Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2485: Sensational

Dandan Awu said: "Yeah, you are a bit far away, I have been flying for a long time!"

Huang Lihei cloth licked his forehead and said in his mouth: "I am dizzy, I understand, you have already crossed the zone. If you don't cross the zone, you will be able to harvest two hundred battlefield nameplates at most. ”

Dandan Awu: "Interregional? What does this mean? You are not the eighth theater in Heibu?"

Huang Li Heib said: "Halo, dizzy, I am the seventh theater, you really came across the area, strange, cross-region is not a choice to re-enter? How do you go straight to the seventh theater? ”

Dandan Awu groaned and said in his mouth: "I sensed that there were a large number of monks gathered here, and I ran over. I didn't expect to cross the district!"

Huang Li Heibu: "A good cross, Awu sister, you have to cross, I can lose money this time, if it is not good, it will be sent directly back, even the inner door can not go in, but since Awu sister you are Cross-regional, then things are simple, after the cross-region, each theater only needs to get fifty nameplates, even if it is a pass, Awu sister you leave fifty nameplates, and other nameplate brothers are divided..."

Huang Li Heib’s battlefield rules for the external examinations are well known. At this time, it is just good to give Dandan Awu some science, so that Dandan Awu can not continue to make jokes.

Soon, Dandan Awu figured out that the drug school outside the disciples can take a cross-regional battle. After crossing the three major war zones, you can enter the Nami Peak War Zone and other other drugstore elites who stand out from the same stage. Athletics, the heroes fight for hegemony.

Similarly, those who perform well in the Great War Zone can also enter the total theater of Antoine and compete with the elite disciples of Xianfeng.

The layers are layered down and the disciples are treated differently. Of course, the difficulty will increase with each layer, especially the total theater. It is said that the master is like a cloud. The battle there is no worse than the inner disciple. .

Dandan Awu is a bit shameful. Her purpose in entering the battlefield is just to try her own combat ability. Therefore, I don’t know much about the battlefield. I didn’t expect so many doorways here. Fortunately, I met the yellow calendar black cloth, or else I am still wandering around in this battlefield.

According to the advice of Huang Li Heibu, Dandan Au took fifty nameplates of the seventh theater, which was regarded as the opening of the battle zone.

Huang Li Heib took a few nameplates and got two hundred. He could also fight across the district.

There are still more than 150 nameplates left. After some discussion, they are concentrated on a brother of Wu Liang, who is in the black calendar, just right, and he has also collected two hundred of his disciples.

As a result, that is to say, there are two disciples who can cross the district in the seventh theater.

Huang Li black cloth this guy decided to hold Dandan Awu's thighs, after the disciples nameplate, said: "Au sister, I suggest, we can go to the 10th theater, after finishing some nameplates, then kneel down In a war zone, our speed must be faster. Otherwise, if the nameplates of other theaters are quickly concentrated, we will not have the chance to get so many nameplates."

Dandan Awu came into the battlefield itself to test his own strength. After the war, the result of the battle made her full of sorrow. I didn't expect these disciples to be like that.

Now I heard that I can cross the Yaoshan, cross the Xianfeng and stronger opponents, and my heart is also eager to try.

Huang Li Heibu wants to mix with himself. This is not impossible. Many friends and many people help him to get ideas. Moreover, Heibu is very familiar with the battlefield intelligence. Some roads, bring him, his goal will be even more clear.

Nodded in agreement, and then in accordance with the advice of Huang Li Heibu, the two took Wu Meng An Zhuo, ran to the transfer point of the seventh theater, chose the tenth theater, went to harvest the merits.

When Dandan Awu walked away, Nami’s long fire rushed to the seventh theater, and landed in the place where Dandan’s Ao Dafa was so powerful, and his hands kept sprinkling green light spots around him.

The elixir that was devastated by the Thunder was moisturized by green light and began to rejuvenate.

Counting the loss, Nami sighed long and long in her mouth: "Small grandmother, you have made a big move, and I have lost more than 70 medicines to me, and I have lost all my bones. Fly ash, this is too awkward!"

Outside, on the battle list of Gongshan Yaoshan, with the recent battle of Dandan Awu, there have also been changes that have made the outside disciples very unexpected.

Originally, the fighting development in the various war zones of Gongshan was quite balanced. There were not many twists and turns. Many of the disciples’ nameplates were steadily rising. On the other side of the seventh theater, they were still deadlocked there.

Seven monks have already appeared in the real cross-regional combat capability. Among them, Dandan Awu ranked seventh, and there was no movement.

The fastest points are still the match of Ba Mo. After he broke into the sixth theater, he quickly organized a team that was not weak. He quickly harvested more than 30 disciples' nameplates, and all the inter-regional monks In the middle of the list, it seems that it will not take long to re-enter a theater.

At this time, brush the ground, the battle list jumped!

Dandan Ao jumped up and completed the name collection task of the second theater. He jumped to the top of the list and won the first place.

Almost at the same time, the yellow calendar black cloth of the seventh theater, Wu Meng An Zhuo also jumped up and entered the top ten, the nameplate of the theater jumped to two hundred, and gained the ability to fight across regions.

If we say that the change of the order of the monks in the past is only to make everyone feel refreshed, then the other two changes on the battle list will make all the monks who are concerned about the battle cold.

At this moment, on the battle list, there was a big red name, a **** name!

Red name! That means that the drug repair was returned to its original shape, lost its fighting ability and lost the qualification for sorting.

The red one is shocking.

But the most terrifying thing is the black name.

The black name, in the war of drug repair, rarely appears, especially when the outside entrance exam, there is basically no black name, the past small exams, the black name is few and far between.

Black name! That means that the drug repair was really killed on the spot, the body of the original spirit can not be maintained, completely turned into fly ash.

Black and black, it makes people frightened! What happened in the seventh theater? With so many black names appearing, so many red names appear, which is too shocking!

It is not terrible to fight back to the original shape. It is quite scary to be killed.

The monk watching the battle, seeing the name of the black pressure, is playing a cold war.

Guessing a guess is a bit clear. There must be a terrible battle in the seventh theater. It is very likely that Dandan Awu, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo gave it out.

At that moment, the three nameplates of their theaters have undergone tremendous changes.

After the seventh theater, the battle entered a crazy mode.

Not long after, the tenth battlefield revived, less than half an hour, the tenth war zone sorted the first drug repair, but also failed to cross-regional drug repair suddenly became a red name.

Then, with a bang, Dandan Awu, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo's battlefield nameplates rose together, good guys, and the three again won the qualification to fight other theaters.

Undoubtedly, the first-ranked monk in the 10th theater had a bad luck. He just met the trio and was killed on the spot. He took the nameplate of the theater and made a wedding dress for others. At this time, the plucked drug mountain has been leading the Bamo pickup still has not been able to get together the 50 nameplates of his second theater.

That is to say, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng Ang Zhuo jumped up and followed the great **** to drink the soup, and also entered the top three, and completed the collection of the nameplate in this theater.

In itself, a monk only needs to open three theaters, and he can enter the Naomi Peak War Zone and compete with the monks of the Quanshan Mountain.

But who asked Dandan Awu to meet the yellow calendar black cloth? This guy is dead skin Let Dandan Ao help himself, so that he can also advance into the whole peak.

In theory, as long as it can enter the full peak battle, and the performance is not particularly bad, then the yellow calendar black cloth has a great possibility to become a core disciple.

In other words, as long as the Aussie sister is the master of the gods, it seems that the whole peak war is not a problem, and the performance is not likely to be worse.

Dandan Awu’s big move is simply too horrible, and the tragic horror, who can stop it?

In other words, Huang Li’s black cloth sometimes thinks that if he is mixed into the core disciples, isn’t he flying into the sky and going to the front of the big brother’s black scorpion?

Think about the big brother's face that may be black and shiny, and the yellow calendar black cloth feels refreshing.

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