Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2602: Fur Seal Festival

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Kicked and flew to see the lively side of the animal husbandry, did not bother the bag, as long as he is fine, the latter will follow it.

In other words, people around can find the right Taoist, especially this one is still so powerful, Sun Hao is still quite surprised.

However, it seems that the family status after the bag may be a bit problematic. It is a bit of a trend of airbags. The sea **** looks gentle and infinite. In fact, it is a violent barbaric woman. It is estimated that the bag will be affected later.

Silently praying for the bag, Sun Hao can not control his chores, and went with him.

There is still a little time in Forna, what Sun Hao is going to do is to respond to the instinct of the flesh, and walk around with Abi, gradually blending the will and understanding of the flesh in the past, gradually moving his hegemony forward. Advance.

Bianmu, this guy, was kicked by Sun Hao and slammed into the soil. He screamed a few times, and the grandson and grandson did not have love. The grandmother and grandson did not share the loyalty. Not long after, they lived again and again. The ground was drilled out of the soil.

This guy knows that he is doing this thing absolutely not to be seen by Sun Hao, but he did not run Sun Hao here to reward.

However, the hyena was naturally scented, and the state of the bag made it immediately smell what it was doing and it really succeeded.

Moreover, it also sniffed out, it seems that Sun Boss is united with the Holy King.

It is necessary to say that the most refreshing, most overbearing, and most memorable years among the dogs and goats are undoubtedly the time when they are together with the Holy King.

At this moment, seeing Sun Hao's integration of the will of the Holy King, his heart suddenly tickles.

The biggest characteristic of the dog is that he does not remember, but he ran back to Sun Hao’s side. Wang Wang shouted and put forward his own new insights: “Sun boss, you want to integrate the will of the Holy King, then You can't simply swallow the jujube, but you should turn the holy king's every move into your instinct. That is the most effective fusion. You are in this state, it is simply a cow chewing a peony, a violent thing."

Bian Mu is not reliable, but sometimes, its opinions, Sun Hao has to listen, especially when it comes to the insights of practice, what Bianmu said is what it instincts.

When Sun Hao heard it, he contrasted slightly with himself. He felt like he was driving the will of the deity, forcing the fierce will. He couldn’t really be said by this dog.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao said with ulterior motives: "So then shepherd, what do you think I should do to be effective?"

The eyes of the animal husbandry quickly turned up, and the heart began to play a small ninety-nine, to say who is the best in the world, except for the holy king, no one else, as for the long legs, it is not good, that is My own master is also.

In the heart of Bianmu, it is always hoped that the will of the Holy King can occupy a more important dominant position in the will of Sun Bo. At this time, when Sun Boss asks his own opinions, he must quickly win some rights to the Holy King: "This Simple, it is recommended that Sun Boss compare the style of the Holy King in the past, and manage the Forna with the rules of the Holy King, even managing the drug family. In that case, you will naturally be able to perfectly integrate the Will of the Holy King, and I feel that it is against you. The avenue practice will also be of great help."

Bianmu’s little ninety-nine, but Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao also felt it in an instant, and if he wanted to truly integrate the fierce will, then the method mentioned by Bianmu was not a good idea.

Using a savage world view, using savage values ​​and outlook on life to deal with things, it is indeed possible to let yourself form the arrogant world, unscrupulous hegemony, and the hegemony of self-cultivation, there will be greater progress.

Moreover, compared with the savage department, the will of his own deity can more constrain his behavior, but it does not cause any confusion.

I feel that the advice of Bianmu is good. Sun Hao immediately nodded slightly: "Yes, that's it. Your suggestion has some desirability. Later, I will follow the way of the Holy King."

Bianmu is very happy, in the air, a screaming, "Wang Boda, you are too wise and martial, Wang Wangwang, I will go out and promulgate your New Deal, Wang Wangwang..."

Called a few times, this guy ran away from the scorpion.

Sun Hao suddenly felt uncomfortable, took a hand, took it back, fixed it in the air and could not run around. He asked: "What new policy did you enact? I just made a decision?"

Bianmu said, of course: "This is naturally the rule of the sacred priesthood. Oh, all the rules of the savage department, the sacred priest is the core spirit and principle, this is not less!"

Holy King? Sun Hao thought a little, and immediately understood that it was a ridiculous one. All the monks in the barbarian became a Taoist priest, and the Holy King would be the first strange etiquette to favor the bride.

In other words, in the barbarians for thousands of years, it did develop special rules, and it also became the supreme glory of barbarian warriors.

However, if this kind of etiquette is to be put into the city of Forna, or the drug family, it will definitely be a big mess.

Sun Hao does not want to turn the drug **** into a ridiculous Mahayana monk.

Coughing, Sun Hao kicked the side of the animal, and said with a sigh of relief: "This is not the case, the holy priest can only be applied in the barbaric barbarians. There are too many races in Forna, and the boss is not interested. Lack, a hammer, don't mess with me."

After the animal husbandry, the dog's paws licked his chest, and said in his mouth: "Yes, yes, I forgot this, sweat, and the Folna are full of people. Many races have special shortcomings. For example, body odor, such as big fangs and the like, is indeed not suitable for the holy king ceremony, but the boss, within the barbarians of the year, in addition to the holy king ceremony, there is a flower dog festival, you see this festival..."

Sun Hao suddenly laughed and laughed, and for a long time, the abacus of the hyena was originally this flower dog festival! This dog's singularity is really speechless.

After a little indulging, Sun Hao gradually had another idea: "Bianmu, I think, in the city of Forna, the Flower Dog Festival is not particularly suitable, the main reason you have seen, the seaside city The special environment has created a lot of high-quality dog ​​breeds here. It is not necessary to set up such a festival."

Bian Pei suddenly lowered his head and was listless and stunned.

Sun Hao was funny in his heart, and his mouth slowly said: "However, according to my observation, the creatures in the sea are strange, and there are many types of fur seals. If you are interested in animal husbandry, we may wish to organize a 'Sea Dog Festival.' ', Bianmu, what is your intention?"

As long as there is a festival, it is a fur seal festival, or a flower dog festival! In the side of the animal husbandry, suddenly amazed, Wang Wang shouted: "Sun boss, this can be, Wang Wangwang, fur dogs are also OK, fur dogs are also very special, especially some sea dog sister, the skin is called a delicate."

Sun Hao slowly shook his head, did not discuss this guy with the national color of the sea dog sister, but, Sun Hao really ran to give Abi and The Hague a confession of the Fur Seal Festival ~ ~ Forna Among the sea cities, Abi manages fewer and fewer things, and more things are handed over to the Hague.

The reason is that Abi spends more time with Sun Hao, and when Sun Hao leaves, he will definitely take Abi, Forna Sea City, or let Sea Totem manage it better.

As a peerless drug god, Sun Hao rarely intervenes in anything in Forna Haicheng. This time, he actually explained it to a fur seal festival!

Suddenly, the city of Forna is highly regarded.

Sun Hao laughed and found that the Hague had personally served as the leader of the group and set up a huge organizing committee. All other major events were put down, and the Fur Dog Festival was organized with dedication.

Between the pastoral and the fart, he ran to do technical guidance.

This is the dog of the Poseidon family, a magical, capable dog who can talk.

According to the requirements of the dog, the Sea Dog Festival must be selected, which is a kind of high-quality, spiritual, and soft-skinned female sea dog. The male sea dog cannot be elected.

The Hague feels like this. It seems that this fur seal festival is a bit of a suspicion for the beauty of the dog. The grown-up is an adult, and he is domineering. When he is happy, he gives his dog a beauty pageant.

At the first Fur Seal Festival, adults actually issued a reward rule.

Domineering, let the Hague look like a chicken blood rule, there is such a inside, the Hague is heart-warming, the Fur Seal Festival selected the top hundred charm fur dogs, of which the top ten sea dogs, monks with dogs to participate in the election I was able to get the shot of the Master of Medicine, Master of the Master of Medicine, and the first five sea dogs, the master of the alchemist level; the first sea dog, the drug **** personally shot.

The drug **** adults are one of the top three alchemy masters in the virtual world. The adults produce, absolutely fine, and suddenly, Furna's Fur Seal Festival, alarming the virtual world.

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