Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2520: select

The nectar of the jade ginseng Ayi is the side of the small medicine that year, and the attribute is most suitable for a medicinal family. Because of the attribute relationship, she stayed at the end.

At that time, in the Jingyao Mountain City, because they were all girls, Yushen Ayi was quite mean to Awu, especially when Awu flew a kite and the egg was over her, but he was envious of Awu. Hate.

I remember that in the medicine valley, the jade ginseng Ayi was even more difficult to kill Awu, and finally took away the **** of Awu.

Awu didn’t really have much affection for her. After Antotem, Awu never contacted her, but later I heard that she had fallen outside. I didn’t expect her final outcome, but it became a terrible one. Medicine.

I don't like Ayi very much, but my heart is still full of sympathy for Ayi's experience, and my heart is full of helplessness.

I felt this kind of ginseng with my heart. Awu tried to contact the surviving spirit of Ayi. Unfortunately, perhaps because of the time spent by the drug, Ayi has completely lost any breath, and even the unwilling grievances have been scattered. Go, thoroughly, to a panacea without any consciousness.

Deeply sighed, although the heart could not bear it, Awu was still squatting, and began the refining of the last pair of gods.

At the same time as refining the last pair of gods, Awu’s heart was a little comforted. The matter was not so bad that it was impossible to add to it. The most fearful thing did not happen.

Among the former companions, I went to the nearest place with Awu. The best thing about Awu is Azhu. The most feared thing about Awu is that when he refines the gods, he will refine the medicine of Azhu, so that she I really don't know if I can care for it.

I remember that when Awu came out from Antom, Arjun had been lost for a long time and had not returned, but his medicinal aura was okay and did not completely dissipate.

Now it seems that perhaps only three gods are the essential medicines for refining the gods, and other herbs should be able to replace them. Therefore, they did not refine them to Azhu.

This is also a great fortune in misfortune.

Awu can refine the body of Ayi, but in any case, Awu can't refine Arjun. Once he really needs to refine Alcazar, he will be willing to expose himself.

This is my bottom line.

Fortunately, among the medicine gods, there is no challenge to the existence of the Awudi line. Otherwise, Awu may only be abandoned halfway.

The difficulty of jade ginseng in the refining of the medicinal herbs is not very difficult. With the help of small drugs, the toxicity of Ayi’s sister is simply unreasonable. In less than ten days, the third round of Yangshen Dan’s last furnace, successful refining system.

In the palm of Awu, there was the last Yang Dan who needed refining.

Holding the gods Dan, Awu is waiting to put Ling Dan into his mouth, the white light flashes in front of him, and the medicine **** and the Antarctic old man star face in front of Awu.

Awu was self-conscious and said: "Au has seen two predecessors. I didn't expect Awu's practice to make the two predecessors so careful. Awu is really grateful and flattered."

The medicine **** caressed the lower jaw beard and smiled on his face: "There is only one copy of the last herb. I am afraid that Awu refines the problem. Naturally, I have made some marks. As long as Awu refines this deputy, I naturally I can know."

The Antarctic old star also chuckled and said: "Fuxing alchemy is a major event in my medicine god, and the drug gods personally pay attention, but it is also necessary."

Awu sincerely thanked: "Awu thanked the two adults for their sincere love. After Awu's practice, he will certainly live up to the great grace of the two adults."

The medicine **** chuckled: "Well, don't thank me. Everyone is a part of the pharmacy. Afterwards, there is a cultivation. I remember to contribute more to the pharmacy."

The Antarctic old star also smiled and said: "That is, Fuxing, you will be the Optimus Prime of my pharmacy in the future. At that time, maybe the next medicine **** is you. We old people may have to take care of you. ""

At this time, Awu said very sincerely: "The two adults are assured that if they practiced well, they will not live up to the expectations of adults, and will definitely become a useful material for my pharmacy."

The drug **** laughed a little, smiled a few times, his face was positive, his hand gently touched his jaw, and his mouth said: "Au, you will soon refine the last one to raise the spirit into the depth of practice. Yes, but before that, I have a better proposal. Maybe it will be of great help to you. It will be of great benefit to your future practice. Would you like to hear it?"

Awu whispered: "Is there any suggestion, but also ask the adults to make it clear that Awu can do it, and must live up to the expectations of adults."

The medicine **** said in a low voice: "After our medicine is repaired to the distraction period, the role of the life-threatening medicine will be relatively weakened. After the period of the combination, the life-threatening medicine can usually go out independently, become a brand-new individual, and practice itself. Now that you have reached the critical moment of distraction, I suggest that you take off your life-threatening medicine and concentrate on practice before that. In that case, your future road will go more comfortable."

Stripping the life medicine? Awu could not help but stay.

The Antarctic old star said with a smile at this time: "Oh, Awu, the advice of the drug god, you also heard it. I also think that at this time, it is good to have no harm to you. It is, you are the lucky star of my pharmacy. After the stripping, the pharmacy is fully assisted, and you can fully practice it. In the future, it will be a joy to inherit the pharmacy."

Awu slightly squatted and said softly in his mouth: "The two adults said that Awu still doesn't understand much. According to the truth, at this time, Awu can completely eliminate the need for a life-threatening medicine!"

The medicine **** smiled slightly and did not speak.

The Antarctic old star laughed at the side: "This is actually nothing that can't be said. Awu, your super-premature aging material is actually a variation of ancient construction, its role is quite unique. After you peeled off, you can transfer this elixir to God. The adult received this elixir, and maybe you can directly advance to Mahayana. At that time, it is really a shocking thing for my pharmacy..."

The medicine **** smiled and said: "Awu, this remedy can't play any role in your side. When you are distracted, you can basically be independent. Now, I just suggest that he should change the environment. Wu, you don't have to worry about how I will treat him. Don't worry, the rules of my medicine mountain are more than remedies, and definitely will not be used as medicine."

At this time, the small medicine floated a layer of starlight in the Dantian of Awu, revealing the disdainful spiritual will: "Do not take the remedy above the medicine, it is really a ghost to believe, but Awu, you will pass me to him, I I have to fight with See how he can handle me."

Awu's face was calm, not the slightest wave, but in my heart, at this time when the Antarctic old star and the drug **** spoke, they instantly understood the choices they faced.

Moreover, the small drug should also understand the basic meaning of this multiple-choice question. Therefore, the small drug also put forward opinions and agreed that Awu would let him fight with the drug god.

In fact, as long as Awu nods, it means that Awu really became the lucky star of Yaoshen Mountain. It means that the medicine **** will really take Awu as a successor to cultivate. Of course, the ending of the small medicine is also coming out.

The small medicine may not be taken into the medicine alchemy by the **** of medicine, but it will definitely be processed by the medicine **** by various means, and finally turned into the nutrient of the advanced medicine of the medicine god.

This is a multiple choice question.

As long as Awu chooses to give up a small drug, then all the problems around her will be solved. On the contrary, if Awu insists on it, then the actual choice is to face the challenge of the drug **** with the small drug, it is death or alive, It depends on the means of her and the little medicine.

It depends on her and the small medicine to stop the drug god. If it can't stop, it may be that the soul is flying, and there is no place to die.

The Antarctic old star seems to see the hesitation in the heart of Awu, and it is also a look on the side. He slowly said: "Awu, the drug gods have high hopes for you, and the drug **** is the real sky of my drug family. Column, in fact, you should know that anything that is good for the drug **** is a major event for my pharmacy. Now, what are you hesitating? Do you really have to choose a rugged path?"

At the moment, the small medicine also said in the heart of Awu: "Awu, forget it, listen to people to persuade half, say Awu, I feel instinctively, the latter will be very dangerous, with my ability, I am afraid that I can not take care of you. Zhou Quan, together with the two of us, it’s better to run away and talk about it first."

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