Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2479: Entering the theater

Without waiting for the air law enforcement elders to speak, Nami Dachang continued: "This is my king's intentional arrangement, let me try to try to make the Tengzhi bell still functioning and knocking, I am sorry, forgot to give you a report. ""

Totem's task of arranging the king?

The law enforcement elders gave a slight glimpse, and when they continued to ask, the sound of Totem Anwang’s majesty came out: "Oh, Nami, why are you so ignorant, don’t look at Gong, Yaoshan is now testing outside the disciples. You can't knock it later? It's easy to make people feel the illusion when it's ringing at this time. It seems that someone has smashed the totem's ten difficulties..."

In the midair, Dandan Awu’s face showed a thoughtful expression, and he thought that this clock would not be blamed by himself.

When the elders of the law enforcement heard it, they immediately said aloud: "It turned out to be the task of my king's arrangement. Well, this is the case. Don't be surprised at the future. The outside disciples will take a small test. No one will pass the core disciples. It’s hard to be embarrassed about the ten difficulties, why should everyone do it, don’t join in the fun here.”

The elders who were responsible for the assessment of Dandan Awu flashed doubts. Didn’t Nami take over the assessment of Dandan Awu? Dandan Awu is not in the hell, do not know where to go? Is it really the movement of Dandan Awu?

However, I thought about the repair of Dandan Awu. The elder could not help but shook his head and said to himself: "I am afraid that I think more, how can the little girl have such a powerful ability!"

Shaking his head, the elder is not entangled in this problem, ran to do his own thing.

In front of Dandan Awu, there was a smile on the face of Nami. When the old man saw Dandan Awu, he smiled and said: "Not bad, you have already passed the test of five levels and have the qualification to participate in actual combat. Up..."

How many levels does it have? Dandan Ao counted, not much more, just ten levels, now, Nami big long refers to the deer as a horse, he said that he only passed five levels, which is really a problem.

If you add the performance of the totems of Wang and Naomi, Dandan Ao’s heart is somewhat clear, and he may be careless and do something bad about publicity.

Flying through these thoughts in my heart, from the good, Dandan Awu said: "Thank you for your greatness, I didn't expect Dachang to personally come to guard Awu. It really makes Awu feel honored."

Nami said with a long heart, can I not keep it? Grandma, grandma, you give me a leak, but I have to wait carefully.

With the completion of the alchemy assessment and the potential test, the final combat strength test was basically completed. The foreigner disciples tested the final highlights and actual tests after almost a week.

The actual test of Antotem is not a situation of collapse, but a real survival in the wild. The disciples who participated in the test will be put into different scenes to fight. After the three-day battle, the order will be determined according to the performance of the battlefield.

This kind of battle is quite dangerous. In principle, it can't be killed. However, in actual combat, it is difficult to fully control the fighting rhythm. In the past, there will be many people losing.

Of course, the drug family also has special characteristics. The drug family monks usually have the elixir, which is the body shape of the body form and the drug repair.

After the defeat of the battle, after being defeated, most of the drug repairs will not be killed in an instant, but will be returned to the prototype, turned into a elixir, and began to fall asleep to recover the injury, perhaps for many years, still have a clear possibility.

A total of eight thousand disciples entered the actual combat session, and they were divided into ten huge test sites. Each test field was 800 people. Each disciple was numbered and randomly selected to enter.

The number of Dandan Awu is 837. It means the thirty-ninth monk of the eighth test field.

Dandan Awu’s name in these days was very loud. After the alchemy and potential tests, Dandan Awu has let most of his disciples stunned and can only look up.

However, on the entire tribute to the drug hill, there are only a handful of disciples who know Dandan Awu, and the total number will not exceed ten.

Therefore, when Dandan Awu entered the eighth battle zone, not many people knew her.

Dandan Awu is famous for his alchemy and spiritual potential. The news said that her fighting strength is strong enough. It may be due to her wholehearted study of alchemy. She is still in her adulthood.

Outside the disciples, I really don't think that Dandan Awu's combat power will be strong, and she is not very concerned about her entering the battle zone.

Many disciples even think that Dandan Awu pure is a multi-pronged act. It is already a master of alchemy. He has got the star number of eight stars and eight stars. There is no need to run to the battle zone. If he is accidentally, he will not pay attention to it. Back to the prototype, then the jokes are big.

Nami Dachang was also afraid of such a result. He had to sit down in person and pay attention to the battle in the eighth theater. Once there is anything wrong with his grandmother, he can also fish it out in time.

If the totem disciple of Totem Anwang had a problem in his own medicine mountain, he would have no better life in the future.

Dandan Awu entered the eighth theater area is not small, mountains, hills, grasslands and lakes, all kinds of terrain, there are still a lot of powerful, powerful animals, these exotic animals also It will test the survival of the disciples. Since the history, many monks have fallen under the attack of the alien beasts and have been expelled from the battle zone.

The size of the eighth theater was not small. After Dandan Awu entered it, he did not see the shadow of half a monk, and it was quiet around.

Many medicine practitioners are quite embarrassed. When they come in, they will choose a place to hide their bodies. The medicines have the power of the elixir. Like the terrain of the Eighth Theater, as long as they become the deity, they will hide in the mountains. It’s true that God doesn’t know.

Of course, Anto's arrangement of such actual combat is not for everyone to hide and seek.

In the battle zone, any disciple can't stay in place for more than one hour. If you don't move more than 500 meters in one hour, the wooden number of the ID number will sparkle, just as the light bulb in the night is sensed by other disciples. Hunting.

The main purpose of Dandan Awu to enter the theater is to participate in actual combat and see how the combat skills that Tsingtao’s brother taught him are in actual combat.

When you come in, you will naturally not be able to stay in the same place and wait for the end of the actual battle.

To be honest, Dandan Awu wants to know his true meta-attribute, and the things he has learned are not very powerful, so when he came in, Dandan Awu immediately showed a small medicine, and his mouth whispered. : "Small medicine, you come to help me guide the direction, we go to find a monk to try the combat power."

The small medicine floated in the air, swaying its own branches and leaves, and understood the words of Dandan Awu. The branches and leaves were flushed together and said, "Receive, look at me."

Sliding through several arcs in the air, the small medicine leaves form the shape of a finger and point to the direction in one direction.

Dandan Awu immediately took the plunge. The small medicine means that the nearest drug repair is on the other side.

In the heart of the movement, Dandan Awu's body disappeared on the ground, the airborne medicine slightly smashed, the branches and leaves swayed a few times, but also disappeared and disappeared.

Under the ground, Daniel Awu, who was moving forward, was unable to open his mouth and looked at the small medicine floating above his head. The mouth showed an incredible expression.

The small medicine is also amazing. I can be a bandit, sneak into the ground, and silently approach the target. I didn’t expect the small medicine to be bandit.

The bandits of the small medicine seem to be more skillful than themselves. The whole body is turned into a sharp arrow. The whole body of the small medicine is wrapped in the yellow light of the soil, like a fish, on the top of his head, swimming happily. Go swimming.

This is really a magical decay! A unique remedy, a unique medicine.

One person, one medicine, went forward and went and soon arrived at the target position.

The thief of the medicinal thief turned his head into a finger and pointed his finger at the top of the two.

Dandan Awu immediately nodded intently, and the gods swept up.

Soon, Dandan Awu swept a cat with a waist, carrying a sword, and using the cover of the terrain and trees, carefully looked forward to the men's repairs.

For the first time against other monks, Dandan Awu felt that his heart was only jumping, a little nervous, and his palms were sweating slightly.

It is the first time that people have it. This may be the first battle of their own path to practice. Dandan Awu feels that blood flow is accelerating, and nervous preparations are in progress...


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