Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2522: Figure is poor (2)

Awu also felt a bit, and finally nodded: "Yes, this is his breath, and only he will be so powerful, he finally figured out the poor, personally shot us..."

The small medicine floated in front of the **** of Awu, sprinkled a little bit of starlight, killed the vines that tried to surround it, and conveyed a new view to Awu: "I didn't expect the vinegar guild to be a pharmacy drug, this will not Would it be a big joke? The head of our pharmacy would actually be a parasitic vine!"

Awu said in a low voice: "This is not funny. I understand that among the medicinal families, the ability to absorb other elixir can strengthen oneself. Only the vinegar is able to grow rapidly and maintain the same life with different hosts. It’s only the vinegar industry. It’s no wonder that the power of the drug gods is endless. It’s no wonder that the drug god’s life is very long. And, no wonder, the drug **** can understand the practice of the life medicine.”

The small medicine fanned its own branches and leaves, as if to say: "No, my current state is not an ecological."

Awu nodded: "Well, the small medicine is not an ecological, the other medicines are not the same, I said, this is just a principle that he realized this practice. I did not expect it, my drug family is the strongest. The monk, the protector of my pharmacy, would actually be a vinegar."

Awu felt incredible, but seriously thought about it, but it was logical.

Moreover, no matter what, vinegar is really a kind of elixir. The survival mode of vinegar is predatory. It is used by others to plunder other medics or the roots of the tree, but it is absolutely authentic. Elixir.

I know that it is a vinegar, and many things are better understood.

No matter how good the appearance of the drug **** is, but inside its bones, it must be very bloody, and it will definitely be unscrupulous, that is the nature of the vinegar.

It is no wonder that Yaoshen Mountain will be filled with grievances. There is a peerless vinegar scorpion here, so there must be some dead medicine here.

The reason why the huge Yaoshen Mountain is directly built on the ground, can not be done under the ground, is the accumulation of dead wood after thousands of elixir drugs are sucked by the vinegar.

Even, it is very likely that the entire Yaoshen Mountain is a vinegar body, which is made up of the vine-stained parasitic tree family or the original body of the medicinal family.

Knowing that it is the vinegar public, Awu also initially understood his wishful thinking. The deity of the small medicine is a very rare medicine seedling seedling. For the vinegar, what is the best parasitic? Naturally, the higher the bigger the bigger the tree, the better. In this world, there is no tree that is taller than building wood. What's more, this plant has also produced a weak drug?

It is already a rare miracle that the drug **** can bear it until now. It is conceivable that the drug **** has already coveted the small drug.

In the same way, Awu could not help but shudder, but fortunately he did not promise to hand over the drug to God.

If you let the small medicine out of the hand, the drug **** is afraid that it has already used a special method to complete the parasitism of the small medicine. Then, with the ability of the medicine god, if it is not good enough, the small medicine will be born. Inhaled into dead wood, and finally fell silently in the long river of history.

The **** of medicine, the **** of the medicinal family, must have been murdered by itself and does not know how many elixir, and it must itself climb the upper body on the body of the elixir.

But the **** of medicine, the **** of the drug family may also be the guardian of the drug family. Awu can guarantee that the drug **** is absolutely guarding a lot of thousands of medicinal monks, sheltering them from the wind and rain, and Do your best.

Because in the eyes of the drug god, the particularly good materials that grow up among the drug family are their best rations.

For the drug god, the better the drug family develops, the more food reserves he has, which is why he will spare no effort to fight for the drug family.

What Awu doesn't know is, will Shouxing know the deity of the drug god?

If you know, what does Shouxing think?

Awu was shocked by the fact that the **** of medicine was a vinegar. When he realized many things, his heart was full of helplessness.

Is the existence of a drug family a scam?

However, hundreds of millions of drug-minded monks have indeed received the protection of the **** of medicine and lived peacefully in the jungle.

If it is not a drug god, the drug family may be more suffering, and every drug repair that has a good practice may have to hide in Tibet like a mouse.

But to say that the drug **** is the savior of the pharmacy, the savior's deity is itself an alternative to the medicinal family, a living with parasitic medicinal families.

How does this make Awu understand?

Believe in such a problem, it is difficult for any medicinal monk to find an accurate answer. What is the drug family? Whether the drug **** is good or bad, who can make it clear? Awu looked at the vines around him, and he couldn’t help but think of the education he received as a child. He thought that his elders who had passed away would never forget the virtues of the **** of medicine, and the heart could not help but be mixed.

Sometimes, ignorance may still be a blessing. Don't know so much, maybe life will be more beautiful.

Suddenly, Awu missed the calm Jingyao Mountain City, where it was the real paradise of the medicinal monks.

But that is the paradise, but also under the guardianship of the drug god, in order to get peace, if the drug family does not have the drug god, what would it be?

This is a question that Awu can't find the answer.

Awu's entangled problem may never find an answer, but immediately, Awu did not have time to think about too many problems. She clearly perceives that her own body of deity has begun to have problems.

The small medicine floated in front of her god, and it also showed an anxious appearance. The body kept flying and flew away, trying to rush out like a deity, but the vines in Awudantian were covered with a very strange The array method, the small medicine and the auspicious gods wrapped in the vine's array of methods, are actually limited to the ability to change the body of the deity.

After the small drug sensed that its ability to build a tree in the sky could not be used for a while, it was anxious.

While Awu has perceived the alchemy furnace where his deity is located, the flame is obviously enhanced and the firepower is obviously improved.

What makes Awu even more frightened is that the person trapped in Dantian has the same feeling as the deep-rooted Amuge, that is, he seems to have lost the ability to control the body of the deity, and can feel, but not free. Commanded.

In the heart of Awu, there is a surge of uneasiness. Will he be refining himself as a medicine, and will he be taken by the **** of medicine to refine the spirit?

Is there any way for me to avoid the fate of the coming?

The answer is no! The **** of medicine is the **** of medicine, only one step away from Mahayana. This step is like a scorpio. The medicine **** has been on this side for a long time, and it has accumulated for a long time.

As a town tycoon can hold up the power of a race, and can you have no means?

The ability of small drugs to be exposed has long caused the vigilance of the drug god. After so many years, can you not have any precautions?

The small medicine is magical, but now that it has lost its ability to build a wooden body, it can only fly anxiously, and it will not help.

It didn't take long for Awu's **** to suddenly tremble, and the pain of the bones directly acted on the Yuanshen. The body of the gods could not help but undulate the painful fluctuations. The face of the gods showed infiniteness. Painful and helpless expression.

The small medicine flew over, anxiously circled around the Yuan of Awu, and the body sprinkled a little starlight, falling on the **** of Awu.

Starlight fell, Awu's pain was slightly weakened, but the small face was still a look of horror.

The small medicine floated a few times in the air, and there was a wave of spiritual fluctuations: "Au, have you started? He will also make you a medicine?"

Awu nodded slightly and said softly: "Well, it started, my limbs have been cut off, and my mouth was forcibly poured into the medicine. Everything that Amuge encountered may also be repeated in me. Thank you. You, small medicine, with your treatment, at least I will not have the pain of Amu..."

The small medicine floated in the air, and the whole body branches trembled fiercely, emitting a burst of strong mental fluctuations, like a wounded beast, madly shaking the body and unwillingly roaring.

His body grew up in this roar, but it only grew to two feet high. The surrounding vines suddenly squirmed and released a burst of black light on the body of the small medicine. The small medicine was like a ball. The person deflated in general, slammed and slammed down.

Not convinced, very unwilling, the small drug once again shaken in the air, trying to work hard.

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