Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2606: Overbearing

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The road is long and the road is long, and I will search for it.

The practice of the avenue is easy and difficult to complete. Sun Hao has long understood this.

Moreover, until now, Sun Hao feels that his own hegemony is a bit of a strange feeling of losing his direction.

It’s like walking on a boulevard. There are so many forks in front of you. You can’t tell which one is the right path. You can’t completely understand the direction.

The reason why the Tao is the Tao, he is the road of the road, walking on the road of comprehension of the avenue, just like the walking of people, will encounter many roads of Tongda Avenue.

The Tao, the Tao, is not the Tao. The Tao is just a name, just a word, not the essence of the Tao. It has no name, you can call it TT, you can also call it YY, you can also call it. Named TT, that is, not TT, named YY, that is, not YY, named Road, that is not the road.

This is a very strange feeling.

Unclear, the road is unknown, Sun Hao feels that the hegemony that he is now comprehending is so vague, as if he knows something, but it seems that he does not know at all.

A very strange one, I feel that my understanding of the hegemony actually goes backwards with this ambiguity, and I don’t know what the overbearing is.

Just as the passers-by walked into a road that didn't know whether the destination was their own destination, but they were at a loss, and they were afraid that they had gone wrong and went back.

Just in the state of Sun Hao’s stupid, awkward state, the Forna Sea Dog Festival continued for several more years.

The five-year-old Fur Seal Festival is very lively. From the fourth session, the Fur Seal Festival has added a whole new content, that is, not only the beauty dog, but also the dog meat cooking contest!

The beauty pageant and cooking are carried out at the same time, which is also a major feature of Forna. To be honest, many people are very difficult to understand, it is difficult to figure out how to have such a wonderful setting.

Forre under the leadership of the drug **** is such a rule.

Imagine that the drug **** once said that no rule is the biggest rule. Who can have any objections?

The four-five-term Sea Dog Festival was held in succession. Each session was unprecedented in scale and became the sign action of Forna. At this time, there were races that strongly protested against Furna's Fur Seal Festival.

Among the imaginary people, there is a kobold family, whose ancestors are also big dogs, and formed a relatively regular Kobold monk training system.

The source of the Kobold monk, which is the foundation, is the wide variety of dogs that are found throughout the virtual world.

The strength of the Kobolds in the virtual world is generally one of the weaker races. When the Furama Sea City appeared on the Fur Seal Festival, they began to pay attention.

At the beginning, they found that the Fur Seal Festival in Forna Sea City was a very high-end beauty pageant. The quality of the selected beautiful dogs was not bad, so they did not stop.

It is mainly that the deterrent power of the drug **** is too great. They feel that they can't afford it. They can only close one eye and close one eye. In total, there are countless mainland countries, many dogs, and a group of beautiful dogs are selected by Forna. It is not a big deal, it does not affect the development of the Kobold family.

However, the following Hyena Festival is getting more and more fascinating, the influence is getting bigger and bigger, affecting the whole virtual world, and also developing the **** dog meat cooking contest!

This is the life of the Kobolds.

No protests are not made! If this is allowed to continue, the Kobolds will sooner or later become a Chinese dish.

If you can't beat the pharmacy, you can't beat the drug, but there is always a protest.

Bianmu received a solemn protest from a group of kobolds. He said: "You are a strong dog and sister. How can you still eat dog meat? Isn't this not a dog?" Have you been able to eat tiger poison? How can you do this? How did our dog family come out with such a scum? Please correct this misconduct right away, and my dog ​​family is very good."

There are still dog families in the virtual world, but they still sinned to the world’s first dog!

Bian Pei feels extremely novel.

Soon, Bianmu seized all the kobold monks who sent the protests and found that there were still a few female practitioners, and they suddenly became big-haired.

Hey, Sun Hao has a little bit to go on, how can he raise the side of the animal husbandry, such as the squatting dog, and the eyes are not bothered.

The shredded Kotak’s protest book was forcibly left behind by the Kobold’s female monk. Bianmu said that he had not treated several Kobolds as a drink.

The hegemony of Bianmu has caused serious dissatisfaction among the Kobolds. He unilaterally proposed to impose the biggest sanction on the dog husbandry, and expelled Bianmu from the dog family, so that Bianmu could not become a dog!

The side of the animal husbandry, completely inappropriate, still lived easily and happily.

It was in this noisy and bizarre environment that Sun Hao planned to stay in the waters of Forna for a hundred years and reached the end.

In the past 100 years, the change of Forna is huge, the city has expanded by dozens of times, and the soil has been excavated in ten places. On the big beach outside the soil, a huge seaport has been built.

The bones of the Winged Wolf formed a natural barrier outside of hope. Based on this barrier, the Hague built a new seawall.

Above the sky, there are many floating mountains. Among them, many of them are built with huge empty ports.

The land is arrogant, extending in all directions, one avenue, extending to the rear.

After a hundred years of great change, Forna has transformed from a small city and has become a huge, export-oriented trade city. Its scale is among the drug families, and it has been second only to the accumulation of the drug **** mountain that has not been known for many years.

Among the huge cities, there is a peculiar communion lifestyle in which the medicinal family is the main body and thousands of ethnic monks blend together.

After more than a hundred years of practice, Sun Hao’s hegemonic progress has reached a state of utter disorientation and ignorance of how to go. It is precisely this kind of advancement that Sun Hao finds that he has fully integrated the punishment day. The memory of the witch.

A very strange state.

Like a fog in front, the only thing Sun Hao can do is to keep thinking, keep accumulating, waiting for himself to break into a butterfly, and fully realize the hegemony.

The understanding of any kind of avenue will not be too easy, and Sun Hao has already prepared for a protracted war.

Sun Hao firmly believes that his current state may be a stage in the process of comprehension. It is likely to be a very important stage. When he does not know how to pass this stage, he will continue to accumulate and diligently practice. The stupid way will always be useful.

Sun Hao practiced to the strange realm at the same time The Haipong people attached to the monks around Sun Hao, but they practiced like God help, the blessing of the **** of medicine, the radiance of the **** of medicine, a large number of sea medicine The revision of the monk has made great progress.

Even the Hague, under the occasional call of Sun Hao, successfully broke through the bottleneck, jumping from the early stage of the fit to the middle of the fit, and made a great progress in his monk career.

Abi Xiu’s time is not long, but it is the best spiritual resources. She is also complemented by Sun Hao’s own powerful yin and yang. In a hundred years, the change is huge. A hundred years ago, she just entered the gods. Now, according to Sun Hao’s method, it has begun to be robbed.

In the past 100 years, there has been a huge change in the city of Forna, that is, Haicheng has truly become a famous dog city in the virtual world. There are the most breedable dogs, the most delicious dog meat dishes, and the best variety. Dog pets, the five-year-old Fur Seal Festival has become an unprecedented grand festival in the virtual world.

Bianmu this guy built ten large-scale palaces in Forna Haicheng. This guy is very fierce and fierce, and he is not afraid that he will be completely hollowed out. He will never forget to return to the palace every day.

When the time is up, Sun Hao knows the movement, and there is a huge change outside the city of Forna. The mountains of the deserted mountains are roaring and roaring into a huge long dragon. They are flying in the air, facing Sun Hao, nodding slightly, then Sun Hao rushed over.

The huge mountains stretched for thousands of miles, the mountains moved, and the city of Forna felt the shaking of the mountains. The monks were alarmed and looked up at the sky, seeing the scene of the **** of medicine.

Sun Hao floated in the air and said slowly: "Big head, scale."

In the middle of the sea, two huge sea fish floated in the face of Shanghai, facing Sun Hao, respectfully nodded, and screamed in the mouth, shaking the voice of Tianyu: "When you see the drug god, what do you want to do?"

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