Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2496: Like the sun

.., nine refinery

The big dream has been for a thousand years, and it’s hard to look at the old dress...

Sun Hao did not think that his own dream of continuous drama, a dream is a thousand years, all kinds of storylines, well organized, interlocking, logically clear.

With Sun Hao’s strong will, there is a feeling of Zhuang Zhou’s dream like a butterfly.

In the end, is Sun Hao entering Dafa? Still a small medicine and Dandan Awu dream, dreamed of the green shirt brother Sun Hao?

Is this will to be the incarnation of the brother of the green shirt and Dandan Awu in the Dandan Awu dream? Or is it a small drug and Dandan Awu is the character in the dream of his own will?

A little confused feeling! A little unclear feeling! Perhaps, the small medicine and Dandan Awu are right. They may be the brothers they dreamed of, just the imaginary characters, but why is it not quite right? It seems that dreaming is the most powerful spell of your own?

Sun Hao’s willingly wants to interfere with the direction of dreams, but he is afraid of interference and finds that his existence is only a fictional reality, and he is caught in a state of incomparable entanglement.

Is it true that his deity is really the brother of the green shirt, Sun Hao, and now, as Dandan Awu guessed, is it trapped where it can't come out?

The will of Sun Hao, who used it to practice dreaming in Dafa, was completely confused and fell into a refutation that did not know the answer.

At the same time as Sun Hao’s dream of the millennium, Dandan Awu also fell into a dreamland. In the millennium, among the Antoine and even the entire drug family, it became famous and prosperous.

In the totem theater, Dandan Ao won more than 50,000 battlefield points before and after, and surpassed the powerful advantage of the second tens of thousands of points, and won the first place in the martial arts list without any dispute.

The horror of the martial arts has become a new record of the totem of the outside of the totem. The highest record in the past is only more than 20,000, and Dandan Ao has doubled.

The powerful military achievements and the great achievements of the three tops made Dandan Awu instantly become a dazzling star of Antoine.

The Antoine-sized elders and the guardian of the law, those masters who were trained to be high-level, went to the examination room of the outside entrance exam, and Qi Qi extended an olive branch to Dandan Awu, indicating that Dan Dan Awu could be accepted as a pro-disciple.

Just when everyone was arguing and no one was willing to retreat, Totem An Wang suddenly drove in public and announced that he had accepted Dandan Awu as a pro-disciple and gave him the name "An Awu."

Cinderella turned gorgeously, Dandan Awu turned into a change, became Antuang Princess An Awu.

No one asked for a window of ten years, and became famous in the world.

It wasn't just An Awu that made a big turn in life. Even the two younger brothers who brought Anuwu into the totem battlefield actually rose to the height of the ship, and got a huge advantage behind Anau.

The yellow calendar black cloth was accepted as a pro-disciple by the three elders of the Totem of the Totem, and the name was black cloth! Wu Meng An Zhuo was accepted as a pro-disciple by Nami Dachang, and was given the name of Anbang.

It is said that even the two enrolled, the totems of the great monks still struggle to break the skull.

In other words, Anhebu and Anbu An Zhuo two lucky children at the scene are completely dumbfounded to be overwhelmed, I do not know who to choose, can only be arbitrarily arranged!

In particular, the kid who was given the name of Anhebu had a feeling of madness in the pie. After being said to have been given a name, the kid was still swearing: "No, I am surnamed? Actually still running. Going to the front of the building sister? Did you make a mistake? If it is broken, the black brother does not know how to think..."

The truth is that Anhebu finally found out that he completely wanted more.

When the wind and the scenery followed Awu and returned to Nami Xianfeng, the floor sister and sister were already very well-behaved, with a big smile on their faces, a bit of an Ai sister, a black cloth brother...

The black scorpion also suffered an old face, standing in front of him, respectfully screaming "black cloth brother."

Things are so wonderful! Ang Zhuo is also a man of the generation of brothers. Under the compliments of a group of monks, he is quite unaccustomed and restless.

Among all the people, there is no change in status. It is still the lowest level of internal disciples. The rain has not changed much, is not humble, and is equal to everyone.

Not to mention, even if the status of Yuhe is really not very good, but in fact, even the Anbu floor, also respectfully called her "Yuhe Shijie."

Don't call it, you didn't see the totem princess An Awu calling her Yuhejie? Also, that Anhebu also clearly stated that the sister of Rain Wo is his own Taoist?

Black cloth or Ang Zhuo, I know very much in my heart. With my own qualifications and my own cultivation, it is impossible to get the same treatment.

However, I have just got it. The reason is very simple. It is because of the special relationship with Princess Awu. In the outer door examination, I followed the Princess Awu, and that’s it.

Heibu understands that the reason why he can get the care of Awu is because of the relationship between Yuhe, you said that he can pose in front of Yuhe?

The generations of the world have distinguished themselves from the British, and they have been leading the world for hundreds of years. Undoubtedly, among the heroes of this generation, An Awu is the real leader.

Powerful combat power, strong spiritual potential, powerful alchemy, so that An Awu, who became a pro-disciple of Totem Anwang, is like a nine-day dragon. The higher the flying, the more prestige is in the whole Antom, such as the sun and the sky.

After the introduction, the first great change of An Awu was to repair it in a short period of time and quickly upgrade to an incredible robbery period.

Good guy, Ann Awu is less than ten years old! Go straight to the robbery!

Such a period of time, it is already a genius of the Tianjiao level that the disciples of the gods can practice to the gods.

However, Dandan Awu directly entered the period of the robbery. It is said that the real yuan is still very strong and incomparable. The ordinary monk in the early stage of the robbery may not necessarily be her opponent.

What is the real reason? Why did Princess Awu rise to such a level? No one knows.

However, Totem Anwang gave an explanation, that is, the repair of Princess Awu has already reached the stage of the robbery, but because her expansion of Dantian is too fast, the real element is concise and too embarrassing, so it is outstanding. It is like a minor.

As for how the Princess Awu will have such a magical side, Totem An Wang’s explanation is that it is the magic of her life-threatening medicine and super-defective material.

Totem Anwang explained more comprehensively what is called super-premature aging material. It is a kind of medicine that transcends the ordinary sense of the spirit, a unique and unique medicine in the world that has been suppressed by wisdom.

Ultra-high-grade aging materials, with super auxiliary ability to practice; super-defective materials, with super-transformation ability; super-defective materials, with many powerful capabilities that need to be recognized...

In a word, no you can't see, only the power you can't imagine, that is the super-premature material.

In fact, the words of Totem's King are a combination of meanings, that is, the Princess Awu, who is the supernatural remedy for the sacred medicine, the future is boundless, and may become the same as the Totem King in the future.

After becoming a disciple of Totem Anwang, Princess Awu received the reward of the king of Totem, and supplemented her true element with Ling Dan, so on the real, it was displayed and reached the stage of the robbery.

The robbery is a relatively special period. Under normal circumstances, the monks of the virtual world have a relatively constant practice in this period. They will choose to go through a certain disaster and then break through the distraction.

In theory, after the advancement of the nine monks, the strength of the monks was more powerful, but during the real practice, the nine sects were not so easy to spend, especially the last catastrophe. No matter who is a monk of any race, they dare not pick it up.

One of the biggest features of the robbery is that the time spent on practice will be relatively constant.

Regardless of whether the monk is willing or not Under normal circumstances, every thousand years, the robbers will arrive on time, and the monks have to cross.

This period is a very dangerous period for monks.

The robbery period is also a hurdle for the monks. It can be rushed from the robbery period. Then the monks will enter the distraction and get the life Yuan beyond 10,000 years.

Otherwise, the monk’s Shouyuan will not reach more than 10,000 years in any case.

An Awu directly entered the level of the robbery, and the accumulation is extremely strong, the foundation is extremely strong, and become the true pride of the totem.

Even the pro-disciplinary disciple of the totem has been praised by An Amu, who has been praised as the first genius of the totem in the past ten years.

Many people once felt that there was a good show. [..]

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