Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2404: One person's power

The existence of the concentric rings, the other party has no knowledge, that is to say, these dragon-killers, the masters of the Dragon Slayer, do not know, they can immediately summon no less than ten combined monks.

On Sun Hao’s face, a faint smile gradually appeared, and the sound sounded through Tian Yu: “I have indeed perceived the illusion, and I am indeed planning to sneak away in the near future. However, you succeeded in angering me today. Hahaha, I, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiang, can go mad, but definitely not you..."

Sun Hao’s hand pointed to the air and laughed happily: “It’s definitely not for you guys, not guys who are not self-sufficient to be able to control my will. It’s a bad draw. I’m going to have a look. You are going to kill this seat, or I will come to kill you all."

The rough voice of the true devil ancestors sounded again: "Hurricane, do you think that you are invincible in the world? Not afraid to tell you that this name is a star of the dragons and dragons..."

After the words were not finished, Sun Hao had already laughed at the sky: "Do you still want to tell me that once this formation is formed, the longer it will be, the greater the power of the formation? Hahaha, the king of Gewang did not tell you. If you talk about the road, this seat is said to be the second in the world. No one dares to say that he is the best in the world. Hahaha, a good one is a starry battle, but what about it?"

After all, the zombie is a bit of a relationship with Sun Hao. At this time, Shen Sheng said: "The ancestors, if you have a way to break, this is the last chance for you to leave. Oh, our big array will work. Heaven and earth are in prison, even if you know how to do it, you can’t run out."

The different monks above have different goals.

The ancestors and the ancestors should be considered from the exhibition of the undead domain. As long as Sun Hao can disappear from the emptiness, the contradictions will be self-solving; the undead dragon ancestors and the flying people will not want to have Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took his hands and said with aloud: "This seat also warned you the last time. At this time, you will not be able to die. You will not die. Once you start the battle, you will never be merciful. Everyone here, please be yourself."

The big flying man’s star screamed above the sky: “Ignorance, looking for death, do you think you can sweep the world’s heroes?”

In the sound of the big bang, the two wings were on display, and the two stars fell from the sky. He hated Sun Hao most. Even if it was a big squad, it was not the best at present, but he was willing to take Sun Hao into the battlefield.

In the air, the ancestors sighed leisurely and said: "Little friends forgive me..."

Since it has already started the war, there is no reason to keep it. The bone gun flashes in the air, like a snake, and has bowed to Sun Hao.

The sky, full of more than 20 stars, each star represents a powerful fit in the middle and late stage of the peerless power.

Moreover, they still fought in battle, and after the attack, the combat ability was blessed by a large array.

The bone guns that the bone ancestors shot are more sharp, more flexible, and more powerful than the Red Crescent.

Twenty stars, at the same time, the world is suddenly discolored, and the space is turbulent.

Boom, bang, bang... Above the sky, rising ten huge magical laws, from the ten directions, surrounded Sun Hao in the big array, and exerted his own skills and attacked.

A double-headed three-eyed Tianjun, a strong Tianzun, a dragon... Ten phases, occupying ten parties, sealing the ten parties, and having the power of ten parties.

Sun Hao’s body was shocked, but now he can’t use the three-headed six-armed magical system.

Above the sky, the true demon monk said coldly: "Agarwood, you are afraid to be disappointed, we have added something to the stars, but your magical law is not used."

Sun Hao was slightly sun-dried, his body was shocked, and Zhang Jinjin broke out. Although the golden body was not tall, but the three-headed and six-armed, golden glittering, his mouth snorted, Sun Hao said: "The area is empty, it is really a superfluous, I have tightened my huge magical law, and it’s hard to get my law.

The Ten Great Gods Laws came together to attack Sun Hao. Above the sky, there was a beautiful, huge explosion of explosions centering on Sun Hao’s position.

Huge fists, radiant weapons, as well as the fire from the sky, the big water, the wind, Qi Qi rushed to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao snorted and said in his mouth: "You friends, you are strong, you are self-reliant, breeze and hills, can you help me? Give you several chances to see if you can hurt this one and a half."

Like a golden Buddha statue, Sun Hao stood up and stood in the middle of the storm, letting all kinds of spells bombard around him, looking at himself and not moving.

"God and body", Morgan's ancestors said: "The ancestors you really are personal things, not only have you cultivated the magical law and the six golden bodies, but actually combined the two together, admire and admire..."

The ten major gods are in perfect harmony, and no less than five ancestors burst their own exploratory spells, but the attack effect is not good.

Sun Hao stood at the center of the storm without any loss.

In the heart of every ancestor, there is a deep sigh, and the people of Shenxiang are truly in the strength of everyone, and the more the top level of the virtual.

The incense of the fragrant incense is not removed, and the family is difficult.

The strength is too strong, and everyone's scattered attacks have been difficult to work.

"I swallowed you." The dragon ancestors violently screamed in the air, and the faucet slammed down and bit it.

Huge black holes appear in the air, creating great appeal, and they should be swallowed up by Sun Hao.

Similar devouring magical powers generally have a powerful spatial effect. As long as they can swallow Sun Hao, there is a great possibility that they will be trapped in a special space.

Looking up at the sky, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smirk, and his mouth whispered: “Want to swallow this seat? You are not afraid of fangs? Eat me a stick...”

In the same way, Sun Hao’s stick slammed up.

The huge golden stick rose in the wind, and flew away, straight into the black hole, and there was a huge dragon ringing above the sky, and the blood sprinkled like rain.

The new undead dragon ancestor is not a bone dragon, but a dragon that has cultivated bleeding meat, but its blood is full of chilly ghosts, which is essentially different from the real dragon.

Long Ming is tragic, but he is really fangs.

More than 20 versatile monks looked at Sun Hao, who was flashing in the golden light. At the same time, he raised a thought in his heart. This is really a tiger that is surrounded by everyone. If you want to face it alone, you will have to suffer.

Everyone can explode the remote everyone, you can have all kinds of magical spells, all kinds of magical powers come together, but it is best not to go down with the flesh.

Undead dragon ancestors are the lessons of the past.

Sun Hao did not take the initiative to attack.

All the stars, the celestial array, and the addition of the net array, the two arrays are superimposed on each other, in fact, it is a double-edged sword.

It’s true that these monks can indeed gain momentum with these two tactics and trap themselves in the battle. As the formation becomes stronger, they may be really difficult to fly.

But at that time, these powerful monks who were present were also imprisoned in the big array.

In other words, by then, they can't run away.

Dragon Slayer.

In the end, who is the dragon who will kill, when it is time, you have to fight before you can see the difference. Sun Hao is also gaining momentum, waiting for the moment of the completion of the top 20 monks.

The typical features and symbols of the completion of the big battle are the combined power of the twenty powers, and only the powerful and powerful spirits, in order to mobilize the ability of twenty such powerful powers to develop stronger and stronger attack capabilities.

The first attack can only be considered a temptation.

The results of the temptation made all the powerful people sigh, and the Aquila people are really the strongest monks in the imaginary. Nowadays, the most powerful monks in the imaginary are almost halfway, and they form such a strong lineup, but they are too grandchildren.

The power of one person can be a heaven.

The power of one person can make everyone have nothing to do, a strong aloes, it is no wonder that you can dominate the virtual!

If you are alone, who is his opponent? Living in the same era as him is really a sorrow for everyone.

One move was fruitless, and the undead dragon ancestors also ate a little bit of a small loss.

Above the sky, the great monks were silent, and when they attack again, they no longer act alone.

The temptation is over. If you are alone, you can’t hurt your opponent. You can only use the power of the big force and fight together.

I don't know how the ancestors practiced, how could it be so powerful! Above the sky, every monk who once dominated the party raised a boundless sigh.

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