Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2498: Wanjiasheng Buddha

Awu Alchemy, as long as there is a small drug into the medicine, there will be no refining. And the spirits of the refining are also very good, but after Awu observed, it also found a basic fact, that is, under normal circumstances, small drugs actually occupy a share of Chengdan.

The so-called Chengdan share means that if a furnace Lingdan would have become three Dan, then after investing in a small medicine, usually only two will be born, and the other one will disappear. The effect is very likely. It was smelted into the body of a small medicine.

When there are only a few Ling Dan in each furnace, there will be two conditions depending on the situation. One is that there is very little dregs, one is out of Dan, and the other is to show that alchemy is finished, but no Ling Dan is seen. The small medicine replaced the share of Ling Dan with great energy and flew in the alchemy furnace.

The peculiar alchemy attribute of the small drug made Princess Awu become the existence of Wanjiasheng Buddha in Antoine.

Every time, Awu will come out from his own fairy mountain and openly show the totem's disciples alchemy.

Every year, Awu’s time to open alchemy is no less than a month. A large number of Antu Teng disciples and generations of Antu Teng disciples have all been helped by the Princess Awu.

Of course, Princess Awu alchemy is also to help those who really need it, so she does not divide the level of the spirit. If you need it, you can prepare the medicine, report it, every year, Princess Awu. Xianfeng will announce the spirit of the next year, which will be prepared in advance.

Not only that, Princess Awu can also be refining in order to make some of the healing aggressions that are temporarily on fire. Usually, every month, people are sent to collect some temporary and urgently needed spirits to help refine.

In a word, as long as you need, you can go to the Princess of Awu to report, and have the opportunity to be selected and helped by Princess Awu.

Over the years, we have found that some of the basic laws of Princess Awu to help the drug repairers are true. The other monks are not well-recognized, and the refining is very difficult. The Princess Awu usually gives priority.

And those common, totem alchemists are easier to refine the spirit, Princess Awu usually transferred to the totem alchemy to refine.

Princess Awu has a strong heart and is very popular with people and within the totem.

It is said that there was a low-level, adult-free second generation, and once found a very partial Danfang, the level of medicinal herbs is not high, but the difficulty of refining is super, even the ordinary alchemy masters refine Not coming out, holding a trace of luck, the second generation of the second generation reported his Dan Dan to Awu Xianfeng.

Unexpectedly, the spirit of the alchemy master judged that it was impossible to refine the success. In the second month of this Danfang report, I was fortunate enough to be drawn by Princess Awu.

I don't know what kind of alchemy technique was used by Princess Awu. The kind of elixir medicine is extremely unstable, and it is impossible to use the fire to refine the spirit, but it is also successful in refining, and it is eight.

According to management, Princess Awu takes a panacea as a reward.

There is very little refining in the princess of Awu. Therefore, those monks who only collect a pair of herbs and do not have full control of Cheng Dan will basically go to Awu Xianfeng to try.

As long as it is selected, there will basically be a guarantee of the spirit.

Princess Awu alchemy is not completely free. The rule of the Princess Awu is to open one. That is to say, as long as the Princess Awu is alchemy, as long as the furnace is opened, it will have to receive a reward for the spirit.

No matter how many furnaces there are, this rule is the same.

When encountering a situation of a panacea, Princess Awu will basically guarantee that the rules of two furnaces will be paid.

For Antoine, a senior alchemy master is quite powerful, or that, for the virtual world, a senior alchemy master is willing to help people to make alchemy, which is to make many monks take fewer detours. .

The Princess Awu of Wanjiasheng Buddha gradually became famous. It is not just the drug family Antotem. There are also many medicines in the vicinity of the big totem, and they line up to ask for alchemy.

As time went by, not only the medicinal monks, the tree races, the long-eared people, the rushing people and other neighboring ethnic monks also came to admire and asked for alchemy.

Princess Awu does not crowd out the interracial monks, but the remuneration received has risen. In the face of the alien monks, Princess Awu began to follow the same rules as other alchemy masters.

Despite this, and because of the high alchemy rate of the Princess Awu, the monks who came to Antoin to seek Dan were incessant.

The masters of Antoine's alchemy, actually because of the Princess Awu, the alchemy business is many times better than before.

Many monks who came here did not squeeze into the alchemy order of Princess Awu, and were recommended to other alchemy masters by Awuxianfeng.

Antoine's alchemy masters are not weak. Some masters have their own special advantages when refining some special spirits. The masters recommended by Princess Awu usually maintain a very high rate of success, one to two, the masters The fame has also been passed.

Antoine became a famous totem of alchemy, and the totem has thus ushered in a high-speed development opportunity around the millennium.

For thousands of years in a row, Princess Awu spent a lot of time in alchemy every year. With such non-stop refining, Dandan Awu's alchemy has achieved perfect progress.

A few hundred years ago, Princess Awu had completed the examination of alchemy and became the youngest alchemy master of the totem. Nowadays, he has already become a master of alchemy, and he is only a step away from the great master.

According to legend, in fact, Awu has been able to refine the refining period of the alchemy masters, but did not participate in the alchemy promotion assessment.

Advancement of the Grand Master is not Antoton's ability to assess, this must go to the drug family Shengshan, participate in the drug family's alchemy test.

And the appearance of every alchemy master is enough to shake the drug family and make the whole drug family a treasure.

The medicinal family is one of the most powerful alchemy in the imaginary world, but the alchemist who can reach the master level is also rare. The big totem like Antom, the big tribe, often one to two. A big master is sitting in the town, and many of the toughest totems are only the alchemy masters.

Princess Awu helped people to make alchemy, a millennium. Become a banner of Antotem, Wanjiasheng Buddha.

In the past millennium, small medicines have been refining into different spirits, or they have continued to absorb the medicinal properties of different spirits, and they have begun to produce miraculous changes.

The body of the drug in the small drug has appeared completely different from other monks, and other monks of the life-threatening medicine, at first glance, is the elixir At first glance, it is full of spirituality and full of medicine.

Now, the small medicine has become a translucent appearance of glass. Every part of the torso is crystal clear. Every leaf on the whole body, every fine thorn, reveals a crystal color. The medicine is now completely integrated, and it seems to be a state of small drug vaccine, but in fact, it is more like a jade carving.

What surprised Awu was that she felt two opposites, but very similar in mystery, from the body of a small drug. It was like a contempt for the high and the high.

The two are symbiotic, so she just feels the power of this atmosphere, and does not know what it means.

On one occasion, someone took out a real dragon mustard to alchemy. Even the totem master, the alchemy master, was helpless. The reason was that the grass was too strong, and the monk’s alchemy level was greatly reduced. Refining.

What surprised Awu was that the powerful real dragon must be in front of himself. To be precise, in the face of the two mysterious breaths of the little medicine, suddenly changed from a big tiger to a small sheep, from beginning to end. Dare to be naughty!

What kind of atmosphere can make Longwei not dare to naughty?

Awu checked the totem books and found some related records. In the legend, there are gods and gods in the ancient times. The body is full of the majesty of the gods, enough to suppress the heavens, and the suppression of the dragons is naturally not a problem.

According to legend, there are refining monks in the virtual world. The final stage of their practice, that is, the equivalent of the Mahayana refinery, will be a kind of demon body, the body will bring its own demon and can resist various kinds of self-defense. Powerful spells, able to walk through the void, really powerful.

Then, the doubts in Awu’s heart are shocked. Will the mysterious atmosphere of the little medicine be divine?

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