Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2391: Delicious chef

I can’t see the thoughts and fighting spirits. ????

How to say this is not a battle of gods, nor a battle of souls, but a battle between ideas.

For Sun Hao, this kind of battle is really rarely experienced.

Among the imaginary families, this kind of fighting is also extremely rare. It is very likely that this is a battle of refining the heart.

Heart war is the battle of thought. Sun Hao really doesn't know how to fight. As in a dream, people are a little weak, but when they think that they are very powerful, they still have strong combat power, but at this time they don't know how to work hard.

Sun Hao’s state is very subtle. He feels that his thoughts are strong and he is not much weaker than the Red Crescent, but he does not know how he should apply to fight.

The Red Moon Old Devil is actually very depressed. Since he was conscious, the strange fighting style has always been invincible. No one can resist the erosion of his thoughts. However, this time he met Sun Hao, and the other person’s thoughts are actually firm. The meteorites, especially the concentric rings, have gathered a lot of help, which actually made him unable to move.

What made him even more depressed was that the host that was chosen by himself was weaker, but he also got a magical symbol to help him persist.

Actually, he forced himself to move, and now, only through strong means, he can forcibly cover the spiritual mark on the symbol, and put the boy on his own brand. If you do not believe this, you will not be able to take the initiative.

As long as there is no help, the host can use the power of the soul of the soul ancestors, and by then, everything will be said.

In the screaming voice, the spirit of the Red Moon is like a pastry, covering the entire sense of Andrei. Sun Hao and Andervi instantly lost contact.

On a piece of purple gold belt, Andervi's imprint instantly weakens, and a strange thought is like a small bug. In the fast food mark, the connection between Andervi and Sun Hao must be completely erased.

In the past, even if Anderville wanted to set up another door and wanted to go out independently from Sun Hao, the spiritual imprint on the Zijin belt was always not weakened.

Andevi just thought of a way to circumvent Sun Hao's perception and not to contact Sun Hao. It is entirely possible for Sun Hao to force contact with Anderville.

Moreover, if Sun Hao is strong, he can also interfere with Andervi’s behavior to a certain extent.

However, as Andrei knows Sun Hao, with Sun Hao’s personality, he will not force the monk to stay with him. Andervi will choose to leave, and Sun Hao will also push the boat, it will rain, and he will go. .

But now it is different, the will of the Red Moon is in a peculiar way, covering, in the secret of the sneak peek of Sun Hao, the wonderful connection between Andrevi’s blood on a purple gold belt, is being red moon Give it clear.

This strange battle, Sun Hao encountered for the first time, like a martial artist who did not practice martial arts, Sun Hao felt that he was full of strength and did not know how to make it.

finally. I can only watch a piece of purple gold belt, Ander's imprint is covered a little bit.

Once this kind of coverage is completed, it will take a long time for the Red Moon Demon to take the initiative and kill Andervi, and then deal with himself.

The world of monks is like a sea of ​​smoke, all kinds of wonderful phenomena, all kinds of magical fighting methods are emerging endlessly. The farther you go, the higher you stand, the more things you see. Sun Hao’s heart has to sigh, even if it is the Nine The fellow initiates of the system, but really to a single item, is still more than a single law, and practiced to the extreme existence.

Sun Hao thinks that the red moon demon should be the magical existence of the perfection of the heart, and the way of fighting should be the body of the technique of refining the heart.

His own refining is not weak, but his own skills of refining his heart are only repaired, and there is no fighting skill. In this kind of confrontation, self-protection is enough, but the attack is quite weak.

Even the protection of Andre can not be done.

If it is normal, this kind of battle mode of the Red Moon Magic can be effective. Sun Hao does not have much ability to fight back. He can only be beaten passively. If it is not good, it will eventually become a long-lasting battle. .

However, Sun Hao’s side has one of the biggest accidents.

There is a warrior that is not bound by any rules, but it is very magical.

Just as the Red Crescent was full of enthusiasm and was about to complete the coverage of Anderville's imprint, Andervi was frightened and was about to be erased from the will of the body. Very strange things were born.

Bianmu suddenly appeared in Sun Hao's Zijin belt, and it was still a dog form.

Very excited, the dog yelled: "Wow, a big meatloaf, the dog is taking this oral..."

A piece of purple gold belt is just a symbol.

But at this time, the animal husbandry can actually run on it, such as flat.

Hey, a few steps forward, the side of the animal husbandry stretched out a mouth, it is really a piece of meat cake-like thoughts, bite by the side of the animal husbandry!

The first one is arrogant, let’s take a few mouthfuls. This patties have been swallowed into the stomach by the side.

The meatloaf disappeared, Andervi’s thoughts immediately resumed contact with Sun Hao, and the dying An Dewei spirit recovered and recovered from the weight of the Red Moon.

The sky trembled fiercely, and the violent thoughts of the storm filled the entire red moon altar.

Full of unbelief, anger and unwillingness, the red tide of the old moon hysterical thoughts came over: "How is it possible? Who are you? How can you present my existence, how is it possible..."

Bianmu bar, licking your mouth, it seems that you have eaten infinitely delicious, and the dog's face is humanized and satisfying.

The small dog body jumped and jumped, and the animal husbandry disappeared from the Zijin belt, and appeared again. It has stood outside the Sun Hao thoughts will channel.

Xiaoyu Feitian is full of worship and said: "Bianmu, you are so powerful, and the mind will actually become a dog."

Bianmu said of course: "This is me, I am me, Wang Wang, it is not unusual, I am very curious about how your thoughts will not be available."

The red moon old devil ate a big loss, and his heart was unwilling. The side animal husbandry talked about it, driving his own thoughts, and a wave of waves hit the will of Sun Hao.

The face of the dog on the side of the animal husbandry appeared a mouth-watering expression, Wang Wang called: "I have no time to take care of you, Xiaofeifei, you come to see me catch the fish, grab a quasi..."

In the thoughts of the Red Crescent, the small body of the animal husbandry flew past, reaching out the dog's paws and grabbing it with one claw.

Hula, the rush of thoughts and willingness, grabbed a thing by the side of the animal husbandry, and looked carefully, but it was not a fish at all.

This is a closed eyes, like a sleep, sitting cross-legged, with a small monk on the face to satisfy the happy look.

Sun Hao perceives the shape of this monk, and his heart is not surprised, will this be the undead master of the past?

Connected with Sun Hao's thoughts, Andewei, who is against the impact of the Red Crescent, has a strong chill in his bones. He has also quickly judged what it is.

Sun Hao is still only speculating, but he himself is already 100% sure, because he recalls the moment before he was awakened by a purple gold belt. He is not exactly this kind of wish, and he thinks that refining is not the crown of death. Is the state of intoxication in the dream?

In other words, if Sun Hao did not help, his final ending would be like the selected predecessors, sleeping in the past, being read in memory, being occupied by the body, and unknowingly falling.

This kind of grabbing by Bianmu should be a kind of weak injury to the Red Moon, and a monk was pulled out. The red moon and the old man suddenly burst into a terrible roar, and the thoughts would be violently shaken.

If you change to Sun Hao's When you catch the will of the monk Yuan Ying, you won't leave the killer. After all, there is a good life in heaven. Even if these monks have fallen, only After falling asleep, Sun Hao will not start.

The animal husbandry is different. The dog walks like a toon. After grabbing it, I immediately swallowed it in a few mouthfuls. The mouth still screamed: "Delicious, really delicious, red moon boy, I didn't expect you to be a delicious chef, I am coming..."

While yelling, the side of the animal husbandry leaps lightly on the head of the thoughts, jumped to a point not far away, the dog's paws stretched in again, reached out and fished, and a sleepy monk thought was arrested.

Grab a standard, grab it and put it in your mouth, let's take a few mouthfuls and finish it quickly.

Every time I grab it, the red moon demon will burst into a mourning. 8

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