Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2385: Melee

The undead knight is also a lone ranger. Like the undead dragon ancestors, no one will give him help. Therefore, he basically has no chance to recognize the refining and undead crown.

In history, the undead knights have always been the most determined allies of the undead crown. As long as they are the ancestors who have the undead crown, they can all be supported by the undead knights. They are the most determined knights in the hands of the undead.

When he said that he was not dead, he looked at Sun Hao with his eyes.

If the soul ancestors fight him alone and let him be convinced, then as long as it is the soul ancestor to recognize the refining and undead crown, he will definitely help.

Sun Hao knows what is going on, but Sun Hao has no intention of refining his own undead crown. The good intentions of the ancestors have to be the heart.

The top ten ancestors on the scene, including three undead dragons, are a total of thirteen top fighters.

To say that the strongest is still the combination of Sun Hao.

The second is the four dragons.

Because of the jealousy of Sun Hao, the undead dragon ancestor will never let the monks in the Sun Hao camp complete the confession, that is to say, the first and second strengths are right.

In the third place, it should be the Lich and the Blood League, and there are also three ancestors. Now they are looking at each other and eager to try.

The fourth overall battle is the death and the black warrior alliance, the two great ancestors.

After the undead dragon ancestors spoke, the big **** of death shined brightly, giving the big warrior a wink, the big warrior hearted the gods, holding the sword in the air, and screaming in the mouth: "All have, look at the trick, smash the sniper... ”

The two hand-held swords bloomed in the air, and the numerous swords rushed out from the tip of the sword and shot in all directions.

In addition to the high-altitude undead dragon repair and the big death **** around, the blade has instantly enveloped every monk in the core theater.

At the same time as the big warrior started, the Great Death slashed, the body turned into a shadow in the air, went straight to the nine-petal lotus, and screamed in the mouth: "Longzu please help me."

Above the sky, the undead dragon ancestors shouted: "Well, I promise that except for the three guys, anyone who supports the refining and cultivating the Lord will support me. The brothers will stop me from messing up and kill!"

The swords of the great warriors came from the sky, and all the ancestors had to guard against it. This kind of move has a strong ability to break the defense. Even if it is not fatal, it will be quite uncomfortable.

Just when everyone was defending, the Great Death had already taken the opportunity to climb the top nine lotuses, becoming the second undead ancestor who started the undead crown and recognized the refining.

The undead dragon ancestor really helped, and above the sky, the four dragons twirled their tails and claws and swept over the monks around the undead crown, trying to push the other monks back.

The tails of two of the undead dragons are focused on greeting Sun Hao.

Of course, it is not undead dragon ancestors. This guy is very afraid that Sun Hao will give him a broken hammer. He dare not face Sun Hao and instructs his two men to attack Sun Hao.

He found that Sun Hao did not launch the power of other monks including Long Xiu. When faced with his own time, he was quite sinister. Therefore, he could only let his hand stop the strongest soul ancestor.

The battle started instantly.

Thirteen ancestors, launched a big battle, originally attacked the two lichs and blood families of the ancestors with the Great Death, and the ancestors. At this time, all of them broke out and launched an assault on the big **** of death in the air.

The ancestors and the ancestors bravely rushed up.

The four undead dragons are helping to cover, and the big warriors are violent, and the big moves are constantly erupting in the hands. The swords are rushing out and killing every monk, so that every monk’s attack will not be so Too smooth.

At this moment, Sun Hao encountered the attack of three monks.

The giant tails of the two undead dragons, the swords of the great warriors, are all focused on taking care of Sun Hao.

The so-called tree big style, the reason is this, in the front confrontation, Sun Hao showed the fighting power to make other ancestors very jealous, once the war, Sun Hao immediately became the focus of care.

The three-headed six-armed six-figure still did not disappear. Sun Hao’s hands were hovering, and a bucket turned to the stars, reflecting the swords of the big warriors.

The broken sky hammered to a dragon, and the ancient sword was smashed to another dragon.

The battle is very fierce, but compared to assisting the refining of the ancestors, Sun Hao’s current fighting situation is weaker than the front line. It’s not that he is above the Lotus Throne, and there is no need to do his best.

Besides, Sun Hao is still pondering the side of the pastoral, and is still considering who is going to recognize the refining and undead crown.

At this time, just keep yourself and keep your strength.

Above the sky, there is a mess around the crown of the undead.

The undead dragon ancestors stopped the ancestors, slightly occupied the upper hand, forced to retreat to the ancestors, so that he could not get close.

Another dragon stopped the rifle of the ancestors.

The two big lichs, as well as the zombies and blood ancestors, are no ones who are blocked by the people. They are really desperate, only the big warriors.

His strength is not weak, but it is only between the other ancestors and the ancestors, and it is impossible to stop it.

Uh... A series of poisonous gas shots in the Great Death, the big death of a lotus flower that has just been refining and finished has been unable to sit still, and the poisonous gas bomb directly popped up the Lotus Throne, the second refining, not how long, The declaration failed.

The great death **** shouted unsatisfactorily, holding the sickle in both hands, shaking slightly.

Although I knew that this would be the result, but I was quickly rushed to the Lotus Throne, the heart of the Great Death was full of unwillingness.

Another ancestor failed to refine.

The scene briefly calmed down. It didn't take long for a camp to start, that is, the big lich started to try and suddenly started.

The two great lichs raised the Pharaoh's scepter in their hands and kept shaking in the air. The countless poisonous gas bombs, like the water droplets that were opened, rushed out from the Pharaoh's scepter and attacked the surrounding ancestors in all directions. .

The blood ancestor took the opportunity to become a small bat, flew over the lotus throne and began refining.

The undead dragon ancestor began to help the blood ancestors, began to mess in the air, and also burst into a series of attacks on the surrounding monks.

To say that the undead dragon ancestor plus the big lich camp is probably the most promising camp for refining the undead crown.

Because their total number of monks reached seven, surpassing the sum of the ancestors of other camps on the scene.

After the blood ancestors went up, this side of the enemy, that is, the soul ancestor camp, the big death camp and the ancestors, the total number of six monks.

Just one-on-one interception.

That is to say, after the real war, the Great Lich regretted to discover that the soul ancestors became a ring that they could not do.

Among the ancestors of the nine great protoss, the blood ancestors of the single family have entanglements with Sun Hao, and there are festivals or enemies. How can they not let the blood ancestors complete refining.

Sun Hao strongly broke the interception of two dragons, and a broken hammer, knocked out the blood ancestor who had just finished refining a lotus flower.

The third refining process failed.

The battle, in the mutual attack of everyone, fell into the strange circle of fighting for a long time.

Anyone can go up, but no one can stay for long.

In the camp of Sun Hao, the ancestors also went up and played a trick. As a result, they failed to hold on to the half-baked tea. Only after the refining of the four-petal lotus, they were already swept down by the dragon.

This is the longest time to stay on the top after the ancestors began to compete.

Undead dragon ancestors remembered the team of Sun Hao, which is the fundamental reason why the undead crown can never complete refining.

Sun Hao's team is the strongest, but the opponent is the most.

As soon as the ancestors and the ancestors went up, Sun Hao will face the siege soon, and it is still the kind of siege that has been mobilized. Sun Hao’s strength is indeed high and strong, and he can keep it for a long time, but the methods of the ancestors are endless, not giving the ancestors And the opportunity for the ancestors to persist.

Changed to Sun Hao's deity to refining, even more unhelpful, the ancestors and the ancestors simply could not stop the other party's tide-like attack.

Sun Hao went up and sat down less than three times. was rushed down like a fire. Of course, Sun Hao will go up and do it, saying that he is like other ancestors, and he hopes to refine the undead crown.

In fact, if Sun Hao is fully attacked and wants to fight for the time to refine the undead crown, even if he sits on the throne of the Lotus, there is no weak combat power, and it will not be easily rushed down.

Sun Hao can't just refine.

In the core area of ​​the Red Crescent, there was a chaos in a fierce battle.

Thirteen ancestors, except for Longzu, everyone went up and tried it, but the results were similar, and no one could persist.

In fact, the undead dragon ancestors also want to go and try it, just watching the purple golden sledgehammer in the hands of Sun Hao, he still dispelled this seductive idea, the **** soul ancestor, like to take the power of the sky to greet him, once Is it true that you are being sweared at the throne?

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