Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2468: Real genius (4)

The child’s point of view was immediately recognized by many disciples, and everyone raised objections.

The heart-wrenching woman grinned.

The sound outside stunned the examiner inside. An alchemy teacher stood up and yelled aloud: "What is a noisy? Right is right, wrong is wrong, so you can't answer the simple question, and the face is here. Noisy, who is swearing again, be careful of our direct expulsion."

After a while, the disciples have not found a low-key Dan Dan Awu who is the final check of alchemy, that is, the real test of the real gun refining medicinal herbs has officially begun.

Considering the success rate of alchemy, each disciple has three opportunities to refine alchemy, and the time of alchemy has also been given for a whole day.

After the first two tests, the disciples have been brushed down to more than 800 people, because the time required for alchemy is relatively long, so this round of testing is carried out at the same time.

In fact, the entire Antoine alchemy test is in sync.

Moreover, at the beginning of the third round of alchemy, the results of the first two rounds of the entire Antoine's major pharmacy alchemy have come out.

The name of Dandan Awu, hanging high in the forefront of the hundreds of thousands of alchemy disciples, has formed a certain influence in Antoine.

Especially the people who are familiar with Dandan Awu, this time is a burst of surprise, infinite shock.

For example, Yuhe, who had not found Dandan Awu in front of the alchemy list of his own medicine mountain, was wondering if Dandan Awu had already been eliminated. He suddenly heard the monks around him say: "Wow, we tribute. Dandan Awu of Yaoshan is so powerful, two rounds of tests, all out of the score, topped the list..."

Rain and Wo stayed for a while, and looked at the top of the list, but it wasn’t, Dandan Awu, who tested twice and scored 240, was the top of the tribute to Yaoshan, and also topped the list of Antoine’s entire alchemy disciple. .

It seems that among the entire Antoine, there is only a full score, only Dandan Awu.

is not it?

Rain and licking his own eyes, it feels like a dream, is it really Awu’s sister? However, if she remembers well, three months ago, Dandan Awu ran to the seller, ready to learn alchemy, and there was a lot of trouble.

It’s good now, just in March, directly on the top of the list, is there such a bizarre thing?

The memory of Awu’s sister is too good. Ai’s sister’s ability to perceive the herbal medicine is too strong.

Such an examination, even if it is someone who has studied alchemy for decades, is afraid that he will not get a perfect score?

Looking at the top of the list of Dandan Awu, Yuhe suddenly dreams, but the heart gradually began to feel uneasy: "Ao sister learning theory and identification of herbs took a short time, then in such a short time, Isn’t her alchemy level of progress improved? If so, Ai’s sister is afraid to be the biggest joke of this quiz...”

Antoine up and down, today and today, are paying attention to the foreigner disciples.

哼 哼 朱 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到

An Amu stood on a high mountain top, carrying his hands and looking forward. He was holding a melody on his back. Someone just told him that Dandan Au Alchemy was the first in the list.

There was a faint smile on his face, and his mouth sighed softly: "Kite first, three egg rites, really extraordinary, can be buried for a while, but after all, there will be a rising day, this is the general trend, no one can violate inverse……"

I don't know that my achievements have attracted the attention of many people. Even, there is a large-scale alchemy teacher who has already called his own materials. Dandan Awu is now in the midst of refining the alchemy.

Like other alchemy disciples who came to the test, Dandan Awu's first furnace Ling Dan decided to take a steady route and decided to refine his own best spirit. As long as he was refining, he could leave a path for himself. The next two alchemy opportunities will come again to choose a breakthrough.

Dandan Awu's best choice is the five-level real yuan Dan. In these days, Dandan Awu refining the most is the real Yuan Dan.

For Dandan Awu, the fifth-grade Zhenyuan Dan is the most skilled Ling Dan, and she has to cook several stoves every day.

At this time, refining, naturally, is a light and familiar road, and it does not feel too difficult.

For Dandan Awu, choosing Zhenyuan Dan is the most normal.

However, for the alchemists who are in charge of the examination, seeing the Dandans chosen by Dandan Awu, the heart has been shocked.

Five-level real yuan Dan! Actually, it is the level of this kind of spirit. If the spirit is successful, it will be quite interesting.

These alchemists who are responsible for the assessment are not necessarily able to refine the five-level real yuan Dan!

Within the medicinal family, in order to simplify and understand the level of the spirit, the spirits are divided into one to nine levels, and the level of the alchemist is followed by the spirit.

The highest level of Ling Dan, reached the ninth level peak and beyond the ninth level of the spirit, there is a special name, Xiandan, can refine the alchemy of the elders, called the Xiandan division, the medicine family medicine is One of the rare Xiandan divisions.

It is the alchemy master who can refine the eighty-two levels of the spirit.

It is the master of alchemy that can refine the spirit of the seventh or higher.

The master of alchemy can be the one who can refine the six-level spirit.

Further down, there are senior alchemists, intermediate alchemists, junior alchemists, alchemists, and alchemy apprentices.

The five-level Zhenyuan Dan, with a five-level typeface, in contrast, has definitely reached the level of a senior alchemist, and the site is responsible for testing, but it is not necessarily able to reach the level of a senior alchemist.

This is not the most critical!

More importantly, the five-level real yuan Dan is not a five-level spirit. Among all the spirits, Zhen Yuan Dan is a special department.

The practice of monks was originally a period of refining, and then it was the foundation period.

Refining gas and refining, this period, the monk inside the body of Dantian is not the real element, but the infuriating, the real element of liquid, that is the symbol of the foundation period.

Therefore, on the first level, the real Yuandan is inferior to another level of Lingdan, and the fifth-level Zhenyuan Dan, that is, the monk who can be used to supplement the true yuan, the real The level has reached six levels.

The sixth level of Ling Dan, that is the standard of the master of alchemy, that means that once Dandan Awu completes the refining, then within the examination room of this group, the alchemy level is higher than Dandan Awu, it is estimated that There is only the chief examiner.

You said that such a choice can not let a few examiners get to the heart?

Dandan Awu really didn't think so much. She just chose her best, and she is the biggest helper to herself. She can use it to supplement her own real, adjusting medicine, medicine , refining ... alchemy steps step by step quickly, Dandan Awu throughout the alchemy process, the flow of water, in one go.

Less than two hours, Dandan Awu mouth burst into a crisp drink, a palm shot on his own Dan furnace, the furnace cover should fly, within the furnace, six Ling Dan dripping, still in The rotation kept going, and the fragrant fragrance came from inside the Dan furnace.

Dandan Ao took a long breath and slowly pressed his hands on his chest to calm his breathing and make himself appear more stable. After the sound, he said: "Five-level Zhenyuan Dan, please ask the examiner to come to the appraisal. ""

After some combination, at present, there are a total of twelve alchemists in the examination room of Dandan Awu.

After Dandan Awu finished, more than a dozen alchemy masters did not have any movements.

Dandan Awu stayed for a while, unclear, so when he continued to ask questions, one of the alchemists said: "Au Shimei, please wait a moment, Bashan master will come over immediately, he said to personally identify your spirit. Dan."

Dandan Awu did not know who the Bashan master was. He nodded and said: "Well, the disciple understands."

After waiting for a while, the master of the examination room, Bashan master appeared in the examination room, looked surprised, was invited by several alchemists to the front of Dandan Awu.

I swept the altar furnace with my eyes, picked up a panacea, pointed at the light, and looked at it. I couldn’t help but say: "This spirit is crystal clear, round and streamlined, reaching the top grade. Congratulations, Dandan Awu Your alchemy assessment is fully qualified, and you can continue to stay in Antoine's fine alchemy."

Although Dandan Awu knew that this would be the result, after hearing this, his heart still had an inexplicable expression, and his body was deeply squatted. Dandan Awu said with pleasure: "Thank you Master Bashan."

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