Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2383: Ghost reason

The edge of the animal husbandry was very exciting. The dog's paws covered his mouth. The dog's face showed a look of surprise. I didn't even think of it. It was not my fault. It was just an unexpected expression.

Seeing the expression of the dog, Miha said: "Wow, dog, you actually broke my big thing unintentionally. Are you not a holy teacher? How can you make such a big accident?"

Inside the thought channel, there was a sigh: "Oh, Mimi, this is something I didn't think of. You know it. My ability is too strong. If you are not careful, you will get out of this thing. You see this. It’s all right, oh yeah!”

In the thought channel, in addition to the voices of Miha and Bianmu, other people kept silent at this time, and even they usually walked very close to the side, and the brothers and brothers of the brothers were flying, and they were silent at this time.

Miha didn't know how long it was before she knew the sideline. I don't know the virtues of it. These old guys, who don't know what kind of dog?

Is this an accident? It’s so fake, it’s deliberate at first glance!

I don’t know how good it is to ruin the boss, how the old assembly punishes it, and the old guys who know the glory of the pastoral, can’t help but sigh. In this world, dare to succumb to the boss, still live well, it is estimated that Reiko’s sister’s family This dog is walking.

I don't know how it should pass this time!

After half a ring, Sun Hao was reunited from this accident.

I killed myself and killed myself. At this time, I was ruined by the dog.

Inside the thought channel, Sun Hao was very angry and screamed in a low voice: "Bianmu."

Listening to the sound, Bianmu knows that Sun Hao is really angry.

However, hey, since Bianmu has shot, there is a reason to take the shot. Inside the channel, the priest barked out: "Boss, I didn't mean it. It was an accident, right, boss, I found a very The fact of terror, that is, the ancient star nucleus and the undead crown will be a unique life, I think, the boss may not be able to collect the ancient star nucleus..."

Is it intentional, Sun Hao has seen it at a glance.

However, the words behind Bianmu are the key points. It is said that there are people who are most strange around Sun Hao. There is no doubt that it is Bianmu.

Sun Hao is silent, such a thing, border animal husbandry will not lie to himself.

Sun Hao also understood the meaning of Bianmu. By the way, this dead dog told himself in disguise that no matter what method he used, the moment when Zhuangzu completed the undead crown and recognized the Lord, it meant that the ancient star nucleus also belonged. Given the ancestors, he could not collect the undead crown.

Bianmu is telling himself that it is doing so for itself.

So, does it mean that if you want to get an ancient star, you must recognize the Lord?

Among the records of the undead domain, the Undead Crown is a true undead artifact, which can greatly increase the ability of the undead monk to fight, so that the undead monk has a powerful uncontrollable power in the undead domain.

But the Undead Crown is also a true killing device for the other races of Zhongxu. Except for the undead races, once any other race in Zhongxu wins the undead crown, it will not be forced to die, or simply Fall off.

The true deity of his own is a human monk. The ghost is nothing but a branch. Once you get the crown of undead, wearing it on the top of the ghost, you will be immeasurably affected by your own practice.

Sun Hao knows that it is not a good thing to win the undead crown, so Sun Hao has never thought of owning the undead crown!

Inside the thought channel, after the animal husbandry said this, he recovered a little bit of life.

Xiaoyu Feitian said: "When walking the dog, such an important thing, why not say it earlier?"

Bianmu: "Wang Wang, heaven and earth conscience, I just found out that it is good, then again, the zombie receives the undead crown, it is also self-family, I did not think about destroying the good things of the zombies, this is an accident, It’s an accident, don’t get me wrong...”

It’s an accident!

On the top of the Red Moon, the ancestors were horrified, and the ancestors looked surprised. The priests looked innocent, and the other ancestors were surprised.

Sun Hao sighed leisurely and said to his ancestors in his mouth: "People are not as good as days. I didn't expect such an accident. My dog ​​has a magical ability to be suppressed by any rules, so in God's will. It’s an accident. If there is such a change, it may be due to God’s will, and we can only continue to think of ways.”

Sun Hao spoke, and the ancestors took a deep breath and said: "Understood, the soul ancestors, your efforts to maintain, I also realized that this situation may be unexpected, this does not blame you, Hey, maybe, as the soul ancestors said, God is so, my Mie may really be the **** of death, the soul ancestor, you still have to try it?"

No matter what method is used to collect the undead crown, but Sun Hao knows a basic principle, that is, he can't accept it, and he may end up suffering from infinity. What he needs is only the ancient star.

Therefore, Sun Hao’s face was positive and his mouth said: “No matter who collects it, it’s not for me to accept it. I want this thing to be completely useless, or that sentence, the ancestor, the ancestors, as long as you go up to refining and cultivating the Lord, I will fully cooperate to help you defend."

Bianmu secretly screamed Sun Hao: "Boss, any one of them will take away the ancient star nucleus, fearing that it is not appropriate, because you want the ancient star nucleus to stay in the red moon altar, and the boss wants to strip the ancient star nucleus, There is tremendous damage to the undead crown. Except for the boss himself, everyone else will change his attitude after he or she will not die. Even if it is a stalemate, it will not let the boss do it."

Sun Hao’s brows are slightly wrinkled, and she is not on the side of this matter. She should not lie, but she has no loyalty, but many times, some dark things that she can’t do are Bianmu this kid is helping to achieve.

Although every time I feel very embarrassed, I can become my own black history every time, but one thing will never change. That is, the choice at that time is the best choice.

This time, I met a similar situation again. Morally speaking, he needs to fulfill his promise without hesitation, help the two ancestors realize their aspirations, and stabilize the tribal alliance. However, in practice, they cannot do this.

As far as my own heart is concerned, after encountering this kind of choice, it’s really impossible to do it without worrying about it, according to your own will, there is a side to be around, some things, you can only one eye. Close your eyes, it's hard to get confused.

Inside the thought channel, Sun Hao screamed: "Well, you are a dead dog. No matter how ridiculous you are, you have made a big mistake this time. You can avoid death, and you can’t escape the crime. It’s not yours. It’s hard to eliminate the hatred of my heart for 10,000 years..."

Miha didn't understand the situation, and he still pleaded for the priest: "The husband, the animal husbandry is not intentional. Do you want to shut him for so long? For 10,000 years, some dogs are completely dead."

Sun Hao’s heart is really apologetic. Actually, it’s still about Miha. It’s also a dog around him. It’s a good thing for Miha’s father.

Seeing Miha now pleading for the pastoral, Sun Hao said softly: "Nothing, this dog is long, and 10,000 years is just a small meaning to him."

After that, Sun Hao’s thought channel said to Yi Lu lights: “This is a 10,000-year-old, you are responsible for the care, let this dog play some heat, help you to strengthen the Tengu troops.”

Bianmu Wang called: "Boss, are you too embarrassed, this is to let the animal husbandry go to the end of the dog..."

In fact, the dog's heart is already refreshing, and the easy road lights are closed and closed. Isn't it a happy life? Beautiful dog sisters are more good, emperor-like life!

Outside, on the ancient star nucleus, the big lich Andrevi did not stop on the nine-petal lotus After hitting the zombie, this kid was very clever, turned around and left, not far from the undead crown. I am afraid that I will be entangled in the crown of undead.

He knows his own affairs at home. Now, when he recognizes the Lord and does not die, it is definitely hard to please. He will definitely encounter a fierce attack. It is estimated that it is another big lich, and he will not let himself go to recognize the Lord!

The scene calmed down briefly.

The top ten ancestors surrounded the undead crown and began to figure it out in their hearts.

The undead crown has a magical character. Once the confession is not completed and interrupted midway, everything will come back.

The Zombie is slightly superior to everyone. His speed of recognition is slightly faster than that of others, but he has to start from scratch and has limited advantages.

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