle of the battle.

This beating is very strange.

The undead dragons simply did not bother to win the victory. This has been very rare since history.

Every time the undead battle is opened, it is the kind of battle scene that is endless and fierce.

Even if it is an undead dragon, there is no such thing as a large-scale war damage in the war. If you don’t say it far, you will say that the last Red Crescent is open, and the undead dragons are not dead knights, a bad battle, and the powerful undead dragons lose more than Ten thousand.

This time, the tens of thousands of corpse symbolically resisted it. Only the killing of less than ten undead bone dragons was wiped out.

The ancestors slowly said alongside Sun Hao: "Isn't the strength of the undead dragons too strong, the undead crown is invincible, and the weakest party is chosen as the opponent?"

Looking at the big lich who stood in the air and was silent, Sun Hao shook his head and said: "No, it should be that the Lich family did not contribute, hiding the real forces. Don't forget, they have two big lichs. Only some of the soldiers are sent to play, and the descending force is reserved for the next big lich who plays."

The bone ancestors said a little, and said: "Well, is it possible? The soul ancestors mean that the Lich family has the fighting strength of the undead dragons? So who will be his next opponent?"

Sun Hao nodded slightly and said in his mouth: "The ancestors don't forget the corpse army that we encountered on the road. If I didn't expect it, those sorcerers should be left by the Lich family to consume our troops. Army, I guess, the next big lich's opponent may be the ancestor, you need to be careful when you get there."

The ancestors opened their bones and mouths, and looked at them. They immediately understood that the army he brought this time was really strong enough. Fourteen bones added himself to the essence of his own bones, and then counted himself. The combatant's combative blessing is estimated to be very likely to be judged as the most powerful side, in the next game against the big lich.

Nawei opened her mouth and said, "I said Xiaohao, I think it might be your team. Your strength is also very strong."

Sun Hao looked at him and smiled and said: "The total number of my army is only a few million. The possibility of determining my strongest is relatively small. Hey, Xiao Wei, you should not expect me to be a shield."

Nawei touched her nose in a depressed mood.

In the sky, the second battleboard is in place, but looking at its size, it is even smaller than the battlefield of the ancestors. Obviously, in the judgment of the undead crown, the order of entering the undead altar is still under the sacred ancestors. .

The undead dragon ancestors saw the size of the battle plate and snarled twice in the air.

The faces of the remaining ancestors of the Nine Protoss showed a smile, and there is no doubt that this time the undead dragons are yin.

The Great Lich retains its strength, and the strength of the troops is seriously insufficient. The number of sacrifices in this battleship is seriously inferior to that of the first battle. The judgment is naturally the result.

There is no emotion in the undead crown, and it will not give any special treatment to the undead dragon, and it will start to slowly rotate.

This time, the two beads were once again gleaming, a white pearl illuminates a white brilliance and falls on the bone ancestor, while the other jewel has illuminated a gray brilliance and falls on the body of the dead god.

The bone ancestors sighed a little, and the bones of the bones swayed, and Sun Hao saw the smile of the guy's smugly smug.

Immediately, Sun Hao heard the ancestor said: "The soul ancestor, congratulations, the last big lich let you enjoy, the ancestors' opponents became a big death, hahaha, I really want to know, in the end is your Jin Liuwei Powerful? Or the opposite of the Lich army is even more horrible, it will not be directly flooded by your Jinliuwei?"

Nawei patted Sun Hao’s shoulder and showed a sympathetic expression on his face. He said, “Xiaohao brother, congratulations, you really gave me a shield.”

Sun Hao feels a little depressed and touches his nose, but he knows that in his heart, in the judgment of the undead crown, he and the lich should be an opponent. It is really a joke on the two bone shelves. .

The big **** of death floated in the air and looked at the ancestor. He said coldly in his mouth: "Old bones, you will not die like a zombie, let me die with my family?"

Under normal circumstances, the ancestors and the ancestors will concentrate their troops and die once in each battle. This time, the ancestors smashed the undead knight. In theory, the ancestors did not have extra troops to fight the dead. .

But that is usually the case, this time is really special.

The ancestors shook their bones and screamed and said with a smile: "The big **** of death, I don't think you have anything terrible. Don't think that wearing a cloak to cover your face is very embarrassing. I don't want to eat your bones." , Langer, bright debut, dying this guy..."

Rows, piles, pieces... white, neat bones, boarded the battle, this number! Let the ancestors of the nine protoss of the war, Qi Qi, take a breath.

Is it a bit too much!

The total number has reached fifteen bones. How could this be? This time, the two ancestors and the ancestors, how can you solicit so many bone shelves?

Gathering has always been valued by the nine great protoss. At the beginning of the Red Crescent, every race will gather some bones as cannon fodder, but in the final stage, when it really enters the undead, the main force of the battle Should still be a native fighter.

Basically, when you get here, the bone shelf that gathers the soul should have been consumed almost.

The ancestors can support the power of the bone shelf, and it is good to accumulate some warriors, but it should not be so outrageous.

Nearly thirty bones before and after! Are there any losses on this road?

There are a lot of death fighters, which is twice as many as the undead knights. It has reached 60 million. In the past, such a force is enough for the death gods to laugh at the end, even if the undead dragons meet, they will have headaches.

On the contrary, there are as many as fifteen bones on the opposite side of the bone shelf.

It is completely different from the bone sea that the ancestors commanded. The fifteen bones of the ancestors are really a strong army, arranged neatly and orderly. There are also various variants of the combat arms.

There are archers, shields, spears, axe, etc...

Every huge bone sea is a combination of various arms, which is very reasonable.

Some tall purple enamels are still mixed in the bones of the sea, and at first glance they are the commanding soldiers.

The gods of death are completely another style. They float in the air, wearing black and black robes and a long sickle in their hands. The rows are very neat.

Seeing that the ancestors did not show weakness, the Great Death knew that the battle could not be spared, and roared and shouted: "The ants also dare to compete with the sun and the moon, killing them, rushing..."

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