Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2443: Infiltration

The area that Sun Hao perceives is really too big. It takes a short time to wake up the coordinates.

Undecided Penglai's sacred mountain, Sun Hao sat for hundreds of years, like a stone sculpture, but his body gradually faded and gradually became transparent in the mountains.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the clouds are lingering. Sun Hao's body is completely gone and disappears.

The white clouds are still old.

Many years later, he came to Daewoo and Xia Chuan, facing the face of the empty mountain.

The two stayed for a long time, and they fell in the face of Xianshan, and left after three or nine.

The old people have already taken the yellow crane, and the clouds are empty.

However, the Zhongxu Wanzu monks do not know that the ancestors of the ancestors have gone astray, and all of them are timid and dignified, and no one dares to make troubles. They have all entered a stable long-term development process.

Zhongxuan calmed down.

After a smashing of the bones, after a round of sinister wars by the people of Shenxiang, they completely entered the calm stage.

The Zhongxu people all honestly use the ancestral ancestor of the incense, 10,000 years, 20,000 years...

No one knows, even if there is speculation, it is not easy to judge that the ancestors have broken away, unless there is a courageous person who dares to stand up and provoke the Terran, so he can defeat the East Kunlun and No. After the several great powers of Ding Penglai, it is possible to force the Chinese people to reveal their prototypes.

If not, you have to wait for Sun Hao to appear in the imaginary news, and then everyone can really be sure that the ancestors of the ancestors have gone astray.

The ancestors of the imaginary imaginary have already stared at the Terran area. When the ancestors of the ancestors died, they must be able to sense it. However, they are not afraid of him going up, not knowing the intelligence.

What makes people more puzzled is that the ancestors of Shen Zuo are actually suffocating, for a thousand years, two thousand years, thousands of years have passed, there is still no movement, as if this guy is in the middle of it, he will be his mountain. The king is over.

When I think about the age of the ancestors, it is true that he can be sloppy and slick, and he will not be too busy to go to the virtual, his time is still very rich.

Zhongxu Mountain King! The choice of the ancestors of the ancestors made the races that watched him go to hate it.

The Terran has actually appeared such a wonderful monk, so the virtual pattern in the rule of the human race cannot be broken in a short time.

Within a few thousand years, the top ten sects of the Terran have regained their reputation, their cultivation has increased again, and they have ran away and eliminated a disobedient race, once again witnessing the majesty of the Terran.

The ancestors have not yet gone, and the strength of the Terran monks has developed.

The Zhongxu Wanzu regrettably discovered that the state of the human race has to last for a long time.

Any race that is dissatisfied with the human race can only be careful and squatting, waiting for a chance to fly.

The sinister Zhongxu Wanzui never imagined that Sun Hao, who was regarded as the King of the Mountain, had already gone unknowingly and entered the emptiness.

The imaginary powers did not realize that Sun Hao had mixed in.

Even the great man, Hao Anyi, only vaguely guessed that Sun Hao had entered the emptiness, but what surprised him was that even if he was the ancestor of the Terran, he could not perceive the existence of Sun Hao. Then the power of other races, not to mention, must be that Sun Hao is still guarding in the virtual.

Hao Anyi is very curious about how Sun Hao is so secretive. According to the truth, when a monk who has been repaired to a certain level is broken, how can there be some movements, how can there be some visions, and the real powerful monks are reasonable. There are some special inductions.

In particular, Hao Anyi, who is a man of great humanity, should be able to perceive the changes in the human race's air movements. It is felt that the ability of the human race is strengthened, that is, it should be able to clearly distinguish the traces of Sun Hao's emptiness.

However, it is strange that Sun Hao’s breath is completely unsensed. The power of the imaginary people’s qi is also accumulating, and it is forbearing and not sent, just as Sun Hao is still in the middle of the mountain.

With Hao Anyi's understanding of Sun Hao, he can be sure that Sun Hao has broken down, but he has concealed his existence in a peculiar way that is like a fake death. He also chose a direction that completely avoids the human race. the way.

Amazing Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang.

If it weren’t for fear of being perceived by Sun Hao’s anomaly, Hao Anyi had his own thoughts on Sun Hao’s thoughts.

However, what Hao Anyi did not expect was that even if he personally went out and followed the track of Sun Hao, it would not be possible to find Sun Hao’s current whereabouts.

He never imagined that, at present, what is the status of Sun Hao, and he would never want to be so embarrassed by Sun Hao, actually completely closed his own six knowledge, into the deep-educated practice, and his own ontology. Already unconscious, it has been completely transformed into a kind of spirit grass, which has fallen into the stars of the sky.

This state of Sun Hao, even if it is a reincarnation, it is difficult to calculate the specific position of Sun Hao.

Throughout the end, I turned myself into a spirit grass. Without the slightest consciousness, Sun Hao’s practice was even more fierce than that of Hao Anyi.

When Hao Anyi was in the middle of the year, the subject slept, or left some distractions to go looking for opportunities.

Sun Hao is not only the main body to sleep, even the two deputy souls, the seven major points are also fully integrated into the building space, isolated the sense of the outside world, ran to practice.

Equivalently, Sun Hao’s soul completely disappeared from the virtual world. It is difficult to find the traces of Sun Hao by any powerful means.

Shang Xu is a world that is much broader than Zhong Xu. The distribution of races is also very interesting. Some of them have several different races in the big domain. They divide and rule, and there are also large areas, even ridiculous people, and can’t see half a monk. .

What makes Sun Hao puzzled is that some big domains are even a big fireball, hanging in the air, burning, living inside, that is, some sly flame creatures, of course, does not rule out a special flame race in flames. Deep activity.

The great domain of Sun Haoqian's selection is a lush green grassland covered with dense forests. Sun Hao feels ample aura in this large area, and there is plenty of medicine.

This is a medicinal domain, the ethnicity of life inside, that is, the ancestors, the tree and the long-eared, the celestial and other forest races.

Silently and silently, after Sun Hao disappeared from the imaginary, he completely turned himself into a seedling, rooted in the medicine field, and began a real, like other elixir growth.

Sun Hao’s sneak into this, silent, and ignoring those old things, would not have thought that Sun Hao would be so forbearing.

If Sun Hao reveals some information a little, it is not good enough to be pegged by old things at this time.

Sun Hao designed the original intention of this sneak plan originally to improve his practice effect ~ ~ originally intended to make his nine-in-one more rounded and fuller.

I didn't expect this design, but I saved a lot of things for Sun Hao and I lost a lot of trouble.

Inadvertently, Sun Hao avoided a direct dialogue with the true ancestors of all ethnic groups.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is a small seedling, completely concealing his own breath. It is really like a small tree, absorbing the dew, absorbing the sun and thriving.

Inadvertently, Baiyun Cang dog.

It has been passing by for thousands of years.

The seedlings gradually grew up, and the medicine of the elixir was revealed. Sun Hao’s seedlings began to have a lot of spirituality, and became a nearby spirituality.

This is a large medicinal medicinal forest, and it is also one of the most influential medicinal medicines in the medicinal family. No one would have thought that the aristocratic tyrants of the human race and the famous Ancestral ancestors would be willing to turn into small medicinal plants. For thousands of years.

Sun Hao has already spent the 12th thunder of Zijin, the body itself is the treasure of heaven and earth, plus the building of the body of Sun Hao’s deity, and the magical Mudan, the existence of these things, let Sun Hao’s The physical body is actually a real panacea.

In these years, Sun Hao, who has sunk into the practice, naturally concentrates on the absorption of nearby auras. In a large area around him, a large area of ​​aura is formed. Unconsciously, a large amount of elixir has mushroomed. Developed.

For ordinary mortal people, some special medicines can be alive for a hundred years, and the millennium can become fine. After thousands of years, Sun Hao’s medicine valley gradually produced a lot of medicines. Finally, naturally, the medicine family noticed this magical Medicine Valley.

Around the drug valley, traces of medicinal monks began to appear.

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