Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2589: Overbearing power

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Sun Hao earnestly realized that every time he broke through the sea **** judo and attacked her side, he sank into comprehension and suddenly realized the real, different general core spirit of hegemony.

What is hegemony?

Sun Hao’s comprehension has gone through several stages, the first stage. Simply, Sun Hao believes that hegemony is a kind of violent.

Unscrupulous is overbearing, violent and violent is overbearing, no matter the kind of hegemony, in fact, it is a kind of forced meaning inside.

That is, you don't let me do that, but I just used strength to force it to do it, occupying it, and overbearing it.

Sun Hao is above the sea and leads Abi through the Thunder. He gains another insight: hegemony is a relative existence and a contrasting force.

The existence of different levels, the understanding of hegemony is actually different. On this basis, Sun Hao even developed a concept of overbearing and refining, and for this reason, he realized the process of Abi being bullied. Strong outbreaks show off their overbearing power.

The squadron and the evil eye have been suppressed arbitrarily, and the two geniuses of the two races have been eliminated. This kind of force is suppressed by others, and the power of bullying others is vividly displayed.

The main reason why the sea **** appeared, Sun Hao still does not care, is not because the grievances of the drug family and the sea people are irreconcilable, Sun Hao has already eliminated the two combined powers. In theory, this is indeed a costly price for the other party. It is true that it can be properly received.

But at this time, Sun Hao felt that once he was influenced by the judo of Poseidon, once he chose to compromise and chose to talk, then his own hegemonic practice, the hegemonic power he is comprehending will soon have a certain impact. If you don't do well, you will be directly assimilated by the sea god's judo, and your own hegemony will be eliminated.

It is precisely because of this feeling that Sun Hao is not arrogant to show his hegemonic arrogance, unreasonable and confrontation with the sea god, launched a fierce battle.

It seems that it is laborious and unrewarding. In fact, it is a kind of overbearing practice. After the battle is unfolded, it also produces better practice effects.

After the war broke out, all of Sun Hao’s minds sank into the constant perception of the hegemonic power of his own practice, and he was overbearing against judo, and he was overbearing against the battle.

Judo restraint is overbearing.

Under this restraint, Sun Hao’s hegemonic power must always maintain a high-intensity posture in order to have the power of a war.

Judo restraint is overbearing.

The strength of judo in the restraint state has a very clear reference to Sun Hao’s hegemonic practice.

In the midst of the battle, the instinctual battle of the sorcerer was done quite well. Occasionally, he was able to give full play to his own strength and hegemony, breaking through the shackles of the sea **** judo and launching a close attack on Poseidon.

It is obviously not very suitable for the sea gods to fight with the opponents. Every time, they will display the defense water shield, or simply avoid the water, and do not know the generals.

This state of the eruption of the sorcerer's day gave Sun Hao another good opportunity to comprehend the hegemony.

Seriously observing this state of his own, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that each time he broke through the sea **** judo, he was the biggest time of his own fighting power.

The reason for the greatest strength is when the overbearing power of the arrogant and the physical strength of the sorcerer is just perfect.

The power of overbearing, the strength of the flesh, together, rudely torn the interception of judo, and killed the sea god.

Water to soft, can carry everything, water to soft, can accommodate all things.

The water of the softness is endless, but the water of the softness has a characteristic, that is, he is actually easy to be defeated at a certain time point on a certain section.

The main factor determining the length of this defeat, the size of the area, is actually the size of its own strength.

When their strength, overbearing power and physical strength are perfectly combined, they can successfully surpass Judo's interception of themselves, break the sea god's judo through a hole, and directly kill her body. .

After comprehending this point, Sun Hao began to subconsciously mobilize his whole mind to sink into the control of hegemony and the integration of his physical strength.

As the battle progressed, such integration became more and more convenient. When this cooperation became better and better, Sun Hao broke through the number of times of the sea **** judo.

In this battle, Sun Hao found that he has more and more understanding of hegemony.

I have to say that Poseidon is the best opponent and touchstone for practicing hegemony. The supple sea **** is not too strong. The direct destructive means may be the relationship of judo that she comprehends. Her main battle mode is to rely on continuous long-term. The attack is to smash the opponent.

Her character is also slightly soft and docile, not so violent and desperate to shoot, which gives Sun Hao a lot of opportunities to comprehend hegemony and use hegemony to fight.

In the ongoing battle, Sun Hao became more and more familiar with the integration and cooperation of the power of hegemony and the power of the flesh. After understanding the hegemony, it reached a new height.

During the battle, Sun Hao suddenly felt that his physical strength should be an important part of his own hegemonic power.

The strength of the flesh, the arrogance of the wind, the thunder and the arrogance of the fire, and the power of the overbearing power of others, are actually a kind of nature, and they are all components that can form their own hegemony.

Moreover, based on this recognition, Sun Hao also got a new understanding.

The root of overbearing is actually a word, force.

Without power, there is no way to talk about it.

The size of the force determines the strength of the hegemony. The reason why the hegemony is relative is that the magnitude of the force is relative.

Overbearing is actually a reflection of the strength of strength.

Hegemony must be violent and rough, if it is powerless, how can it be violent? Overbearing should be arrogant and unreasonable, forcibly possessed, if it is weak, how can it be arrogant, if it is weak, how can it be seized?

Overbearing wild, need support.

To overbearing to show power, power is the root cause.

There are overlord in ancient times, and its strength can be pulled out of the mountain, there are ancient poems: "It is difficult to return to heaven, murderous tempering swords and light cold. Jianguang cold: force Qingshan, gas cover the Central Plains. Want to cross Jiangdong but no face, songs and sorrows: sings and deeds, all sides The song is ruined. I hate the sky and hate the land."

The power of the overlord, only hate the sky, if the sky has the power of the handle, he can hold it in one hand and tear the heavens away.

The power of the overlord only hates the earth without a ring. If the earth has a hoop that can be focused on, he can take it and bring the earth to life.

This is the power of the real overlord.

This is the real hegemony.

What is overbearing, that is, based on its own, the power of the mad tyrants a domineering attitude, this is overbearing.

The root of hegemony is still its own unparalleled power.

The power of hegemony lies in the self-understanding, the power of squally wind, thunder, fire, and so on. It is used in the power of the whole body to create a powerful and powerful situation that crushes everything and crushes everything.

This is overbearing.

After slamming his head and attacking, the belly button has been screaming at Sun Hao. After thinking about the true roots of hegemony, the whole person suddenly became cheerful and felt that his own enlightenment practice reached a new height.

The mobile bucket is sticking, Sun Hao is floating in the air, the stick is inclined downwards, the upper body is straight and straight, and the belly button has a burst of majestic laughter in his mouth. He said loudly: "Hate the sky, hate the ground and loop." , pulling the green hills, the gas cover the Central Plains, hahaha, I understand, I understand, the sea **** little girl, eat your uncle a stick..."

The violent momentum rushed out of Sun Hao’s body.

The seniors of the predecessors were shouted into a little girl by Sun Hao. This is a kind of real, and did not put the **** of the sea in the rough and powerful of the eyesight. This is a madness that completely rids itself of its bondage.

In the distance, the sea **** who gently sprinkled the sea water, the body can not help but glimpse, the flowers grow lush, the invisible blurry and delicate face, the bright red flowers bloom, it seems that the girl rises instantly. A lot of red clouds.

I don't know how many years, no one calls himself a little girl, and no one dares to call himself a grandfather in front of himself.

Sure enough, only those monks who practiced the special avenue between heaven and earth are so unscrupulous, and practicing monks who are overbearing, that is a hate.

The sea **** was angry and his hands were flying, and the layers of sea water picked up huge waves and rushed toward Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took the mountain to catch the moon, striding the meteor, dragging the stick with his right hand, and rushing wildly...

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