Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2582: Judo sea god

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Fighting spirits rise to the sky, the blossoming clouds above the sky seem to be shocked by Sun Hao’s strong fighting spirit, and they are scattered.

The sea waves that started in the battle were suppressed by the arrogance of Sun Hao, and were affected by Sun Hao’s ambitions. The life was oppressed on the sea, and the sea was calm.

For more than three months in the war, some ordinary monks in the town of Forna have become accustomed to doing something on their own.

Of course, you can't go out to the town, you can't go to the sea, you can feel the big waves on the sea every day, you can hear the thunder and thunder.

The Haidongqing knights have already fallen far on the waterfront beside the town. While practicing and watching the battle, the battle like the drug **** adults can be witnessed and definitely beneficial to their own practice.

The Hague also wanted to leave quietly, but as long as he was a little farther away, he could perceive a feeling of deep bones from the bottom of his heart, as if he could see the drug **** glanced at himself and warned. It is best not to act rashly and listen to it.

The power of the drug **** has already made him tremble with fear. The two old buddies, the scaled gold scorpion and the big head scorpion are not the enemy at all. They are not expected to go anywhere. If they dare not test, the Hague can only be safe. Separated and floating in the air, it seems that the gods of the gods are cheering.

When Sun Hao’s voice spread throughout Tianyu, the heart of the Hague’s heart could not help but move, and the ultimate help that he invited came finally?

I hope that this true peerless monk can suppress the drug **** of the mad tyrant, give himself, and give the two towns of the sea people a great chance.

Is there a new strong enemy? The Haidong Qing knights were a little bit excited, and many knights stood up and looked at the sky.

To be honest, although the battles in these months have been fierce, the confrontation is not particularly strong. The general trend is that the two sea-going townsmen can hide in Tibet, like a mouse, and dare not take part in the battle.

The violent domineering of the drug **** adults is shocking.

I saw it much more, as if I was used to it. Now, if I have another opponent, I don’t know if I will play more savage.

On the body of Sun Hao, the ups and downs of the rising spirits also stimulated the spirit of the small town drug repair and the spirit of the Haidongqing knights. It has a feeling of blood and blood, and the war is about to open again.

The boundless domineering, the boundless fighting spirit emerged from the wave of Sun Hao, suppressing the calm sea in front of the sea.

Just in front of Sun Hao, just under the pressure of Sun Hao, the sea in a large sea area slowly rose upwards, and soon on the sea, turned into a solid high water The waves, slowly rising and falling, seem to be a person sleeping on the ocean.

A tall, completely composed of sea water, under the sun, ignoring the strong pressure of Sun Hao, fell asleep.

Sun Hao’s mouth sighed and said: “Ghosts and ghosts, eat me a stick.”

Above the sky, the right hand slammed forward, and the stick of the sky became a little golden light. It flew out from the hands of Sun Hao, and the power of the stick was directed to the head of the sea below.

The stick is still not close to the sea people. In the sea, two sea waters have risen, and the air has turned into a pair of big hands. The hands are spinning, and a Taiji figure brings a water curtain, which appears in the air and wraps around. Heavenly stick.

The golden stick hit the Taiji figure, the sea water splashed, the sky was flying, and the rain on the surface of the sea was pattering.

The Taiji diagram rotates like a vortex. The seawater in the sea is continuously pumped up, and the loss of the Taiji diagram is constantly added. The Taiji figure retreats backwards along the stick, and it continues to be like a sponge. In general, the impact of the stick is removed.

Fighting sticks are strong. The water map is too soft and long. If Sun Hao’s battle is overwhelming, then the water figure Taiji shows a soft and long-lasting character. When the two meet, Sun Hao’s heart is filled with a powerful and nowhere feeling.

In the air, the two stalemate a full fragrant effort. Before the hitting of the sea people, the castration has already gone, and Sun Hao’s heart is slightly stunned, with one hand and one stroke, the stick of the sky sticks. Back to the sky and fall back, in the hands of Sun Hao.

Above the sea, the Taiji figure has been turned into the sea's arms, and the sea is slightly supported. A giant sea of ​​giants slowly stands up. The facial features are vague and can only be seen in a vague outline. It’s obvious that the sea person should be a woman.

The soft, the sound of the spring breeze came from the sea. Every monk who heard this sound had a deep admiration in his heart, as if he saw his gentle mother at this moment.

Even Sun Hao seems to have seen the long-awaited return to the market. Now, I don’t know if the tombstone is a good mother. I feel a little embarrassed in my heart.

In my heart, Sun Hao’s hand in his hand sticks forward, and his mouth whispered: “The sea of ​​God’s friendly and jubilant judo, admire and admire.”

The voice of Sun Hao’s speech was clear and crisp. In the voice, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder. When the sound came out, it was like the sacred water of the squad, and there was a scene of rigid and soft collision.

Sun Hao’s voice is in stark contrast to the female voice, the female voice is soft, and Sun Hao’s voice is just overbearing, and the two give people a completely different style.

judo! Being able to speak out and be able to take the road out of the mood, the identity of the sea person who appears in the sea is also ready to go.

Poseidon! The Hundreds of the Lord in the Sea! The most typical sign of its practice, judo, soft way, soft way, to the soft way.

The sea gods who will judo are the most masterful of the suppleness of the sea. When the judo is out, it can turn the most powerful attack in the world.

Among the avenues, judo is also one of the most famous unipolar roads. In a sense, judo and overbearing are just right.

The characteristic of judo is the word "resolve". Any force, after hitting judo, will be dissolved into invisible. Any anger will meet with judo and will be dispelled by it.

As soon as the sea **** spoke, Sun Hao had a very clear feeling.

The soft voice is full of kindness like a mother, and Sun Hao feels that he is not very interested in making a big fire.

Being smashed by Sun Hao, Poseidon is still soft, and gently said in his mouth: "Pharmaceutical God friend? Yes, I am not mentioning, the guardian of the sea, I am very happy on the road, there is another magical power. Fellow."

Poseidon, Tefitia, the guardian of the sea!

All the medicines were shocked when they were repaired. This sea god, but one of the few great powers that really stood at the top of the virtual world.

Among the virtual worlds, the invincible monks who are truly fighting against the sky.

Legendary Poseidon can appear anywhere in the sea at any time, even if it is a different continent, the sea of ​​different small worlds, as long as the sea gods are willing, can appear at any time.

She is able to order any sea monk in any sea area in the virtual world to be able to control the command of the sea.

As a monk on the seashore, I have heard many myths and legends of Poseidon from small to large.

Some people say that Poseidon is a tall and strong man with a strong trident holding a trident; others say that Poseidon is a beautiful and unparalleled young woman; some people say that Poseidon is a dragon of the four seas hovering in the sea...

Whatever the statement, Poseidon’s impression of the monk’s childhood is incomparably mysterious and incomparably powerful.

At this time, the Poseidon who appeared in front of everyone is also very mysterious. The body made of sea water is tall and transparent, and it seems that it is not an entity.

Seeing this moment of Poseidon, while the minds of the drug repairers were shocked, they began to vaguely worry.

Although the drug **** is awesome, I am afraid that it is not an opponent of Poseidon. After all, the existence of the sea **** did not know how many years, it is recognized by the virtual world, the mysterious top monk.

The pharmacist, who can suppress the scales and evil eyes, is already an anecdote in the world, but no one will think that he can fight against the sea god.

This is simply unimaginable.

Every heart of the drug repair has been raised, and I hope that the drug **** can support it. Otherwise, the drug family will have a big trouble this time.

The pharmacy **** has already mentioned the momentum and is facing him.

Sun Hao is carrying a stick, and his mouth slowly said: "The sea **** protects the sea and protects the sea, and it is understandable. It can be too wide, it is not very good."

The sea **** floated in the air, and it seemed to be covered with a green blouse. Above the head, it seemed to be full of flowers, and the body gradually solidified.

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