Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2540: Great medicine god

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Seeing this wood vine, Sun Hao’s face showed a trace of mercy, and his heart also rose his hatred.

The Antarctic old man said sincerely: "The adults know that the vinegar is indeed parasitic on the Antarctic. The adults have destroyed most of the spirits of the vinegar, but I have left a little sparkle here, but the adults are relieved, if they are adults. Under the mercy of the people, the new students of the vinegar do not remember today's business. To recover, it will take a long time, but our pharmacy can not keep the spirit, and the inheritance will not die, so adults can go and go, no matter me. Pharmacy things."

After taking a deep breath, the Antarctic old star continued to say: "But if the adults have to start to destroy the last sweltering fire of the vinegar, then please the adults to pity my drug family, the drug family lost the drug god, medicine The mountain collapsed and the spirit collapsed. What is even more frightening is that other races will be attacked and attacked. The millions of people of my family will be robbed, and the adults will be seen on the apostles of Awu and shelter the drug family."

Sun Hao did not speak, reached for a photo, the Antarctic old man's body suddenly trembled, suddenly realized that the nightmare wrapped around his body, how can you put it on the vine root has been easily taken out by the monks in front of him .

Kneeling on the ground, the Antarctic old man trembled and said: "Also ask the adults to pity the pharmacy. I need a spiritual pillar for the billions of medicines. I need a support of faith and I need a blessing."

Sun Hao still did not talk, in the eyes, the stern look flashed past, and Sun Hao’s mouth whispered.

The incense sword rises with the wind, the blade continues to swallow the cold mang, and the continuous cold mantle flashes. The Fuji root in front of Sun Hao has been suddenly cut into countless small segments.

These tiny vine roots did not dare to be destroyed. They quickly became many slender worms, fleeing to the bottom, like fog and rain, and sprinkled them away. Sun Hao screamed coldly: "This seat is second, still want to escape. ?"

The palm of the hand was grabbed, and under the huge attraction, the rattan wood debris was left behind and was taken by one hand.

With a single finger, the fingertips appear orange and orange.

The Antarctic old star was shocked and screamed in exaggeration: "Adults, don't, once this tragedy is extinguished..."

The voice was gone, Sun Hao’s mouth scorned, and the Antarctic old man’s body was awkward. He couldn’t help but retreat a few steps in the air. One knee and one song, squatting in the air, a sweet mouth, a blood spit out.

Looking at Sun Hao with a look of horror, the Antarctic old man’s heart has a strong feeling of unmatched feeling. The drug **** is destroyed. As a parasitic drug repair, he knows about the process and knows the strength of his opponent. He is not able to compete with himself. Therefore, after being photographed, it also shows the gesture of cooperation.

However, when I really faced Sun Hao and even Sun Hao’s light can’t resist it, the Antarctic old star really realized the horror of Sun Hao.

He vaguely knows that Sun Hao and Awu have some relations. Now, when they see Sun Hao’s arrogance, they can't help but sigh. If the drug **** does not use that means to raise Awu, if the drug family cultivates Awu, then get this. With the help of peerless power, the future of the drug family is truly glory. Now, the drug family is afraid of being bad.

Sun Hao did not allow the Antarctic old star to have too many opportunities to defend, and a small bomb, a small Mars popped out of the hand, a hula, the last stop of the drug **** Tenggen screamed, a yellow flame, in front of Sun Hao Rushing up the old high.

When the flames burned, the whole drug **** mountain was over, and suddenly there were countless black clouds, and the black pressure was pressed, as if the whole sky had collapsed.

The wind blew, and Sun Hao’s eight winds were also swaying in the wider wind.

The downpour falls from the sky, as if from the sky, the lines of tears hang down.

The sound of the wind and the sound of the rain are intertwined and shrouded in the entire mountain of Yaoshen. It seems that countless women are crying in sorrow, as if there are countless souls mourning.

A town can be completely killed, this is the grief that even the heavens can't stand it. Even the sun-hard-like Sun Hao has a burst of sadness in his heart.

The Antarctic old star is even more uncomfortable, and can't help but squat in the air, facing the flame burning in front of Sun Hao, constantly beheading, his expression is sad.

Regardless of what is wrong with the drug god, his contribution to the drug family is undeniable. In any case, the drug **** is the patron saint of the drug family, and it is the backing of the drug family, the spiritual pillar, and now the drug gods return to the market. The witnessed Antarctic old man star is not sad?

Suddenly a heavy rain, over the sky above the drug god, hundreds of millions of medicines were under the black clouds, I was at a loss, I do not know what it is, I do not know what it means.

Hundreds of millions of medicines have instinctively felt sad, instinctively perceived sadness, but strangely, they do not know where this sadness and sadness come from, perhaps the rendering of the atmosphere, people panic!

At this time, Yaoshenshan, once again changed, like the sacred scorpion of the drug **** mountain suddenly violently trembled, hundreds of millions of medicine repair can not stand, in the mountains, the tall peaks are trembling in the trembling.

The Antarctic old man stared on the ground and burst into tears.

The main vein of Yaoshen Mountain is the body of the vinegar. Nowadays, the vinegar is destroyed, and the mountain dragon is damaged. It is like a dragon being cramped and naturally unable to hold the mountain. It will collapse. If there is no solution, the whole medicine Shenshan is afraid that it will turn upside down.

When the drug **** mountain fell, the drug family was completely finished.

Not only that, but the entire Yasukuni mountain range has also ignited a huge vine.

Looking down from the sky, a vine like a giant python, constantly climbing up and rushing over to a fairy mountain, as if to absorb the aura of the fairy mountain, revealing the feeling of hysterical offensive.

The vinegar is cultivated and the sacred **** is destroyed. The body of the sacred human form has also been turned into fly ash. Only some of the early vine bodies remain on the medicinal mountain, absorbing the vines of the medicinal mountain nutrients. Maintain some instinctive activity.

However, these vines are too old to lose the vinegar, they can't support it for a long time.

Losing the suppression of the vinegar, they also started the last madness.

The group of devils danced in general, and the entire drug **** mountain range, there are countless vines, covering the sky.

Many drug repairs showed a horrifying expression, and the voice was exclaimed: "The vinegar is the **** vinegar, it is actually hidden in our drug **** mountain, actually absorbed the aura of our drug **** mountain is growing. Own..."

More monks lingered in the air, facing the peak of Yaoshen Mountain, the dark clouds of darkness, kept beheading and praying: "The great medicine god, please pity your people, lower the boundless power, Destroy this abominable vinegar!"

In the dark clouds Antarctic old man starlessly looked at the **** like a human being, the building will be dumped by the drug family, the heart is filled with helplessness and sorrow, after today, the drug family is afraid to become a virtual world Chinese food, Chinese medicine!

Is the end of the drug family coming soon?

Those who prayed for the medicinal monks did not know, the vines that danced in the sky, and the vines that were devastating and devastating to the gods of the mountains, were the objects of their prayers, the defeated drug gods!

In the air, two lines of old tears flowed out of the eyes of the Antarctic old star, and dripped down the cheeks in the air.

Just when Xianshan is about to fall, the vines are like the countless tentacles swaying with the wind. On the sky, Sun Hao, carrying his hands, slowly spoke up: "This seat is today's summit, and there is actually a vinegar run. The family is chaotic, I really don’t know how to live and die. The drug family is going to panic, and the area is full of vinegar, but the erection, the mountain, the dragon, the seat here, why do you want to linger? Give me a quiet, or else, rest this seat There is no mercy under the sword..."

Sun Hao’s voice is not big, but it spreads throughout the Yaoshen Mountains.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers in the entire Yasukuni mountain range: "Pharmaceutical God, Medicine God..."

The great medicine **** finally appeared!

What makes every medicine more pleasantly surprised is that the great medicine **** has already reached the top of the Mahayana! This is a happy event for the drug family!

To be honest, there are not many people who have heard the drug gods in the Yaoshen Mountains, and Sun Hao is now deliberately trying to do it. Even if he hears the drug god, he will naturally feel that he is talking about medicine.

The body of the Antarctic old star is stiff and stiff, and there are tears in his eyes, squatting in the air, cheering loudly: "Congratulations to the adults, He Xi adults, but also the adults to make a big fuss, remove the vinegar, and I am the drug **** mountain Lang Lang Qiang Kun..."

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