Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2635: ???

Sun Hao and Wei Xinbing have said for a long time, but they have only learned about the probabilities of ethnic ethnic groups. Many of them are not particularly well understood.

Even so, the amount of information is enough to make Sun Hao digest.

After Wei Xinbing left, he sat on his throne. Sun Hao sighed long and sighed. The roots of the Terran are not comparable to the pharmacy. The hard work of the sages of the Terran is also admirable.

If you don't say anything else, you will say "Yuxu Daochang", that is not just the merits of Hao Anyi, but the sages of generations of generations, gradually built up.

The Taoist Temple is the largest and most stable warrior training ground for the Terran, and the direction and focus of the training are different. It has become an important source of strength for the several major celestial beings. Just like Sun Hao’s perception below, the sinful stars are indeed the exile of the Terran. The important places of the disobedient guys, which are cultivated inside, are mostly assassinations, spies and other warriors who have strong requirements for individual strength and relatively high degrees of freedom.

The Star of Heaven and the Star of the Devil are the main fighters in both directions.

There is a very strange phenomenon in the field of the imaginary nine celestial celestial beings, that is, consciously, they are cultivating the opposition between Taoism and Mo Xiu, so that both sides can have a kind of competition, so that both sides are always fighting, so that Maintain the crisis awareness of the entire ethnic race and maintain the vitality of the entire human race.

Sun Hao has mastered some large human race management structures, but the details are not so wide, which is too cumbersome.

In any huge continent, the relationship inside is intricate, there are many outstanding monks, leading many powerful combat troops, and the battle is almost always happening. This is the fact.

If a monk is too tightly managed, he will be too busy all day, and there will be no time to practice.

Sun Hao did not have any plans to manage matters, so he did not ask too many details. Even the power of Yuxu Palace, Sun Hao did not ask, to be honest, the strength of the Terran is very strong, but Sun Hao’s own strength is not Weak, even if it is unable to catch up with the accumulation of the human race, Sun Hao thinks that it is not weak.

The upper class of the Terran does not want Sun Hao to intervene, and Sun Hao is not rare.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the strength of Sun Hao’s development in the air tower has been considerable, and several major power systems have gradually formed.

For example, the Tiangou Knights of the Yilu lights; for example, Jin Liuwei of Sun Hao; for example, the guards established by Xuanyuanhong and Xia Qingyu; for example, the monks who are alone in the immortal silver ship, the four spirits The legions formed by each other, the Sanctuary, which was quietly established by Xiaocao, and the secret troops built by Xiaoyan.

These strengths are directly under the command of Sun Hao, powerful and incomparable combat strength, Sun Hao really wants to attack, it can be said that the Nine Fairy City, in addition to the power of the Yuxu Palace may surpass itself, other Xiancheng, should not be their own subordinates opponent.

Sun Hao really did not intend to compete for commanding power with the upper class. Sun Hao’s own team was too busy to come. More often, they were all in management, and Sun Hao never asked.

What Sun Hao cares most is actually self-cultivation. The strength around him is strong. It is always an external force. It can only be an auxiliary force. The fundamentals of a monk must be strong enough.

Sun Hao sees this very clearly.

I am like a big tree. Only when I grow up, the little grass attached to my wings, the birds that nest on my own body can live very well.

The main purpose of Sun Hao’s coming to the Terran is actually his own way of practicing the avenue. This is the key point. Of course, when Sun Hao talked with Wei Xinbing, he only focused on asking where to find a higher level of practice books. Did not tell him which kind of avenue he had to understand, and his current cultivation progress. The entire Terran, only Hao Anyi knows where his practice has reached, and everyone else should be ignorant, which is quite good.

Sun Hao is used to low-key.

Wei Xinbing did not sell the Guan in front of Sun Hao, and he knew everything and gave Sun Hao a very detailed explanation.

The nine major celestial beings of the Terran, truly only in the hands of the Terran, are only the Yuxu Palace and the East and the West, so the important and important books are actually stored in these three places, and the other cents will be weaker.

Among the three places, there is no doubt that the most important thing is actually the collection of Wei Xinbing as the internal affairs manager of the Yuxu Palace. According to Hao Anyi’s arrangement, Sun Hao has become the second ancestor of the human race, the collection in the Yuxu Palace. As long as it is not a heritage class, Sun Hao can go to see.

When Wei Xinbing left, he arranged for Sun Hao to live in the Yuxu Palace. He also gave Sun Hao a nameplate symbolizing identity. Inside, there is Sun Hao’s original contribution. After Sun Hao went to some important places, he could Enjoy some privileges with contributions.

These should be arranged in advance by Hao Anye, giving them the necessary normal treatment.

Moreover, Wei Xinbing also explained to himself, and the human race step by step has formed a relatively standardized management model. Even if Hao Anyi wants to go in some places, or to learn some inheritance, it must be A contribution is made.

Moreover, how the contribution of the human race is very detailed and scientific, there are some small loopholes to drill, but there are no quick shortcuts to go.

Sun Hao didn't want to take shortcuts and didn't want to go back.

The Terran can do its utmost to benefit from the efforts and struggles of generations of sages. It is not the day between the two days. There is no rule and no rules. If you are free to break the rules, the Terran will definitely go. Not much.

Sun Hao's contribution, the source is very clear, that is, Sun Hao in the next session, the humanity is under the virtual, the great contribution made by the human beings, and some rewards are given after being clearly recorded.

The standards are relatively constant. According to the performance of the monks, there is a range of fluctuations. Sun Hao carefully looked at it. Hao Anyi is quite good to himself. From the next session to the virtual, each step gives himself the most top-notch. Contribution rewards, so that your initial contribution reached a full 40 million.

Speaking of these contributions, Wei Xinbing was a blush. This guy has been on the virtual for so many years, and the total contribution has not exceeded five million, which is far from Sun Hao.

The identity of the second ancestor of the Terran has given Sun Hao the qualification to travel to any important place of the Terran.

However, this does not mean that Sun Hao can use the functions of these places for free. To use it, he has to contribute. It is said that even Hao Anyi is no exception.

However, to the height of Hao Anyi and Sun Hao, it is really a matter of taking some contributions. For example, Sun Hao, who contributes a great Mahayana level, is a large contribution income.

Yuxu Palace is the sacred place that Sun Hao pays most attention to. It is just a good management of Wei Xinbing. However, it does not cost much trouble, so he has obtained the authority to enter it. He started to check the relevant just let Sun Hao Surprisingly, it is among the collections of the Jade Palace. The collections are not entities. The size of the Holy Land is beyond the expectations of Sun Hao.

There is no such thing as a book at all. There is only one huge one, one foot high and one rectangular one, which seems to be the jade big screen of the task board.

After Wei Xinbing came in with Sun Hao, he was very familiar with pressing a button. The jade screen began to shine. In less than a moment, there were two ancient characters: "Starting Point".

Wei Xinbing shrugged and said: "What these two words represent, what is not known, what is the meaning, what is the word, and now it has been lost. How long can this special collection hall in Yuxu Palace exist? It is hard to say. Everything here, if you want to read it, you must contribute. Otherwise, you can only see half."

Sun Hao snorted and said in his mouth: "Is there more things inside? Can you understand?"

Wei Xinbing shrugged: "The things are like the sea of ​​smoke, the biggest collection of books I have ever seen. If you choose something, click on this position and have the translation ability that comes with it. It can be transformed into the modern text you need. However, the meaning may be Some distortions are still my words. Everything here needs to be paid. The bigger problem is that many of the practice and understanding of the practice are deeply hidden, and you need to be careful to distinguish..."

Starting these two words seems to be very familiar. Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and he quickly found his own thousands of characters to compare. Soon after, he recognized it. This is the “starting point” of two ancient characters, and let Sun Hao Surprisingly, just behind these two characters, those things that seem to be patterns are actually three small characters.

Together, 曰 "starting Chinese network."

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