Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2441: Settle in the virtual

After deciding his own path, Sun Hao began his final preparation before going down.

Sun Hao’s practice in this life has experienced two major breakthroughs. One was flying up and rising from the heavenly continent to the virtual world. At that time, when he was in the mainland of Tianling, he was already the first person in the world, and his power was unparalleled. At the time of the ascent, a grand ascension ceremony was held.

The second time was from the imaginary to the imaginary. At that time, Sun Hao was being remembered by the flying people, for fear of being discovered, so it was a false road barbarian, incarnation of the hill, with the goal of the male and female witches.

Now, Sun Hao wants to break into the sky and enter the virtual, that is the third huge breakthrough of Sun Hao, but this time, Sun Hao does not have to hide as it was last time.

Of course, after Sun Hao thought about it, he decided to choose a silent, unmoving way to break away.

Sun Hao’s current power, Sun Hao’s current cultivation, and what he really wants to keep in the middle of the sacred, four or five thousand years is completely without problems.

As long as Sun Hao does not leave in a day, Zhonggui Wanzu does not dare to be naughty.

Undecided Penglai is an incomparably magical existence. After Sun Hao entered the undecided Penglai, the power of the Zhongxu Wanzu lost the sense of Sun Hao's breath.

At that time, Sun Hao only needs to enter the virtual state silently. Then, the Zhongxu Wanzu really does not know that the mountain hanging over the head has left.

As long as Sun Hao is not on the verge of ignoring the day, he is not famous in the day, and the Zhongxu Wanzu will always suspect that the ancestors of the ancestors are still guarded in the emptiness.

So, who dares to be naughty in the middle? After some time, after Sun Hao stayed in the imaginary, these forces were fully grown up, who is their opponent?

After Sun Hao thought about it, he finally decided to go to the time after he had sneaked away. Even the monks around him did not tell, and he said that he had closed his mind and enlightened.

Of course, before Sun Hao broke, there are still many traces to be known. In the rest of the time, Sun Hao needs to erase these traces without revealing the traces.

This time, Xu Hao needs to take away some people. The solution is still to condense the empty tower.

If you don't say anything else, you will say that the top ten immortals, including the Bao Ke Tu, Yi Lu Deng Huo, Si Ling and others will follow Sun Hao together and take a full account.

On top of the Ten Immortals, Xuanyuanhong will inevitably follow him. This time, the rain has to go together. Otherwise, it will not be how long it will take her to break away. It will be too unfair to the rain.

Also must go with Sun Hao, that is, some of the aborigines within the condensed empty tower, Sun Hao has been replaced by some of its monks, such as Zhichi, Luo Mei, Xiao Yan, Linger, Yi and others.

Until he counted which people he should take away, Sun Hao was very embarrassed to discover that he did not know when, during his ten years of Guarding the Terran, Tong Li had fallen into the market within the stagnation of the empty tower. He left. At the time, did not alarm Sun Hao.

However, he also left a vein in the tower, and there are still many descendants, scattered in various areas of the Sumiyal tower, and two of them are the big ones in the empty tower.

Gu Yun and Bai Juan are still alive, and the two of them give a drug field to Sun Hao. It is the object that Wu Xianlang must be tying, and there are many a lot of spirits, longevity, breakthrough repairs, everything, but it has broken through Wannianhou. Yuan is the bottleneck.

This time, some of the monks who did not bring into the virtual world when they were soaring in the early years, such as Wu Chuanlang and Zhu Dezheng, this time they need to take it.

These two tops can only enter the fit, don't want to practice until the late stage of the fit, if Sun Hao does not bring them into the virtual, it is estimated that this life will have to turn around in the virtual.

Perhaps, after the emptiness, with their two refiners and alchemy techniques, it is really possible to find a further way to continue to improve their cultivation.

Counting it out, the people that Sun Hao took away are really quite a lot.

Of course, the strength to stay in the imaginary is also very strong enough to allow the people to continue to maintain a strong deterrent among the imaginary people.

After spending more than a hundred years, Sun Hao carried out some reasonable planning according to the suggestions of Wu Chuanlang and Zhichi.

On the side of the Terran, the three legs stand tall.

West Kunlun, Xuanyuan Xiaolong guard, Xiaoyu Feitian assistance; East Kunlun side, double-sided Wushen, blood-stained king and killing Lu Lushan jointly managed, enough to fight against West Kunlun.

To Daewoo and Xiachuan, they entered the undecided Penglai, presided over the Shenxiang College, and served as the first dean of Daewoo.

Sun Hao is naturally the founder of the college.

In this way, there are various balances, which should be especially suitable for the development of the human race. For example, Daewoo is a big disciple of Sun Hao, and Xuanyuan Xiaolong is the grandson of Sun Hao. Although they are more harmonious, they also have competition. Relationships, now let them lead each other, naturally they cooperate and supervise each other.

For example, Xiachuan is mainly a monk from the island of Wanshou, and the main line of Daewoo is Qingyunmen. Without the suppression of Sun Hao, the two actually have mutual restraints.

Not to mention the Kunlun of East and West, Xuanyuan Xiaolong is a good father, and several small wives in East Kunlun, no one wants to control who.

In the city of shadows, Sun Hao also left his own strength. The city owner of the Shadow City was appointed to Zhong Rong, and the crown of the shadow was passed to Xuanyuan. The two are brothers and sisters of the same mother, and they have mutual affection. The silk is not convinced of competition.

However, when Sun Hao was at home, he announced an iron law, that is, between relatives, it is strictly forbidden to fight each other for any reason. Once found, abolish the cultivation and eliminate the blood sequence.

As the group of monks around Sun Hao grows up, with the increase of Sun Hao's children, this point must be fixed. Otherwise, the future brothers will be on the sidelines.

After Sun Hao arranged it, he entered Dalai, Xiachuan, Wushanglang and Zhu Dezheng into the unfinished Penglai and gradually faded out of the lineage of the Terran. Among them, Daewoo and Xiachuan occasionally appeared in the Terran to prove their existence.

Wu Xinglang and Zhu Dezhen also occasionally appeared in the early period. Later, the time of appearance became longer and longer, and more monks gradually forgot the existence of the ancestors and ancestors.

The development of East and West Kunlun, Sun Hao is no longer questioning.

Sun Hao himself, occasionally appeared one or two times before it broke, and later, the interval time is getting longer and longer.

To Daewoo and Zhu Dezheng, Sun Hao’s rumors of practicing the world’s supernatural powers were spread out. The Terran monks also expressed their understanding of the mysterious secrets of the ancestors and hoped.

Under the common governance of the East Kunlun and the Unfinished Penglai, the entire Terran gradually embarked on formality.

After a few hundred years, it was in the rapid development of the Terran, and it quickly passed.

For hundreds of years, the undecided Penglai has undergone tremendous changes under the auspices of Daewoo and, the core area of ​​Penglai is floating, and there are twelve clouds, that is, twelve The magical rainbow fairy mountain.

This represents the true management of the undecided Penglai. The twelve fairy mountains are the nine branches and the three halls.

The Nine Branches are nine special colleges, such as the School of Refining, the School of Alchemy, etc., based on Sun Hao's nine major practice systems.

The three halls are the main hall, the temple of things and the law enforcement hall.

How to arrange the personnel, Sun Hao did not have too many questions, it was decided to discuss with Daewoo and Xia Chuan.

Sun Hao only knows that Da Yu and Xia Chuan are the dean and the main hall of the main hall, and the first is the first deputy dean and the master of the law enforcement hall. The forces of the two are just as similar to their cultivation, but they are only The focus is different.

After hundreds of years, the people in Penglai have begun to thrive, but the monks who can enter the Penglai are limited. After all, Penglai is not open to mortals, so so far, there is still no Penglai. It is a land-wide feeling of being sparsely populated. Many places are ridiculous places, and various resources that are not developed are also everywhere.

Sun Hao also found that there have been a large number of mortals in the undecided Penglai. After hundreds of years, many descendants of monks have failed to have a spiritual root and become a mortal.

To Daewoo and Xia Chuan also issued a policy, no Penglai open to the high-level mortal relatives to enter, so, accumulated over hundreds of years, the periphery of the core area, some mortals have gradually built a city, become a supplement to the college.

All things are in place in accordance with Sun Hao’s arrangement.

As Sun Hao’s expectations have been, after running for hundreds of years, the management skeleton of the Terran has really stabilized, and it is time to break away.

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