Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2610: Overbearing (2)

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The third star of Beidou is not weak, but it was covered by Sun Hao’s violent momentum. Without even the slightest effort, he was instantly smashed into the air by Sun Hao.

If there is no one else, Sun Hao’s hands in the hands of several alchemists will be displayed. Three 昧 昧 昧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I can see that the third star of Beidou is screaming.

The development of the matter was beyond the expectation of all the drug repairs. No one thought that the drug **** would make a shot without saying anything, and instantly gave the third star of the Beidou to the refining and on the spot, and directly made it into a panacea.

A few stars made a glimpse of the three, and three of them shouted "three brothers" loudly, and their expressions violently excited. They faced Sun Hao, and they were really eager to show off their fighting posture.

Sun Hao’s mouth was cold and cold, and he reached out and grabbed the past.

Another star who kept relatively calm and did not get angry, the second star of Beidou was pinched in the hands of Sun Hao.

The seventh star of the Beidou saw this look, and his mouth screamed: "You are not a drug god, you have to force the entire drug **** mountain! The Big Dipper belongs to listen..."

Sun Hao did not stop him, but the second star of Beidou in the hands of Sun Hao screamed: "Old Seven, regardless of your business, I and the third child have indeed raised a lot of medicine."

Several stars made the body shake together, and looked at the second star of Beidou silently. Sun Hao pinched him in his hand and said coldly in his mouth: "You are very smart. In fact, I hope that you all can rise up and resist. Just let me all go out, lest I stay and give me trouble."

The voice is not big, the tone is very gentle, but the words that Sun Hao said, but let a few stars make the heart shudder.

Holding the second star of Beidou in his hand, Sun Hao floated over the Yaoshen Mountain, snorting, and his hands were slightly energized.

The second star of the Beidou involuntarily fiercely trembled and screamed and screamed.

Every monk who heard the screams suddenly felt the feeling of empathy. An uncomfortable feeling surged from the bottom of my heart. Many monks even had layers of cold sweat.

The remaining stars of the Big Dipper made the face with grief, and there was a deep unwillingness and indignation. Among them, the seventh star of the Beidou was only a spurt of fire, and stared at Sun Hao.

In the hands of Sun Hao, Sancha really fired the second star of Beidou to make a scream, and his face was as calm as it was, as if he did not see the hostility of the Beidou stars, until the second star of Beidou was exhausted and dying.

Sun Hao said slowly: "Very good, you have finally resisted not to shoot at me, but you think that you can pass the customs, then it is a big mistake and a mistake."

The Big Dipper is deeply envious of Sun Hao in the air, and sincerely said in his mouth: "The second child of the second child is taken by himself, and he is punished by the adults. It is true that I am a drug, but it is supposed to be, but the adults, the few stars of Yaoshen Mountain are the backbone of my drug family. It is not suitable for the face to be too big. They don’t understand the pains of the adults. After all, they will understand it in a day. They also ask the adults to look at the pharmacy’s overall situation. They only sinned monks, other monks, and please open the net.”

Sun Hao fluttered in the air and turned a deaf ear to the words of the Big Dipper. When the gods knew it, Shen Xiangjian appeared in the air, and the air swayed and turned, and the Jianguang light rushed out under the medicine **** mountain.

Seeing the direction of Shen Xiangjian rushing past, several stars made the face change.

The Big Dipper sighed in the mouth and gently closed his eyes.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian slammed into a fairy mountain, and a huge explosion sounded. This fairy mountain was slightly paused in the air. Layers of cracks appeared on the mountain, and the sound of the squeaking sounded, and it was in the eyes of everyone. crack.

Above the mountains, thousands of monks drove their flying swords or other magic weapons to escape.

The cold voice of Sun Hao was uploaded from the nine days: "The second star of Beidou belongs to Tianzhu Xianshan. It is a mountain of sin filled with resentment. Today, I am punished and destroyed on behalf of the heavens. Sin is riddled with the mountain..."

The incense sword was turned into a piece of sword feather, and it was lightly covered on the Tianzhu Xianshan. Those monks who fled out, no matter how high the repairs were, were submerged under the sword feathers, and none escaped.

A huge Xianshan, the monks are hundreds of thousands of people, shrouded by Sun Hao, no mercy, killing.

On the hill of Yaoshen, the birds are silent, and even the sound of the hurricane is as shocked by the hegemony of blood and Sun Hao, and solidified in the air.

In the silence of death, Shen Xiangjian’s swords and feathers were gathered together, and a stream of light flowed through the air and appeared in Sun Hao’s side.

The original Beidou second peak, a majestic mountain has been completely razed to the ground, the drug repair on the mountain, without exception, was killed.

Between the sturdy Yaoshen Mountain and the neat Xianfeng, there is a huge gap. There is no Xianfeng in the gap. Instead, it is a huge plateau lake.

At this moment, after hundreds of thousands of drug repairs were killed, Qiqi gathered in the lake and turned into a huge **** lake.

The size of this blood lake is more than the **** demon island of the East Kunlun in the Terran.

A few stars, especially the two stars of Beidou, which were held in the hands of Sun Hao, saw this shocking scene, and the mind was instantly hit, and every monk’s heart was filled with horror. .

This is a good style!

This is a good way!

The drug family has such a fierce drug that has reached the extreme. I don’t know what the situation will be in the future. Will the drug family experience a great disaster, a man-made disaster!

Sun Hao portable Beidou second star came to the sky above the blood lake, condensed in the air, as if feeling the **** atmosphere of the sky, the entire drug **** mountain is dead, all the monks watching Sun Hao tightly, the atmosphere is not Dare to breathe.

After a long time, Sun Hao opened his eyes and said coldly in his mouth: "The third star of the Beidou, the murder of hundreds of millions of medicines, the stubbornness of the sins, the sin of the sins, has been refining the medicine Dan, and now investing in this hundred miles. In the blood lake, use the essence of the medicine to nourish my medicinal family and bear the pain of 10,000 years to pay for the crime."

In the voice of the voice, the finger shot, the medicine Dan refining the third star of Beidou into the blood lake, slowly sinking.

Sun Hao’s gaze looked at the third fairy peak of Beidou, and saw the monks who were trembling above the Tianzhu Xianfeng, who looked gray and lost, waiting for their own monks to fall.

The incense sword slowly rises and is aimed at the third fairy peak of Beidou.

At this time, several stars have already known that they have no room to speak in front of Sun Hao, and any opinions they have said will not affect Sun Hao at all.

Seeing that Sun Hao raised the incense sword, and then took a look at the horror of the second fairy of Beidou, every monk could not help but feel bad.

The appearance of this big comet has caused the biggest hit in the history of the drug The two stars were killed by the scorpion, and the two Xianfeng were completely destroyed, and the drug family was hit hard. I don't know how long it will take to recover.

Shen Xiangjian floated in the air and designated the third fairy peak of Beidou. Sun Hao’s voice was coldly conveyed: “Tianzhu Xianfeng, together with all the monks, is guilty of sin, this place is fined on behalf of the heavens, and the town is sealed for thousands of years. One cannot be spared."

In the voice of the voice, Shen Xiangjian flew out, and the fluttering sword feathers flew out, no matter how the monks inside mourned and pleaded, and regardless of whether other medicines were in vain, and unrelentingly, cut off the Xianfeng array. The whole Xiongfeng, together with the medicines, was repaired in the middle of the medicine, and it was shot into the ground like a nail.

On the top of Xianfeng, all the medicine repairs could not withstand the weight of the agarwood sword, and it was broken into the original shape. It was sealed in the Qiushen Mountain along with Xianfeng.

Thunder means, overbearing style, so that all the drug family monks are in harmony, is this the true wrath of the drug god?

Will it be so miserable that it violates the iron law set by the drug god?

Who can imagine, even the star can not be an exception, who can imagine, even Xianfeng was born and died.

It is extremely fierce and violent, and every drug repair has deeply perceived the determination of the drug **** adults to thoroughly purify the ethics of the drug family.

Every time more or less related to this matter, the drug repairs were scared at this time, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. I was afraid that the drug **** would find out on his head and hit himself into the 18th floor of hell.

The mobile has been dying, and the second star of Beidou, who has been born with no love, Sun Hao put it on his head, and slowly said: "The second star of Beidou, as a drug **** mountain star, set the iron law Gossip, sin should die, today, I will destroy the second peak, and make the second star of Beidou to make a corpse of corpse, make it a sinister blood lake, hope that my pharmacy will take this as a precept, remember this lesson, eternal No more crimes."

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