Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2398: Anecdote

Tens of years, the sea of ​​sang.

When Sun Hao came out from the Kunxu Palace, it suddenly appeared, and it was known as the sacred place of Kunlun, which was immortal. After 10,000 years, it was already a matter of inhumanity and humanity.

God knows, Sun Hao does not have a few monks who know each other.

God knows, Sun Hao is now, even if it is Shiqu, Kirin... These important places are extremely different in layout and protection. After 10,000 years, the scale of these places has grown exponentially. What has also added countless times.

Tens of thousands of years, after all, for too long, the things that can withstand the test of 10,000 years, too little and too little.

In the past, a group of distracted monks have already fallen into the long river of time.

Even if the monks and Taoists around Sun Hao, many people have lost the team, the name is fainted from the spirit list.

Sun Hao’s daughter, Zhong Rui, had been laughing and laughing in the stagnation of the empty tower for thousands of years. Sun Hao did not have it anymore and could not save it.

On the same day, Sun Hao saw the body of Zhong Rui in a distant place, and suddenly saw that the huge family she had handed down, among them, the highest monk, had reached the height of the robbery period.

Xiaozhu, who has been waiting for his own bamboo raft since childhood, has limited qualifications. Although he has the help of Sun Hao, he finally spent a lot of time, and smiled and fell into the arms of Sun Hao.

This is the earliest fall of Sun Hao, and he wholeheartedly rushed to Sun Hao to use Sun Hao as no regrets, and Sun Hao really pity his nephew.

In the life of Zhu Xi, he never left Sun Hao.

In the millennium where she was running out of life, Sun Hao was pity and stayed with her for a while, letting her give birth to herself.

Sun Hao clearly remembers that she was ecstatic after her pregnancy, the kind of mourning and obedience to her wholeheartedly, thoroughly, from body to soul.

Sun Hao has pity, but he is unable to return to the sky, even if it is a spiritual list, he can only extend her life, but can not really let her get eternal life.

After ten thousand years, the victorious Jin Jin also came to the end of life. When she smiled and fell into the arms of Sun Hao, her last sentence was: "My mother, I made a big profit, I ate small meat and left you. A pulse, I hope you can remember to take time and spend more time with your children..."

The world is ups and downs, the human world is in the snow, in the face of time, it is all in the sea, Sun Hao has infinite ambiguity in his heart, but the vicissitudes of life, Sun Hao's heart, already hard as iron.

By the side of Sun Hao, most of the monks are still alive.

The top ten princes who are well-known in the world are just some of the fighting strengths that Sun Hao is exposed to. In fact, there are still several monks around Sun Hao who are not under the force of their monks, and there are still many monks who are only trained to fight. They are a little weaker.

The real girl Xuan Hong, the goddess Xia Qingyu, the witch Luo charm, swallowing a small fire, the two ancestors of the ancestors Milo Hayou and Miha sisters, their repair is not under the top ten. However, their identities are quite special. When they entered the war, they were relatively low-key, so their reputation was not obvious.

Inside the Terran, it is known that the fighting power around the ancestors is vast and inexhaustible. It is most appropriate to use one person to raise the sky to describe the monks around the ancestors.

In addition to these hidden masters, there are four monks around Sun Hao, and their reputation is even weaker than the top ten immortals.

In the status of the Terran, from a practical point of view, even the Ten Immortals who only managed to fight.

These four are all real high-ranking people. Although they are slightly weaker, their status is only a little weaker than the Terran Zhengyuan and the Witch God. It is quite similar to the **** Wang Baichen.

The four monks, one is the West Kunlun big housekeeper Zhizao, the general arrangement of things between the East and the West Kunlun, and the real power, Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi also have to be polite to him three points.

Although the strength is not up to the level of the top ten immortals, but also the strength of the weak monk.

One is the East Kunlun killing Lushan, killing the magic palace has now become the third largest palace in East Kunlun with the Wanxue Demon Island. The killing Lushan is the identity of Sun Hao disciple, and is also quietly passed on by the high-ranking people.

There are also two, the true disciple of Sun Hao. All of the world knows that the cultivation is weaker, but it is upbeat by the human race, and the hundreds of thousands of disciples admire the status of the human race.

These two are Wu Chuanlang and Zhu Dezheng.

No. 1 medicine holy, the first one.

The two ethnic monks are the treasures of the Holy Trinity. The two are in charge of the Terran Church and the Pharmacy, and pass on countless disciples.

The two inherited and raised the ancestral robes, the refining of the spirits and the magic weapon, but that is the supreme treasure of the human race monks.

It is said that the ancestors rarely personally gave their disciples alchemy. Among the top ten immortals, the cultivation of most monks was the merit of the two saints.

In the legend, under the distraction, if any monk meets the bottleneck of practice, as long as he finds the two saints, it will be solved.

Therefore, the status of the two is also among the imaginary people.

The Wanxue Demon Island auction house of the Eastern Kunlun Mountains, because of the occasional shooting of the two sacred refining spirits and magical magic weapons, became the most famous and highest-grade auction event in China.

In the rumors of wild history, the white blood witch Bai Jie is actually a ancestral lover, or else, how can the two holy products be sold on the Wanxue Island alone? You know, there are very few auctions in West Kunlun.

However, isn't the blood-blooded witch the first favorite of the East Kunlun double-faced witch god? Many monks, including many West Kunlun monks, are incredible.

However, there are also rumors of wild history. It seems that the double-faced witch **** is a strange monk who is a male and a female. It is said secretly that it seems to be the nephew of the aroma of the ancestors... Of course, these are all gossip, no one will rumor.

Just like those heroes, the love affairs of those amazing people will be passed down through the ages. These are the best topics to discuss after a meal.

In other words, only when talking about these things, the Terran monks feel that the ancestors of the ancestors are closer to themselves, not just a **** who is high above.

People, do you have to be human? People's ancestors are not in the right history, but they are also popular.

Once, Sun Hao quietly fell into the West Kunlun Yirenzu Inn, playing games.

Hearing and laughing inside the inn, the monks are talking about their own glorious deeds. Those monks who talk about these things are called excitement, as if they have become the idols of their minds and the goal of worship.

It’s not like the real people who are not so romantic!

Yes, Sun Hao also heard another more popular insider affair revealed by another monk.

The ancestors of Shen Xiang, who had married their sisters, enjoyed the blessings of the Qi people, and they spoke like a decent, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

In other words, Sun Hao wondered, he was indeed a sinister mistake, and married Milohayou sisters, but this is a story in the field of undead gods. How did Xi Kunlun also be circulated?

What makes Sun Hao speechless is that no matter how ridiculous it is, after the meal, it is in the mouth of the lower monk, it is all about the ages, it is a good story, it is a magical history!

The aura of the people, where is it bright!

However, if you think about it, it seems that it is true. If there are no such stories in the ancestors, it seems that there is no such connection. It is not so memorable.

West Kunlun and East Kunlun turned around, and the bottom walked away. Sun Hao later figured out one thing.

There is a guy who secretly sneaked out an "Agarwood Incense", which is described in the secret past of Shenxiang, which is widely circulated at the bottom of the folk.

Sun Hao ran to buy a book, and when I saw the author, I suddenly knew who this is, and Sun Hao, along with the dog, dared to do this.

Author, Tengu Master!

At first glance, it is the animal husbandry! The heart was annoyed, and Sun Hao was ready to go back and learn about this dead dog.

However, in a blink of an eye, he smiled and laughed.

The dead dog is still measured. At least did not shake the real black history of his incarnation, and then, although this book is a dead dog, but this thing is estimated to be Wu Chuanglang gave arrangements.

Beside you, the real wise man, the strongest wise man, is Wushanglang and Zhichi.

I remember that in the Tianling 6th, Wu Chuanlang and Lao Jia gave a book to himself, and spread his own deeds widely. Now that he is in the middle of the virtual, this is definitely a masterpiece of Wu Chuanglang, let alone the effect. well.

If so, then go with him!

When the ancestors of the people made anecdotes, they went with him. Wu Xinglang’s work, Sun Hao is really not easy to care about, because many things are instructed by him to do it.

That's it!

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