Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2561: Magical girl

The air transport is the most illusory.

Undoubtedly, the ethnicity of a race is definitely a race of a race. The pharmacist often says that the blessing of the **** of medicine is not unreasonable.

Any medicinal monk who has a relationship with the drug **** can get the blessing of the drug god, even if it is only a little bit, it will be of great help.

This kind of blessing can't be seen or touched, but it is real.

For example, when the town of Forna completed the ritual ceremony and began to hold the rite of rites, Sun Hao suddenly realized that Abi’s location was not particularly good, and that piece was blown smoothly, which is very suitable. The wind of flying a kite.

Sun Hao appeared in the side of Abi, appearing in the small fishing village, will inevitably bring an immeasurable impact to Abi.

After the kite took off, the blessing of this medicine **** was immediately manifested.

The monks around Abi, after perceiving this kind of wind, hesitated and did not dare to fly their kites.

Sun Hao perceives a relatively gentle and steady wind, which is actually quite difficult to control, and the wind is relatively large.

This wind is a special way for the sea totem monks to bulge. The real situation is that the more the middle position, the smoother the wind, the monks can control their kites to fly into the sky and the others around them as long as they are at a certain distance. There won't be too many conflicts.

Of course, if there are competitors in the middle area, or if they are not pleasing to each other, they can also drive the kites to attack each other. Usually, the result of mutual awkwardness is often both losses.

Only when you have a good grade, and your opponent looks very strong, and the hatred is quite deep, the kite war will break out in the middle.

Usually, a family or a disciple of a power will choose to stand in an area and form a cover for their core monks so that they can truly achieve better results.

For many years, among the small towns of Forna, those who have achieved good results are often the young disciples in the core area. For example, Abi, a small fishing villager who is relatively close to the outside, will not be ideal because of various problems.

If a special monk appears, it is often a psychic god, and the drug **** is favored.

Xiaohao Ge told himself that the more critical moments, the more calm, the first step in flying a kite is to perceive the wind, to adjust the wind direction reasonably, to gradually fly the kite.

Abi closed his eyes and felt it with his heart. He had a bottom in his heart. This kind of wind was mild. It was not as elusive as the various winds in the small fishing village. Abi quickly found a feasible kite to fly. Method.

What makes Abi more puzzled is that at this moment, the monks who are not far from themselves are still hesitating, and the kites that are released only dare to let them float above their heads, rather than letting them Flying too high.

Abi has doubts in his heart. Is it so difficult to fly a kite here?

Look at the middle part of the square. There are a lot of kites flying up. Two of the huge kites have already flown from the old high to the old.

There is also a kite that is slightly shorter than the two kites, but it looks quite weak.

In the middle part, there are some kites flying low, and they are slowly rising and swaying. From the position of Abi, the kite flying in the entire huge square is like a pyramid, with a high middle and four sides. low.

After thinking about it, Abi also began to fly his own kites, because the kites around him were not flying high. Soon, Abi’s kites stood out in the surrounding area.

Soon, Abi's kites have already reached the heights of ordinary kites in the middle, much higher than the kites around them.

So do you need to fly the kite higher?

I remember that Xiaohao’s brother once told me some precautions about flying a kite. The most important point is that you don’t want to behave too well in the front, or you can easily be targeted.

When I thought that my kite might be entangled, Abbey was careful and controlled my kite height. Abe carefully tried to make her kite fly smoothly in the wind and always keep it. A certain rate of climb, always with the same level of the ordinary kite in the middle can fly to the same height.

As the kite flies higher and higher, Abi has always been weaker than the average young boy in the middle. He is far ahead of the young girls around, and finally caught the attention of some high-ranking monks in the Forna Harbour.

Many monks paid attention to Abi and nodded slowly.

The kite can still be placed so high in such a position that is not particularly good. The monk's control is very good. The kite is definitely special, and the strength is not weak. It is a good seedling.

Such a younger generation in the small fishing village can be regarded as a miracle of the big day. Don't look at her kite is a little worse than the ordinary teenager in the middle, but the location of her, the difficulty of flying is not much.

In other words, the little girl's kite score has actually surpassed many people, only a little weaker than the three kites flying high in the sky.

It’s still behind.

The kites released by Abi stimulated the monks around them. They gradually let go of their hands and feet and began to climb the kites. Unfortunately, after the kites were separated from their own control, they appeared in various chaos.

For many years, the drug family has formed certain rules for kite flying. Once it is out of control, it means failure.

Many young girls who were out of control were knocked out in the air by the monks who watched them moving in order to prevent their kites from affecting others.

In the middle, there are some very strange rules. You can manipulate the kite to attack other people, but if you lose control, it is a failure.

Of course, some special-purpose testers can also use this method to pull people together, which is actually allowed by the rules.

The medicinal monk has a very simple reasoning. If you are a monk blessed by the **** of medicine, there should be no enemies. Even if there is, it will not be affected. The reason is affected because it is not blessed. It is so simple.

Abi is surrounded by monks from the small fishing village. It is very simple. There is no such thing as a person who is not too good to be buried with others.

With the failure of these monks, Abi vacated a large area.

Abi's kite, a huge green scorpion-shaped single shadow, floats high, at this time, the ordinary monk in the middle, the kite reached a certain height, floating without moving.

Abi's kite also stopped in the air, but at this time it was time for Abi not to hide. The rules are rules. If the time spent at a certain height is too long, it is equivalent to the finale.

If Abi wants to achieve better results, then he must keep his kite on the rise.

Therefore, Abi's kite is still slowly crawling after many other monks' kites stop rising. The speed is not very fast. There are still a big gap between the three strongest players in the middle. But the speed of climbing is always there.

Concentrating on the control of his own kites, Abi did not have too many selfish distractions in his heart, and always kept his own speed. According to Xiaohaoge, he would fly the kite higher.

Gradually, Abi's kite made the monk inside the harbor look like a sneak peek. The kite is constantly climbing. It seems that there is no end, and the speed of climbing seems to be constant.

The kites in the middle three stopped at a certain height.

The kite of the little girl in the fishing village is still flying, but the little girl’s kite is far less than the middle three.

The middle three are still proud.

However, as time goes by, the little girl's kite still crawls and climbs, and the height of the distance is rapidly shortening.

Gradually, it looks like a stunned look.

Surprise surged into the heart of every monk, the height distance, reduced to a height of one foot, a few feet height, one foot height...

Then until Qiping!

Then, the little girl’s kite flies higher and farther, far beyond the middle three, one foot, two feet, one foot... two feet...

If you only exceed one point, you may not see the gap.

More than that, the discerning person knows at a glance that the kite, the Abi from the small fishing village, is the real first among all adult monks.

Amazing little girl!

Her mastery of the wind, her strange kite, all crowned the entire town of Forna!

The ability to fly to such a high altitude, the quality of the kite, and even the quality of the kite line must be absolutely passed!

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