Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2487: Helpless

Huang Li Heib proudly said: "My older sister is naturally Dandan Awu, the master of alchemy, the number of stars with eight stars and eight stars, and the absolute arrogant character of combat power."

Bamo picks up a little!

Boozbil giggled: "No, Dandan Awu's repair is not particularly strong. The information shows that she is still in her early adulthood. You said that her fighting power is extraordinary?"

Huang Li’s mouth said: “I’m just an adult? It’s definitely an illusion. Bill’s sister, you think about it. A monk with eight or eight potentials is not as good as you and me. The monk is not? Her premature state, but it is an illusion, we tribute to the drug mountain battle group, and wait until Awu, it will definitely increase its strength."

Shama Qubi said: "Is it? According to your words, Dandan Awu is not the first master of the tribute to Yaoshan?"

Huang Li Heibu smiled and said: "The song brother, I did not say that she must be the first, she must be very strong, as the saying goes, a good man three gangs, the songs of the brothers are more powerful, there are a few helpers around us, our The team can go further."

Shama Qubi said coldly: "At most, I have to wait for an hour, and I will not wait."

Bamo nodded and said: "After an hour, it is half an hour before the real battle in the Great War Zone. We have to go in and prepare in any case."

Huang Li Hebu won an hour of waiting time, no longer said, nodded and agreed, Hou battle area temporarily quiet, the drug repairers began to recover, waiting quietly.

In the seventh theater, Dandan Awu looked for a long time, and finally found the traces of potential opponents based on the red light spots on the nameplate of his own theater. What made Dandan Awu’s headache is that this core disciple was sent The tester is not a drug repair, but a very fast, quite awkward beast.

This guy looks like a fiery fox, his eyes are particularly flexible, and there is no trace to go. He can sense the position of Dandan Awu, sneak in and sneak a sneak attack on Dandan Awu, if it is not a small drug in time. Warning, Dandan Awu may be directly spurred by the silence that it released.

Dandan Awu discovered the beast and judged that this was the key to his exit to the theater, and immediately began to pursue.

In the seventh theater, the little fire fox fled quickly, and Dandan Awu followed with a small medicine, chasing after him and starting a chase.

Hou battle area, time passed a time soon, Gong Ya Yaoshan actually killed a monk, the team added one more, but Dandan Awu still did not see.

Shama Qufu stood up and said in his mouth: "Black cloth, similar to Dandan Awu, is like a direct contact with the appraisal process of Nami's core disciples. Usually, this is in the Nami Ward. Only happens, but in a few cases, it will appear directly in the drug mountain theater."

Ba Mo said with a nod and said: "Well, if the performance of Dandan Awu is really amazing enough, then it is possible. The difficulty of such a test is not small. If Dandan Awu can’t stand the test, it has already been tested. If it fails, it is expelled from the battlefield. In that case, we don't have to wait for her."

Huang Li Heibu said slowly: "I firmly believe that Ai Sister will be able to pass the test and appear here because she promised me to go to the big battlefield to help, she is very creditworthy."

Jue Jiyong said in a low voice: "The test of the core disciples should have begun long ago. As long as the testers can block a quarter of an hour, even if they pass the customs, you can see now, it has been a long time, Dandan Awu has not yet When I saw the trace, I was afraid that it was really eliminated."

Huang Li black cloth smashed.

Wu Mengang Zhuo said with care: "Will Aunt Sister go to kill the tester? The sister does not know that the test only needs to support a certain time!"

Huang Li black cloth touched his head, and said in his mouth: "I am very likely, I am also dizzy, I did not expect such a wonderful thing, so let's go to the seniors, I will stay with Ang Zhuo. Continue to wait for Awu, after entering, there is a chance for us to go back and forth."

Shama Qubie and Bamo picked up and looked at each other, no longer talking, and took a big step to the transfer area.

At this time, Dandan Awu is indeed like the Umou Ang Zhuo guessing, is in the sky to chase the small fire fox.

The actions of Dandan Awu have made the core disciples of Nami Yaoshan, who are watching the battle, ridiculous. At the same time, the disciples of Gongshan Yaoshan are screaming.

I escaped the sneak attack of the small fire fox, and launched a quest for the small fire fox. In fact, Dandan Awu has passed the test of Yaoshan, so the current battlefield of Dandan Awu has shown a high above. The peculiar status quo.

The name of Dandan Awu has appeared on a big list, showing the purple gold color that only the core disciples have.

Those who have seen extraordinary disciples in Gongshan have already judged: "Wow, Dandan Awu is so ferocious, the drug mountain battlefield test has started the test of the core layer of Nami, and successfully passed the customs, becoming the core of my Nami Peak. Disciple."

Nami Dachang also discovered the assessment of the core disciples. He saw the action of Dandan Awu chasing the little fire fox. He was already very alert and very cautious. He was afraid that Dandan Awu was accidentally caught. The little fire fox, the little guy was wiped out.

This little fire fox is a pet of Nami's long-time pro-disciple, and has many magical uses. Once it is lost, it is not good.

Seeing that the war time in the Great War Zone is getting closer and closer, Nami Dachang is considering whether to directly sneak out Dandan Awti and let her go to the battle in the Great War. When she is shocked, she is shocked and Naomi is very worried. Ground, directly into the seventh theater.

At this time, Dandan Awu and Xiaoyao worked together, and over the sky, sprinkled a vast network of overwhelming nets, covering a full ten miles and gradually tightening.

There was nowhere to go, and there was nowhere to escape. The body was forced to escape by the big net, and fled in the air, with a scream of horror in his mouth.

On the ground, the sharp ground thorns were rushed out, trying to destroy the big net. Unfortunately, the big net was extremely tough and the silk was not damaged.

Dandan Aulu chuckled: "Little guy, I think you still can't run, I have to catch you, peeling it up and wearing it as a scarf, giggling, your skin looks pretty good..."

Above the sky, it also burned a raging fire, and the small fire fox also fired, and the momentum burned quite fiercely.

Dandan Awu stunned, and his heart was alert, paying close attention to whether his wood attribute technique would be broken by fire.

A moment later, Dandan Awu’s little face showed a smile, and he said, “The little guy, what about fire, what to do with it.”

The vine skynet slammed into a sudden, and suddenly became only a square, the little fire fox completely fell into desperation, running around in uneasiness inside.

Dandan Awu’s heart was moving, the wooden sword was spinning, and a sword rim began to hover in the air. I believe that this squatting is enough to pass the test of this level.

The sword rim is formed in the air, and the powerful momentum is shrouded in the small fire fox. The small face of the little fire fox reveals amazement and horror.

Just as Dandan Awu was about to make a blow to the "Jianjiang River", Nami Dachang finally arrived in time, and shouted in his mouth: "Little grandmother, this little fire fox, but the old man’s family is watching the mountain spirit beast. You can't kill."

Nami Dachang finally couldn't sit still, but she appeared helplessly.

Dandan Ao stayed for a said in his mouth: "But the elders, the nameplate prompts, this fire fox is the passer of my pass, don't kill it, I can't pass."

Nami looked up and rolled her eyes, and said in her mouth: "Small Ao, you have to be familiar with the rules of the theater. Like this core disciple, you only need to stick to the tea. Even if you pass the customs, you can't. Let you directly kill even the appraisers."

Dandan Awu is really embarrassed, embarrassed to spit out his tongue, said in his mouth: "Nami is long, you mean, I can already enter the Great War Zone?"

Nami had a long wave: "Go, go, your companion has been waiting for you for a long time, right, little Awu, I told you, the one you used before, that one, Leifa, It is forbidden to use within the Great War Zone."

Dandan Awu looked surprised and showed a embarrassed expression on his face. He whispered: "I know, the elders are relieved, I won't mess around."

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