Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2454: Antoine Xinding

Standing in front of the window, facing the sun, Dandan Awu extended a small hand, a small pine tree, began to stretch branches on her hands, gently swaying...

The scale of Antoine is beyond the imagination of Dandan Awu.

Just like a little girl from the countryside going to the city, when Dandan Awu stood on the majestic Mount Xian of Antoine, he felt that he was so small.

The valleys that stretch for thousands of miles, the clouds of thousands of miles.

The majestic Xianshan floats in the clouds, and the white clouds and the dews seem to smell ample medicine.

This is the big totem, the big totem that I can't imagine.

Standing on a fairy mountain, Dandan Awu feels that he has become a little ignorant, and he is at a loss.

Everything is coming too fast.

Dandan Awu feels that he has not reacted yet, and he has become a member of the big totem.

The big totem is extremely fast, and the five newly recruited disciples are assigned to different Xianshan according to their respective characteristics of characteristics and qualifications. Different spiritual tasks are arranged, and several newly recruited disciples are officially joined. Among the totems.

No matter how unwilling, or whether to admit it or not, Dandan Awu found a fact that he was once again disliked.

The arrogant Amu who got the gods is said to have been recruited by the astrologer of Antoun to become a true disciple. Several companions of the spiritual material are said to have been recruited by the elders of Antoin’s robbery period and become core disciples. .

Only himself, even the master of the gods did not get it, was thrown into the drug mountain, became a normal outside disciples who could not be ordinary, began to practice themselves.

Nowadays, you need to look up to the stars and look at your peers. They are already high, and they can only practice at the bottom.

That night, against the starry night sky, Dandan Awu extended his right hand and showed a small drug seedling. He whispered: "Now, I am left with your loneliness, I hope you can help me. I hope that you can become a companion on my road, sincerely guarding each other, small drug vaccine, I will always be good to you, well, we can start the first practice..."

In the face of the stars, Dandan Ao sat down and started his first practice after getting a small drug.

A faint star glow falls from the sky and shines on the small seedlings.

Above the branches of the small drug seedlings, it seems to bring a little starlight, and the stars in the sky are reflected.

After a long time, Dandan Awu squinted his eyes and felt himself. He whispered in his mouth: "How could this be? Small medicine seedlings, how can you swallow my true yuan? I have practiced for so long, there is no real yuan. Can you enter Dantian? What's wrong with you? What kind of injury do you need to really protect?"

Above the small medicine seedlings, the starlight is a little bit, as if nodding, it seems to be ignorant, I don’t know what Dandan Awu is saying.

Dandan Awu felt his true meta-change, and his face gradually became firmer. He said affirmatively: "Small medicine, let's practice again. I always believe that hard work pays off, as long as we continue to work hard, In the future, after you have absorbed enough real elements, we can begin to improve..."

For a long time, Dandan Awu completed his evening homework, and the silk suddenly passed by his face. He sent the little drug vaccine to his mouth and kissed him kissed. His mouth said: "Good night, small drug seedlings. And tomorrow, we will continue to work hard."

In the simple log cabin, Dandan Awu entered the dream, outside the window, a little starlight on her body.

The body of the small drug seedlings, slowly and slowly, flashes like it, echoing with the stars in the sky.

A little bit of starlight seems to turn into a trickle, beginning to spread all over Dandan Awu, as if slowly infecting the body of Dandan Awu.

The drug family itself is cultivated by the elixir, and the emergence of the drug **** makes the drug family separate from the tree family.

In general with many ethnic groups such as the Yaozu, the drug **** finally chose the form of the medicinal monk to become the form of the human body.

When the medicinal family was cultivated to produce offspring, it was natural to choose to cultivate their descendants into human figures.

However, compared with the normal human body, many pharmacies are not complete in body shape, and there are some defects. There is no way to do this.

After all, the descendants of this medicinal family are not self-cultivated, but forcibly bred, and the process of gestation is affected by the environment, and some problems are normal. Most medicinal monks only guarantee that the general direction is not guaranteed. The problem is just fine.

Within many powerful races, after the birth of a child of a pharmacy, there will be long-term cultivation, or some special exercises to strengthen oneself, to make your body stronger, and to make your practice more There is no defect in the land.

If at this time, the great monk of Antotem is within the room of Dandan Awu, it will be able to distinguish it. At this moment, Dandan Awu is undergoing his own transformation and is making up his own qualifications. A little bit of starlight is moistening her whole body silently.

On the second day, Dandan Awu woke up, feeling very good, refreshing, and a great spirit, but the small nose shrugged, feeling the smell in this room was really bad, not surprising.

When I looked for the source of the smell, my heart was even more suspicious. Actually, I was stinking, sneaking, opening the door, looking around, and found that my little house was quiet, no one bothered, suddenly, my heart was long. Exhaled a long breath.

On my body, a lot of dregs are really stinky. Strange, not all of the medicinal monks are very pure? How do you have so much dregs on your body?

Hurry to take a bath, deodorize, while running the real yuan to investigate the changes in his body, after a half ring, Dan Dan Au revealed a thoughtful expression.

If she does not feel wrong, she has two changes in her body. One is that her true element has been condensed a lot. The total amount of real elements seems to have not changed, but it seems to be a lot of solid.

Another change is that your own meridians are much smoother.

What is going on here? It’s just a sleep, how can these two changes happen? The direction of change is quite good, but from the perspective of today's changes, it seems that the help to yourself is not great!

With the doubts in my heart, Dandan Awu began a day of homework and started his own day.

As an outsider of Antotem, Dandan Awu needs to do tasks to obtain the contribution of totem while practicing. Many exercises and many resources of practice need to be exchanged for contributions. I have to work hard.

Among the virtual worlds, some races have criticized the drug family, the most hypocritical race, and the most refuted race is the drug family.

Indeed, some of the worldviews of the drug family, many ethnic groups have said that they do not understand, do not say anything else, they say alchemy.

On the one hand, the medicinal family is extremely disgusted with the alchemy of other races. It is believed that the alchemy of other races is simply taking the life of the pharmacy for improvement. On the other hand, the imaginary of the imaginary is the alchemy of the pharmacy. Surgery is the most powerful in the virtual world.

Here, there is a world view and cognition of the pharmacy. In the world view of the pharmacy, only the spiritual medicine that was born is the most basic mortal of the pharmacy, and only the elixir that has reached the spiritual level. It is considered a monk seedling of the drug family.

In the eyes of the drug family, there is no spiritual drug, but it is actually a resource that can be utilized.

Those medicines that have spirituality are the deciduous materials, and the aging materials are the true mortal foundation of the medicinal family.

Among the medicine fields of Antoten, there are all kinds of medicines that are not spiritually but they have been medicinal. These are all cultivation resources, which are all cultivated by Antoine seeds. Strain.

According to legend, the big totem, the big tribe does have some special medicine fields that can cultivate the elixir, but such medicine fields exist as the base for the big totem to train the younger generation.

Otherwise, big totems, big tribes will not have so many generations of monks appearing.

As an Antoine new Ding, Dandan Awu has a lot of tasks. She has to take care of 20 acres of medicine fields. There are many herbs that can be used for alchemy, and she can harvest a batch every few years.

With an expectation of his own future, and with doubts and expectations for his own changes, Dandan Ao gradually integrated into the Antoine and began a new practice.


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