Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2514: Antarctic old man

Medicine, it’s terrible!

Usually, this is the most cruel means for some alien monks to deal with the drug family monks, and it is also the most abhorrent of the drug family monks, as a means of taboo.

The drug sputum is gradually appearing after the pharmacist's sects have established themselves. After some alien monks defeated the medicinal opponents, they did not return the medicinal repairs to the original form. Instead, they repaired the medicinal monks as secrets. In the shape of his human form, he used the method of human beings to gun the pharmaceutical repair...

After being made into a medicine, the medicine of the medicinal monk was strongly stimulated, and it was able to maintain the human form without falling back.

Once you need to take the medicine, you can get a good herb by returning the medicine to its original shape.

This method, the most drug-minded monk is jealous, can also be called the most inhumane method of the pharmacist's mind, once the drug family found that the alien monk used this method to deal with the native monk, must attack the power of the whole family.

As long as the drug **** mountain hears any place, any ethnic group has the behavior of the gun-burning drug family, and it is inevitable that the drug **** mountain will go to the elite.

This is something that the drug family can't tolerate.

Medicine, it is also a fear that every pharmacist is afraid to meet, and the heart is always hurt.

In the dream of Qing Bing's brother, the herbs used in the refining of the gods, after returning to the original source, are actually the ones that have been refined into medicines.

In the heart of Awu, there was a deep uneasiness. At the same time, for the first time, Awu began to seriously think about the dream of his brother.

In the past, Awu never thought about such a problem, because she didn't need to know the answer. She only needed to know the result. Every time she dreamed, she could get some, harvest some, and the result is always beautiful. In the end, it is a dream or a reality. It is not particularly important. The dream of the brother of the green shirt is probably the existence between reality and dream.

But now, whether the dream is true or not, it will have a crucial impact on the judgment of Awu.

If the dreams of the brothers of the green shirts are all real things happening, then, that is, the brothers of the green shirts show themselves, in fact, they are also true.

The high-quality herb that refines the gods is the medicine.

If the dream of Qing Bing's brother is influenced by his own subjective will, if he has a dream of day and night, it is likely that he is shocked by the quality of the herb and has some doubts and turned into a dream.

If this is the case, then the drug is not necessarily true.

In the heart of Awu, it is actually very unwilling to admit that the dream is real, because it is too unbelievable for her.

From small to large, in the education she received, the drug **** is the protector of the drug family, and the drug **** mountain is the holy mountain of the drug family.

Will the drug **** do something that is so irritating? Will he cultivate medicine? If so? The belief in her heart, the morality in her heart, is it completely collapsed?

However, she knew in her heart that after seeing all the signs of her brother in her dreams, she was afraid that it was really happening. This matter is really the truth of the truth.

In the heart, there is such a question. After ending the first phase of the refining of the gods, Awu retired from the alchemy room of the drug **** and returned to the Fuxing Palace where he practiced. He began to seriously think about his needs. Continue to refine the gods.

This is a question that must be considered by oneself. No one can give the answer to Awu.

Brother Green will never speak, he will only smile and show himself the truth of the matter.

Small medicine can help to give some reference, but the small medicine has nothing to do with the concept. The theory of small medicine is: "Refining, how can it not be refined? The medicine is very strong, it helps me a lot, does not refine it." , refining is also white refining..."

This attitude of small medicine makes Awu very speechless. If it is according to the theory of small medicine, isn't medicine normal?

As long as it is useful, go for it! ?

Awu can't do it! Or, the monk environment that Awu touched, made it difficult for Awu to squat and do things that violated his moral conscience.

Stayed in his own Fuxing Palace for more than a month, surpassing the time limit for refining the gods, and no one came to urge it in the Palace of Medicine. It seemed that it was completely stagnant.

Refining and raising the gods and gods is a kind of great grace and welfare that the drug **** gives to the outstanding younger generations. If the younger generation does not appreciate it, the medicine **** can not wait to save a few high-quality herbs.

If other younger generations, as long as they are overdue, don't think about it, the qualifications will be automatically canceled. Fuxing is slightly different. If you say that Fuxing is the most solid foundation in the history of the pharmacy, the future can see the younger generation, some willfulness. Can understand.

Awu stopped for a few months and still didn't mean to refine the gods.

One day, in Fuxing Palace, Awu ushered in a special guest, Antarctic old star, Shouxing driving, Shouxing is a white-bearing old man, holding a stick, forehead uplifting, a twilight brain door, seeing A Wu, a smile.

Awu respectfully invites Shou Xing to the Fuxing Palace, and holds the etiquette of the younger generation, but does not mention the matter of raising the **** Dan.

With Awu Han for a long time, Shou Xing did not talk about anything about raising the **** Dan, but only talking about the status of the medicinal family in the emptiness, talking about the pharmacy in the shackles The difficulty of survival.

In the tone of voice, full of sorrows and sorrows, Shouxing said with great sorrow: "My pharmacy is born to be the object of other races to eat alchemy. It is the best tonic for other races to improve and cultivate. From the primitive era, those just When you open a smart demon, you instinctively know how to guard the body of the pharmacy, and then eat fast."

Awu whispered: "Awu knows that since the drug family has had a drug god, it has a pulse of medicine, and this is really a foothold in the virtual, and the hundreds of millions of drug-minded monks have a place to settle down, Awu heart The drug **** is the true patron saint of the drug family."

Shouxing nodded: "Yes, our pharmacy, since the drug god, with the drug **** mountain, this really stood up from the state of being enslaved and oppressed. Every generation of drug gods is indeed our medicine. The spiritual pillar of the family, Awu, you are a pure pharmacist disciple, but you are coming along, it is too smooth."

Awu said a little, whispered: "Well, too, Awu practice time is not long, the experience is relatively simple, it is indeed smooth."

Shou Xing said: "When we train our younger generations, we hope that the younger generations will be filled with love and hope that the younger generations will be able to care for the medicinal family. We hope that the younger generations are excellent and pure and benevolent monks, but Awu, do you know? The drug family is among the wolves, and the crisis is so dangerous that if it is not careful, it will be ruined. A purely monk, he may be a good disciple, but definitely not a qualified race leader."

Ah U stayed for a said: "Awu understands, I am too young, a lot of things are not particularly understandable, let the seniors worry."

The face of the Antarctic old star became dignified and said in a low voice: "I hope that Awu can grow up as soon as possible, and I hope that you can become a qualified leader, not just a qualified disciple."

Awu was silent for a long time, and his mouth slowly said: "Awu still doesn't understand a lot. There are still many things that I still don't want to know. I hope that the seniors will give Awu a little more time."

The look of the Antarctic old man’s face is still dignified. The bright and bright head is high, and he looks at the high-spirited Yaoshen Mountain. He whispers in his mouth: “So, you know that those medicinal monks who are exhausted by Shouyuan are How come to the market?"

Awu stayed for a while.

The Antarctic old man stared blankly and said softly in his mouth: "As a drug god, no matter which generation of drug gods, there will be a lot of burdens. I hope that you will understand in the future. Well, I will tell you so much. I suggest that you do not delay. For too long, I will improve my distraction as soon as possible. Once I have advanced to the world, I will travel to the world to understand the world. So maybe you can truly become a qualified leader, not just a good disciple."

After that, the old Antarctic body swayed and went away.

Far away, on the edge of Awu’s ear, his lonely but lonely voice came: “Every spiritual master of the practice, especially our star, when we are exhausted, When we are about to return to the market, we will all face different choices, and once I see the end of my life, I will choose to be the next medicine god, so that he can go higher..."

Awu stayed in the same place for a long time, and then fell to the ground deeply, facing the Yaoshen Mountain, and fell down devoutly. .


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