Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2545: 3 generation 3

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Three loves, there is no point.

Sansheng III, unforgettable, leaving a scar. Before Sun Hao’s tomb was in front of Qiong’s tomb, he reached out and touched Qiong’s words. His heart was sad, and it was difficult to suppress himself for a long time.

A lifetime of love, Qionger is an ordinary person. In her most difficult time, in the small fishing village of Wangcun, she took care of herself for more than a year, no regrets, and let herself go from the crisis of the classics. come out.

Later, when she left her heart, she was married, she was married, she became the most unwilling to recall her life, and later, when she became the first monk of the Tianling mainland, and stayed in the same, When I almost forgot this ordinary sister, she was not far away from the mountains and waters. She relied on her own feet and walked from Wanshuang Mountain to one after another. The purpose was to be able to take care of herself.

At the end of the world's love, she was powerless to watch her grow old, and finally laughed and passed away in her arms.

Things have been very long, and it’s been a long time since Sun Hao almost remembered it. Almost, Sun Hao had to forget the ordinary.

But now, in retrospect, it is still so unforgettable, I have not forgotten, but I do not want to remember.

The love of the Second World was also the time when it was the most dangerous. When it was broken, it was exhausted and forced to become an agarwood sword. It fell outside the virtual side and waited for help.

It was Xiaoqing who once again carried himself back, his mouth was soft and soft, and the pure soul of Xiaoqing, like an elf, propped up a sky for the weakest self. With her help, he re-entered the path of practice.

I can't forget the time when I practiced killing the enemy. Because I helped myself, Xiaoqingyi was cultivated into the sword of love. With her delicate and infinite love, she made herself a powerful killing sword that was difficult to practice. Her own unique sword bone, she is also a kind of deep love, in order to be able to defend his own incomparable killing meaning.

Second World Xiaoqing, she is still not good at fighting. In the end, she tempered her own swordsmanship to attract the world. Her temper is soft outside, just like Snow, she squatted in Lingtianjian, leaving a drop of undead blood. Later, he was incorporated into the fairy tree, silently accompanying himself, waiting for his return.

But until now, I have just known that Xiaoqing is the reincarnation of Qionger. She is still the same as before. She is ordinary and simple, and she is not vocal. If she is not the third body, she will never know. Such a secret.

Perhaps, in the midst of self-satisfaction, every occurrence of Qionger, every reincarnation, is the most vulnerable and most in need of help.

The three kings of Awu, still the same, their own incarnation of small drugs, the mind is completely immersed in sleep, is that Awu found himself, took himself out of the medicine valley, and brought himself into the layout.

Over the years, I have been sleeping, deliberately or unintentionally, advancing my own layout. Awu has always been careful and caring for her own body of medicine. In fact, Awu, who has a clear mind, has long felt his abnormality. .

However, under all circumstances, Awu was resolutely standing by his side, accompanied by no regrets.

Sun Hao’s tears are rolling.

Can not help but think of the final will of Awu, Awu let herself promise her, repeatedly licking herself and helping her shelter the drug family.

In fact, this is because she knows that she has the ability to know that her origins are extraordinary, but she still chooses to stand on her side.

In fact, if she chooses to stand in the position of the drug family and choose to take the initiative to cooperate with the drug god, it will be more natural, or it can cause a lot of trouble for herself. Whether she can smoothly advance the Mahayana will add a lot of variables.

Think about Awu's choice, think about the pain that I encountered after I chose it, and there is no regrets after Awu's choice. In Sun Hao's heart, I can't help but grieve.

The three kings of Awu, the three souls and seven souls, lacking a soul alone, that soul may be the undead blood left by the second generation of Xiaoqing, taking away a trace of the soul.

The third world, Ao, eventually used his body to help Sun Hao complete the cultivation of Mahayana.

Three generations of life, the love of each world is so unforgettable.

Sun Hao’s heart was mournful, and he was silent before Qiong’s tomb.

Beyond the empty tower, more monks appeared, standing silently in the distance, watching the sad Sun Hao, not close.

As a monk in the tower, they can clearly perceive the sorrow of drifting inside the tower, and can clearly perceive the unspeakable sadness and sorrow that Sun Hao is now.

Everyone in the world is good, and who knows the immortal.

Step by step, walked to the present, standing in front of Qiong's tomb, Sun Hao felt so tired and tired, the joy after the advanced Mahayana, the kind of looking down on the joy of the people, unconsciously faded a lot.

After a long time, Sun Hao’s body was behind the body. Before Xuan’s empty tower, Xuanyuan red whispered to the small fire on the side: “Small fire sister, you keep the human form, go with Acne, other people, join me in the tower, Don't disturb Agarwood, everybody, as Shenxiang's repair is a big move, there is a new change in the air tower. There are still many things waiting for everyone. If you have nothing, don't come here."

Xuanyuan red, the monks said Qi Qi, the body slowly faded, disappeared. Sun Hao’s mood, they understand, but they also know that standing here is not helpful, these things can only be digested by Sun Hao himself.

Only a small fire, the body leaped and jumped to the side of Sun Hao.

Standing in front of the tomb of Qiong, the eyes of the small fire also revealed the memory of the silk, the chubby little hand, and touched the tombstone silently.

After a long time, the small fire came over to Sun Hao, opened his hands and held Sun Hao tightly.

Sun Hao was in tears, as if she had seen Qionger slowly coming over and hugged her head to her chest. She couldn’t help but Sun Hao spread her arms and hugged the person in front of her eyes.

Slightly sighed in the heart of the small fire, remembered the past in the fishing village, remembered the simple song that Qiong sister often gave to Sun Hao, and gently slammed it in his mouth: "The evening wind slams the lake Bay, white waves, beaches, no coconuts, drunk sun, just a blue sea, sitting on the low wall in front of the door, thinking back and forth, there are two pairs of footprints on the beach at dusk, that is, gently licking my hand Pull...sun, sand, waves, cactus..."

Sun Hao seems to have returned to the former Wangcun, as if he had returned to the day when he was lying on the bed and couldn’t move. His eyes were stunned, and he even hugged the fire of Wang Qiong’s form.

The small fire gently embraced Sun The mouth sang softly in the mouth, and the face showed a happy and satisfying light. In my heart, there was also tenderness and faint grief.

Sansheng Sanshi, Sanshi love, no fate, Qiongjie is so miserable.

It’s really making people, and people are helpless.

Sun Hao’s mood is the same as her feelings. The friendship of Qiong’s three generations and three generations has made her heart admire. This is a story of infinite beauty. If you think about it, it will make you feel sad.

I only hope that my brother can get better. My brother has already built a peerless power that is rare in the virtual world. He has already stood at the top of the virtual world. He wants to come, and it is not this sadness that can be knocked down.

However, my brother can be so sad about Qiongjie Sansheng III. The small fire finally seems to have returned to the past. His brother is getting higher and higher, and the small fire feels that the story of the past is getting farther and farther away from himself. Until today, the fire Finally, there is a new perception, and my brother is still the same as before, with flesh and blood.

My brother is not just a high-powered monk who is tall, his brother is still a young monk who is affectionate and righteous, or a brother who takes himself around and tries his best to renew his life.

Thinking about it, the small fire could not help but gradually became obsessed, as if I had returned to Jiyan Mountain, as if I saw the time when I met Sun Hao for the first time.

The hateful aunt was wiped out by his brother; when his brother left, he waved himself and took himself out of the ruthless mountain full of flames; when he returned from Wangcun, when his life was near, his brother wanted to let I am quietly growing old in Ji Yanshan...

A scene of the past came to my heart, holding Sun Hao, the expression on the face of the small fire gradually calmed down.

Qiong Sister Sansheng III must pursue his brother's footsteps. Then, the avatar became the appearance of Qiongjie, but he was much luckier than Qiongjie. If so, what reason is there for his brother?

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