Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2526: Incompetent

After Sun Hao’s practice in Dream Dafa, he often encounters a variety of dreams.

Sun Hao’s dream of Dafa has experienced many and many stages from the beginning of his practice to the present.

At first, Sun Hao’s dream of dreaming was to know dreams and dreams. He knew that he was dreaming, but he could not change his dreams. He could only feel something useful to himself in his dreams.

Later, with the practice, Sun Hao’s dominance in the dream of Dafa increased greatly, and gradually he could control the dream to develop in the direction he hoped. For example, after encountering a powerful opponent in a dream, Sun Hao has been able to control his dreams to open up and kill, and his ability has increased greatly, and he has won the battle.

After the invincible situation in this kind of dream continues for a period of time, Sun Hao can also achieve a new way of dreaming, that is, to dream in the heart, that is, what dreams he hopes to have, what dreams he will have, and what kind of dreams he wants to practice. Will enter the corresponding dreams.

The dominant dream has become a choice of dreams.

For a long time, Sun Hao used his selective dreams to practice his own skills, especially the seven killings.

After a long period of time, the choice of dreams is too purposeful, and the auxiliary effect of the practice is greatly reduced. This is like a book. If you have already seen the final result before you read it, the attraction of this book is naturally great. reduce.

The practice of choosing dreams has gradually returned to the original random dream.

At this time, often a very simple, naturally emerging dream will make Sun Hao have some insights.

After Sun Hao really practiced to a certain height, Sun Hao’s state completely returned to the most primitive dreams, and returned to the truth, knowing that he was dreaming, but never interfered with the dream, how the dream would happen, what would it be like? As a result, everything is free, and Sun Hao himself is a bystander, a comprehension.

In such a dream, Sun Hao usually does not intervene in the direction of the dream, usually to let the dream develop freely.

Recently, Sun Hao has never intervened. This is a dream that lasts for a long time and has many serial plots.

In my dreams, I became a small drug seed, and I realized different ordinary life.

Sun Hao knows that he is dreaming, so he has never intervened.

But for all dreams, there will be a moment of dreaming, and Sun Hao hopes that he will feel something as much as possible before he wakes up.

However, this is a long and long, like a dream of thousands of years, developed to the end, developed to the most critical moment, and produced a thrilling change that Sun Hao did not expect.

The scene of a terrible dream comes out one after another!

Sun Hao is even the kind of anger that can perceive the little medicine he has made, and he is angry with the sky, and wants to give birth to the dream.

Even knowing that this is a dream, Sun Hao feels that this is simply cruel!

I did not expect that I could make such a cruel dream! The smart and intelligent in the dream, the little girl who has loved her own deity, so that Sun Hao, who knows that it is a dream, feels unacceptable and difficult to look directly at.

Many times, Sun Hao has a strong intention to intervene in dreams. He wants to use the will of the deity to dominate the direction of the dream. He wants to use a strong will to make this dream become a bad person and get bad news. Good people will eventually get rescued. Sweet dreams.

In the end, Sun Hao once and for all under the subway, watching the dreams, from which to understand different ordinary life.

In the dream, the truth of that may be Sun Hao’s own voice: “When you have not encountered the dark plots, you will find that everything is beautiful, only when you really encounter it. There is such a terrible realization..."

At that time, Sun Hao had swayed through the 18th floor of Hell, where he suffered from the infinite torture and tempering of the flesh.

But now, in the dreamland, the double pain of the flesh and the soul of the little Awu encounter, the torture of people, afraid that it is not under the eighteen layers of hell.

As a power to observe dreams and realize dreams, Sun Hao feels that his heart will burst at some time. This kind of dream is really indescribable. It really makes Sun Hao’s heart rushing into the eyes. .

Dream, when Awu was turned into a medicine, Sun Hao resisted, and did not move to change the dream.

Dream, when Awu and Xiaoyao relied on each other to fight against external pressure, Sun Hao resisted the impulse to intervene.

Dream, when I went to Awu to be medicated, and when I was saddened to find that my sister Azhu was refining the medicine, Sun Hao resisted not intervening...

Dream, when I was smeared by a few men who had already been smothered by drugs, and had lost the sense of hearing, sight, and taste of the outside world, Sun Hao finally couldn’t stand the cruelty of himself. Dreamland.

Sun Hao decided to intervene and decided to use his own willpower to change the direction of the dream. Sun Hao wants to make the small drug instantly powerful, breaking the **** and revenge.

Dreams, you can't always let the bad guys go unpunished. This is a cruel dream that you can't bear. This dream must change.

In the dream of Dafa, Sun Hao’s will will suddenly enter the dream, and his mouth will clear: "Change, dreams are born, dreams are played by heart, give me change, wake up, small medicine..."

Originally, the plot of the dream should definitely be controlled by oneself. Originally, the things in the dream go, and the dream will be born from the heart.

But this time, Sun Hao’s will found in dismay that he was powerless! After my dreams are displayed, the dream continues.

Awu was smeared, and in his own dreams, he could do nothing, and he could not resist the inhumane pollution.

Sun Hao’s will is full of anger!

How can this be? How could this be? How can you not interfere with the dream? Why did the little medicine not be awakened by itself, why is his own will is still sleeping?

Why can't I change my dreams?

Sun Hao’s will is boundlessly violent and angry, and he must completely reverse this dream.

The small medicine can't be awakened, then I will illusion the Heavenly Soldiers, save the Awu, and kill those medicines that make me feel very upset, one will not stay.

The mouth screamed loudly, and Sun Hao’s will came to the air: “Dream is born by the heart, and the gods are descending, giving me...”

Full of confidence, dreaming of Dafa, once again hit hard!

Sun Hao’s will has suddenly discovered that there is no such thing as a Heavenly Soldier in his dreams! The dream is still unconstrained and continues to develop. Awu has completely slipped into the bottomless abyss.

At the same time as the boundless anger in the chest, Sun Hao’s will finally found out that the situation was not right.

It seems that I really can't do anything about This is a dream that is completely uncontrollable by myself. What makes Sun Hao's will be astonished is that the body of the small drug began to blacken.

With this blackening, their willpower is getting weaker and weaker, and their ability to perceive dreams is getting weaker.

This feeling is like your own will to sleep in the dream!

This is a ridiculous feeling. This kind of will is born in the sense of dreams. How can you fall asleep in a dream?

What kind of dream is this?

In the dream, the body of the deity, the little medicine is powerless, and in the dream, the will of the deity is powerless.

This does not seem to be a dream, but it is just like a real event exists! Then, Sun Hao’s will is suddenly shocked. Is this really not a dream, but an event in reality that is happening on the body of his own deity?

Is the body of one's own deity really turned into a small medicine and falls into a deep sleep, and that, because of the sense of the will of the deity, what do these stories happen above the body of the deity?

If true!

Sun Hao’s will is suddenly and infinitely angry, if not a dream, but a reality! Well, this is the real event, the event that is truly horrible and unacceptable to yourself.

Sun Hao does not know what the deity has gone! It’s been this time, it’s all the way, and I still don’t wake up!

What kind of sleep! Actually slept so deeply! It is unreasonable and unforgivable.

Sun Hao’s willingness to understand the dream, suddenly began to hate his own deity, how can this be done, how can you witness the small Awu suffered so miserable and still can sleep!

Unforgivable! Can't forgive! How can the **** deity be patient?

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