Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2378: The crown of the gods (2)

Standing on the edge of the ancient star, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with joy.

After a long period of hardships, after hardships, I finally got close to the goal of this deep and undead domain.

As long as you can get the ancient star nucleus, your own nine-in-one Mahayana will really step into the final step.

The fit is perfect, and the nine are in one.

Breaking into the void, and eventually becoming a great man.

Your own practice will be a step further! But touching the ancient star nucleus, Sun Hao knows the movement, covering the ancient star nucleus, violently trying to take the ancient star nucleus into the body.

However, the ancient stars that were suspended in the air did not move at all.

Sun Hao found that he had no influence at all, and his face could not help but appear wrong.

Seeing the action of Sun Hao, the next ancestor knows that Sun Hao is doing dry, the bones are cracking open, and he laughs a few times: "The soul ancestors don't worry, this thing is the base of the undecided crown. In the past, there were people. I tried to take it away, but I have never succeeded. Later, some people suspected that to take away this huge needle-shaped star, it must be completed after the death of the crown."

Sun Hao sighed in the heart and understood that this may be true.

The crown of the undead is above the ancient star nucleus, and no one may be able to move the ancient star nucleus before it recognizes the Lord.

However, remembering some rules of the Red Crescent, Sun Hao’s brow inadvertently wrinkled inadvertently, saying: “The rule of the Red Crescent is that the undead crown will complete the confession, and all the monks and soldiers will be ejected instantly. Going to the door of the Black Day, isn’t that saying that I don’t have any chance to complete the confession?”

The body of the sacred ancestor has begun to rise. To recognize the Lord and not to die, he must reach the top of the ancient star nucleus and hold the undead for a period of time to complete the final recognition process.

After hearing Sun Hao’s words, the zombie stalked along the ancient star nucleus and said, “If I finish the confession, I will give you a proper reminder before the completion, and give you some time to let you Take away the ancient star nucleus."

The monk who controls the undead crown is indeed able to increase the amount of time that everyone stays on the Altar of the Red Moon.

It seems that he must do his best to help the sacred ancestors complete the collection of undead, so that they have the opportunity to eventually win the ancient star nucleus.

Sun Hao slowly nodded: "Well, you can rest assured that the ancestors will stop them and give you tea time."

The ancestors also said with a smile: "Well, we will do our best to help, right, soul ancestor, after the event, please give me silver components."

Sun Hao nodded: "Everyone takes what they need, and they have to make a statement."

The silver components are also quite rare. In the whole process, only Sun Hao got one here. It is estimated that after the bones are obtained, there is also a magical effect.

However, this has little to do with Sun Hao, who needs the ancient star nucleus. For Sun Hao, the undead crown is just something outside the body. Only the ancient star nucleus is the real treasure.

After saying it well, the zombie has quickly ascended to the side of the undead crown, and the palm of his hand stretched out and pressed over the crown of undead.

The body trembled fiercely, and above the crown of the undead, nine jewels converge, and a nine-petal lotus emerges.

The ancestors jumped in the air and jumped on the nine-petal lotus. The treasure was solemn and sitting cross-legged.

Other ancestors, including Longzu, were flying to the ancient star nucleus. Sun Hao and his ancestors had a half-tea time, which was the advantage they gained after fighting the soldiers.

However, according to the experience of the previous monks, according to the records of the classics, if the zombies want to complete the recognition process, then it takes about tea time. That is to say, Sun Hao and the ancestors must give the zombies more than half of the time.

The bone claws of the ancestors pointed to the nine-petal lotus, and said in the mouth: "When the soul ancestors look at it, when the nine-petal lotus flower is completely turned into cyan, that is, when the undead crown completes the recognition of the Lord, there are very many of them. Obvious color change, you can pay attention to the soul ancestors, seize the fleeting opportunity, and take away the star iron."

Sun Hao nodded and said in his mouth: "Thank you for your guidance."

But in the heart, Sun Hao has a feeling of unreasonable feelings.

Although the classics did not record too much information about the ancient star nucleus, but when it came to the red moon altar, when it was time to collect the ancient star nucleus, Sun Hao suddenly found a very important problem.

The existence of the ancient star nucleus on the altar of the Red Moon is definitely not a moment.

The things on the altar of the Red Moon are all heavy treasures. Everyone knows, then, the problem has come. Since the history, so many undead protoss masters have climbed the summit of the Red Moon, and certainly more than one monk has beaten the ancient star. idea.

But until now, the ancient star nucleus is still well suspended above the Red Moon altar, then this can only explain a problem, the ancient star nucleus is not so easy to be taken away.

Sun Haoxiu is a high-level, and the means are not bad, but he has not been able to achieve the goal of nothing.

Some of the pioneering practices of the ancient monks, the secrets of the ancient monks often make Sun Hao stunned.

Sun Hao doesn't think that what the ancient monks can't do will be easily reached by himself.

The ancestors and the ancestors promised to assist themselves, and this may be the case. They are willing to help themselves, are willing to assist themselves, and even are willing to provide themselves with favorable conditions, but in the end, can they take away the ancient star nucleus and have no half with them? The relationship between dime.

If you don't have enough means, you can't take it away when you look at the ancient star nucleus. It is estimated that you are embarrassed to talk to the two ancestors.

That is not enough for myself.

Standing beside the ancient star nucleus, Sun Hao keeps turning in his heart, what do he need to do to maximize the chances of collecting ancient stars?

At that time, you must do everything you can to make it!

Above the sky, the lotus flower sitting by the ancestors is beginning to turn a petal into a cyan at a balanced speed.

Less than half a cup of tea, the body is huge, the strength of the undead dragon ancestors has come flying, has reached the distance that can sweep the zombie.

Sun Hao’s heart plans to collect the ancient star nucleus on his own, and his body flies up and his wrists turn over and he feels the broken hammer.

With a single hand-held hammer, Sun Hao’s air to the undead dragon ancestors, a cold cry in his mouth: “You have to dare to hand the tail, I will let you break the corpse!”

The undead dragon ancestors who were eager to try were shocked, and they looked around and found that other ancestors were almost keeping up with themselves. They couldn’t help but scream loudly: "Oh, you are a soul ancestor, actually you are not refining." Death crown, as long as it is not you, it doesn't matter, I can't wait!"

This guy actually found an excuse for not doing anything, and he gave himself a step down. The real situation is really fearing the broken hammer in the hands of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is actually a bluff.

The ability of the broken sky hammer is triggered, and according to the inheritance, the probability of such a trigger is still quite small.

Undead dragon ancestors really have to ignore Sun Hao, and it is estimated that Sun Hao is not able to defeat it in the air.

If you can't handle this big guy, you can interrupt the sacred master's recognition program.

The older the more refined, the older the more afraid of the death of the undead dragon ancestors actually served soft, the latter ancestors are all on the line, this is still proud of the undead dragon? How is this virtue of this year's Longzu!

Grandma's soul ancestors are too right, this is simply a poor quality dragon.

Ascending to the altar, the ancestors and the great **** of death show their tenacity, and at the same time, they may also have the most determined pursuit of the undead crown.

At the same time that the undead dragon ancestor was stunned by Sun Hao, they simultaneously erupted and launched an attack on the sacred ancestors in the air.

Undead riding ancestors holding black lacquered rifles, bravely rushing up, screaming in the mouth: "You friends ~ The only battle in the ages, war, war, war, today, no matter who Don't even think about recognizing the Lord's crown..."

The blue scorpion in the hands of the big death **** draws a beautiful arc in the air. A big knife shadow also slams into the sacred ancestor. The mouth also says loudly: "Look at my sickle harvest, no one, don't think in front of the **** of death. Ask for benefits."

Sun Hao and his ancestors vacated at the same time, and turned into a figure in the air, rushing to the ancestors and the big death god.

The bones of the ancestors laughed: "The old bones are the bones that can't die any more, the big **** of death, you broke the sickle against the old bones, give me back!"

Sun Hao’s broken hammer slammed a purple-gold hammer and looked at the dark knight’s rifle in the air. It was straight and screaming, “Give me a roll...”

With a bang, the broken hammer and the knight gun collided.

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