Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2471: Super Genius (2)

Rainhe received the melody of the black calendar, and the guy came to the extreme, letting her helpless but feeling dependent on a little smug voice: "Sister, dear sister, you let me take care of Dandan Awu, didn't you make a mistake? People are now superstars, super geniuses, I can't catch up with four horses!"

Rain Wo also got the news that Dandan Awu did not go away, and the heart was shaking.

Direct alchemy master!

What kind of metamorphosis is this? She saw Dandan Au Na took the alchemy furnace and personally prepared a large amount of herbs for Dandan Awu. To be honest, Dandan Awu had to go a lot during the last half of the three months. Beyond the herb that belongs to the basic herb category.

At that time, Yuhe secretly met Dandan Awu. Anyway, there was An Amu’s instructions in front, and no one could really check it.

At that time, the real idea in Yuhe’s heart was to let Dandan Awu take enough cultivation resources. Once he could not stay in Antom, the future path would be better.

Who knows, the result is like this!

The result was that she never imagined that Dandan Awu actually made the master of alchemy directly.

Master Alchemy’s position in Yaoshan is quite high. Even the elders of the office have to give the alchemy master a few faces.

An alchemy master is enough to prop up a small totem family.

Well, if you are not careful, you will take a genius from the medicine. Now that Rainhe has understood and co-authored, in the last half of the month, Dandan Awu is going to go to those higher-grade herbs, and he really took alchemy.

Instead of accumulating herbal resources for yourself, I practiced alchemy in a real and realistic way.

Think about the pure and simple girl, and think about the fact that alchemy has only been a junior alchemist for decades. Rainhe feels that this world is really amazing.

Above the high mountain, An Amu looked at the intelligence in his hand, and laughed happily: "Three egg rites, really powerful, gold scales are not in the pool, the wind will turn into dragons, hahaha, Dandan Awu, You didn't let me down. In Antotem, I finally had a decent opponent. I hope your strength can grow up quickly..."

Just when An Amuhaha laughed, in the examination room of alchemy, Bashan master said with a smile: "Au, I remember that in addition to the assessment of the refining of Dan, it seems to have reported the test of potential and strength, then Now, are you still trying it?"

Directly advanced alchemy master, Dandan Awu has no need to continue to participate in other tests, an alchemy master is enough to let Dandan Awu get a lot of respect in Antoine, no one will be expelled.

Dandan Awu thought about it and said softly in his mouth: "Since registration, I will give it a try. It won't take long."

Bashan master glanced at the repair of Dandan Awu and said with a chuckle: "Also, we do things, there is still a good beginning and a end. Since registration, then follow the rules, then I wish the Awu sisters When it comes to potential testing and strength testing, it will create more glory."

Dandan Awu said thank you: "Thank you for the master Ji Yan, I will work hard, but I don't know the master. I really can't figure out my potential and strength. Can I have some achievements? ”

Master Bashan once again swept through Dandan Awu. He was not optimistic about the cultivation of this genius disciple, so he said in his mouth: "Nothing, you can play as you like, and there is no impact on success or failure, even if even your life." The elixir is a decaying material, it doesn't matter."

Also, although Dandan Awu’s sacred medicine is a decaying material, his current alchemy technique is enough to gain respect.

Dandan Awu thanked again and got the medal of the Master of Alchemy awarded by Bashan Master. This was then retired and ready to participate in the next potential and strength test.

The reason why Dandan Awu will sign up for so many tests, to put it bluntly, is that when he signed up three months ago, Dandan Awu had no bottom in his heart, and he did not know whether he could stay in Antoine to continue his practice.

Like most outside disciples, Dandan Awu reported three major items, and he is looking forward to his outstanding performance in one of the items.

This is the original intention of Dandan Awu registration.

Now, after the alchemy test, Dandan Awu found that he really did not have the need to continue to participate in those tests.

At this time, the reason why Dandan Awu continued to participate in the test became the beginning and end of the work, and he could not quit halfway, and he did not use his own identity to exercise the unnecessary privilege.

At the same time, Dandan Awu has another purpose, that is to understand his own situation.

The small drug seedling brought a lot of problems that Dandan Awu couldn't understand. She hoped to get some basic information about herself in the next test.

For example, what is the potential of Dandan Awu's potential qualification after being improved by the little star of the drug? Also, what is the meaning of Danhai in the vastness of Dantian? Is it a symbol of cultivation?

These problems, Dandan Awu want to figure out.

In addition, Dandan Awu also wants to test his actual combat ability. In other words, from small to large, Dandan Awu is quite rare when he starts with others. He does not know whether the spells he learned from his dreams are strong. powerful.

For these reasons, Dandan Awu finally decided to continue to participate in the next assessment.

Potential value test, combat strength test. On the top of the mountain, An Amu expects the individual strength of Dandan Awu to grow rapidly. In fact, An Amu feels that the potential of Dandan Awu’s potential is not particularly good because of the influence of the aging material, and Dandan The strength of Awu should also be very inadequate.

There is also Yuhe, and at this time, I am not optimistic about the decision of Dandan Awu. She knows that Dandan Awu’s sacred medicine is a succulent material, and it is even more sturdy, and among the outside disciples, it is almost the bottom.

This fact is doomed to the fact that Dandan Awu can't have much potential, and the combat power is also destined to be awkward. It is estimated that it is abused.

Among the three test items of the external entrance examination, the slowest is the strength test, followed by the alchemy, the simplest is the potential test.

In general, the potential test measures two potentials, namely, the potential of the body and the potential of the life-threatening medicine.

Under the leadership of an alchemist who was sent by Master Bashan, Dandan Awu quickly found the potential test area and entered the test procedure.

Sometimes, things are so simple, I really want to let Dandan Au find it myself, and report it step by step, at least for a few hours.

However, with the Yaoshan alchemy master, all the way green light, all the way to handle Dandan Ao is to enjoy the privileges of some alchemy masters.

After all, Antoten is one of the big totems of the drug family. The test potential is much more scientific than the Jingyao Mountain City. It is not only a magic stone to test the spiritual level of the life medicine, but also a lot of complicated tests to determine The true potential of the monk.

Of course, the spiritual level of this life medicine is an important test link, and the proportion is still quite a lot. Even Dandan Ao himself is very clear, and his potential may not be very strong.

The spirituality of the small drug seedlings is a hard injury.

Among the settings of Antotem, the total potential of the monk is ten stars. When the drug is tested, the body index is six stars, and the life-threatening index is four stars.

The judgment of the pros and cons of the potential is also a six-star qualified monk. It has more than six stars. It has been able to surpass the ordinary monks and become a qualified disciple of Antoine.

The seven stars are in good grade, indicating that this is an elite monk, enough to become the backbone of Antotem; eight stars are excellent, which means that this is a small genius, with the potential to practice to a higher level of cultivation; nine stars are Tianjiao, This means that this is an unparalleled genius monk, and the future is boundless.

Ten stars are impossible. In the history of the pharmacy, there have been no ten stars.

Of course, the number of stars representing potential has five horns, and the monks can also light up a few of them, indicating that they still have some potential in this star.

Often, this will also be a criterion for determining the ultimate potential of a monk.

The potential test of Dandan Awu is first of all her own body, with a potential index of six stars.

Although the potential test is the simplest and fastest, the program is actually more, and the ontology test is divided into two categories: talent ability and drug repair.

Talent is the qualifications given by God.

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