Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2388: Endless blood prison

The second three eight eight chapters endless blood prison

The powerful fighting skills of the Great Death only made Sun Hao slightly suppressed, but the impact of strength is not particularly large.

In the end, the big death **** only insisted on the time of half a cup of tea, and has been forcibly expelled by Sun Hao.

The existence of Sun Hao is simply a nightmare of other ancestors.

If you can't suppress it, or if you are holding back the soul ancestors, other ancestors can't recognize the Lord's crown, even if they don't die, they can't succeed.

The undead dragon ancestor’s taboo against the soul ancestor has reached its peak. As long as it is not the ancestor of the soul ancestor’s ancestor, he will support it. As long as it is the soul ancestor’s monk, he will do everything possible to destroy it.

The reason is that the soul ancestor is too strong. Once the soul ancestor camp confessed that the Lord does not die, at that time, it is feared that the undead dragons will not escape the fate of being dominated.

The bones of the ancestors failed, and the undead dragon ancestors were the absolute main force; the death of the **** of death was defeated, and the soul ancestors were the first destroyers.

After the battle escalated, all kinds of powerful secrets began to be launched in the core theater, and the whole battle was extremely dangerous.

The ancestors of the nine protoss, from time to time, have various injuries, and the power gap has gradually emerged.

Undoubtedly, the strongest one, able to kill a few, is the soul ancestor, although so far has not been able to kill, but it is because the red moon altar suppressed many of the lethality of the big move.

The second is the undead dragon ancestor. Long Zu was eaten to death by the soul ancestors. After the war, he did not dare to confront the front.

In these years of fighting, the undead dragon ancestors smashed a few hammers and broke a few dragon claws, completely afraid!

Sun Hao has gradually understood its reasons. It is also the first time that the undead dragon ancestors had broken the power of the sky. Although they used the secret technique to escape the catastrophe, the body has already planted the introduction of the power of the broken sky. The hammering of the day can be smoothly motivated.

It is also said that there is no long-term cultivation and treatment, and the undead dragon ancestors have always been unable to stand in front of themselves.

The rest of the ancestors, the strengths are almost the same, each has its own strengths, each has its own strengths, and there are some special skills.

Relatively speaking, the performance of the team is slightly weaker, three undead dragons and another big lich.

After all, they are not ethnic ancestors, they have not been inherited from the race crown. From the performance point of view, the strength is even worse.

Relatively speaking, another big lich who suddenly emerged is also the most understated of all the participants. Over the years, the number of undead lotuses is only a little more than the soul ancestors, and the time spent each time is not very long.

Especially in recent years, he has not been able to climb the lotus for a long time. As the battle escalated, he was confronting and becoming more and more marginalized. Most of the time he became a bystander wandering nearby.

When everyone almost ignored this new generation of big lichs.

When everyone thinks that he is not competitive, he ignores the time to guard against him.

The Red Moon Altar has been in this year of eighteen years.

The big lich wearing the Lich Crown suddenly made a scream, and his mouth screamed: "The Lich King Anderville, swear in the name of the Lich, pass the lich's crown..."

All the ancestors Qi Qiqi was attracted to the attention and could not help but be very surprised.

Usually, the ancestors of a race will not take the initiative to pass the crown of the town. The crown of the town will only be re-finished after the ancestors of the previous generation returned to the market or fallen.

At this time, the Great Lich passed the Lich's crown, what is it?

The ancestors suddenly said: "The theory, a race can not have two ancestors, because the Lich's crown is only one, this Anderville can become a big lich as the Lich King, think it is particularly powerful, and has Very special ability..."

Zangzu haha ​​said with a smile: "The big lich, are you being smashed by the door? I thought that the lich's crown would be passed down. Can you make this Anderville invincible? Tell you, if you pass it, too Just can't take the undead crown..."

Between the words, the Lich's crown has gone, and when it is heard, it is worn on the head of Anderville.

Andrevi swayed his head and reached out to touch the lich crown. He said in a loud voice: "Thank you for your predecessors, Anderville will be proud of being a lich, and will surely live up to the lich. Undead domain, creating a new situation, ah..."

After that, the arms slammed, and Andewei screamed: "You friends, look at the move..."

The ancestors, including Sun Hao, were attracted by the actions of the two great lichs, and they all looked at them.

Such a large squad is naturally attracting all monks.

At this time, the real attack, but not from the two big lichs. At the same time that Anderwei's beasts were exploding, they were far away from them, but the blood ancestors who were closer to Sun Hao suddenly burst silently.

A **** fog spread.

The Altar of the Red Moon is full of blood and blood, and it is really hard to detect.

However, Ma, Sun Hao found out that it was wrong, and it was a golden light, starting from the sky of blood.

The strange **** fog stretched out countless hands, as if it were an individual, who kept pulling Sun Hao and falling to the Red Moon Temple.

Sun Hao shouted: "Give me a roll..."

The body fluttered, the blood fog was shaken, but the fog was invisible, and the **** horse that was shaken was wrapped up again.

What makes Sun Hao even more surprised is that the **** fog, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, the bone ancestor and the ancestors who were close to themselves disappeared instantly, and the undead rosettes disappeared. It seems that they were locked into one. Closed prison.

Sun Hao’s hand-carrying stick was shocked, and he was ready to drive the battle to break through the sky. Thoughts, Bianmu suddenly said: "Boss, leisurely, not too strong, I guess, this is Xiao'an strongest means."

Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and the stick of the hand was still rushing. However, he did not display strong combat skills.

The blood fog was rushed to the old high, but it was not completely broken. It was circled, piece by piece, and surrounded by Sun Hao.

This is a special blood fighting ability. It may not be a particularly high-level spell, but the **** sacred secrets are used in the Red Moon Altar, just right.

Thick blood fog, covering the sky of the Red Moon.

All the ancestors found out that it was wrong.

Andywei, who pretended to be a shout, said in his mouth: "Longzu, please help me."

Undead dragon ancestors saw the faint glory of the **** fog, the bone face showed a satisfactory expression, and the snoring spread throughout the sky: "Well, I will help you, as long as you can stop the soul ancestors, others don't want to break your good things." ""

Between the words, the four undead dragons rushed from the air to the tail, and attacked the ancestors and the ancestors.

The great lich who lost the crown of the Lich madly entangled the big warrior.

The entire core theater suddenly kills the sound and is fully busy.

Sun Hao’s thoughts and willingness are also buzzing at this time. Xiaoyu Feisheng shouted: “Oops, the boss is actually trapped, relying on, what is Anderville’s good, knowing that the boss is the number one dangerous person, actually Only for the boss, the brothers, should it be our turn to debut?"

Bianmu slammed his eyes and said that Xiaofei, you really is a rectum, and things are not enough to defeat.

Others have not spoken yet.

Inside the channel, Wu Xianlang suddenly said: "The brothers and sisters, I have a major discovery."

Easy street light fire horse asked: "Hey? Found useful?"

Wu Xianlang: "Well, it is very important. I found that the level of alchemy in the undead domain is quite low. The smoldering fire is not suitable for alchemy. Therefore, many yin and cold **** are not used properly, which is a waste of greatness. I have a great idea..."

Xiaoyu Feitian: "Hey, hey, Lang, brother, are you slow to say this, now, burn your eyebrows..."

Xia Chuan drank a sentence: "Xiaofei ~ Don't fight, listen to Lang's brother, this is very important, do not do well in the future of everyone's spiritual resources, from here to make a fortune."

Xiaoyu Feitian: "Hey, it’s good for Lang’s brother to fight!”

Xuanyuan Xiaolong took the sentence: "Call you shut up, you shut up, Xiaofei, you don't talk, no one is dumb..."

Miha smiled and said: "Yeah, yeah, Xiaolang, you have to say, what resources can be collected and used? I am a big landlord, let me go, a top."

Xiaoyu Feitian made an infinite grievance, saying that I didn't play with you. Dark, this kid said to Bianmu: "How about the dog? How do I perform in place? Do they think that I am a dish, think that I One can't see that Master is releasing water..."

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