Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2638: Time and space and 4 poles

When you click it, you will naturally know the result.

What surprised Sun Hao was that there were a lot of free parts of the book, and there were still a lot of fees. It took a lot of Sun Hao’s contribution of 80,000, which was completely down.

After finishing this book, Sun Hao did not intend to continue to go down, quickly pulled out his identity plate, his body disappeared, disappeared into the original place, returned to the room that Wei Xinbing arranged for himself, and began to learn his latest Two books.

The first is "Eternal Life", which is a book that describes the most avenues and should have a great guiding role in Sun Hao's practice.

It can be said that the book's help for Sun Hao is very huge. There are many avenues that Sun Hao didn't think of, and opened up a new school based on these avenues.

In particular, the two ultimate roads that Sun Hao is preparing to practice, the cause and effect avenue and the reincarnation avenue, are ranked quite high in this book, respectively in the second and fourth, but what Sun Hao did not think is, The order of Destiny Avenue will also be before cause and effect and reincarnation.

This is slightly different from the current ranking. Nowadays, the popular saying in the virtual world is that there is no order in the top ten avenues. Only the differences in the individual ability of the monks who master the avenues can be used to judge the order of the avenues.

The Avenue of Desire, which is respected by "Eternal Life", is not included in the current sequence of the top ten avenues.

In addition, in "Eternal Life", the evaluation of Wuxing Avenue and Yinyang Avenue is also quite high, respectively ranked in the top ten.

However, to today's monk world, the Five Elements Avenue and the Yinyang Avenue have become the basic avenues of the monks. The so-called basic avenues are able to lay a solid foundation for other avenues. They can be enlightened alone, and they don’t realize that they can’t do it, but they don’t need to fully understand. Avenue.

The hegemony, kendo and kingdom that Sun Hao chose to practice were not seen in "Eternal Life", but he saw the combination of hegemony and kingdom, called "Big King."

After reading this very high-end, quite rare classic, Sun Hao feels that the great value of this book for himself should still be in the future.

When you practice causality, reincarnation, five elements, and Yinyang Avenue, this book should be able to give yourself more help.

Moreover, in the evaluations in this book, if you choose several kinds of avenues, if you can complete the perfection as you expect, then you can imagine that your future strength will be able to achieve extraordinary and powerful. To the point.

After all, in the evaluation of "Eternal Life", the four avenues that I chose belong to the top ten. In the evaluation of eternal life, if a monk can master more than one avenue of the top ten, it is already peerless. Strong, more than two, basically can be the world.

Four? Sun Hao’s heart is full of expectations. However, Sun Hao also imagined that it is not too simple to practice these avenues. The road to self-cultivation still needs to go for a long time.

Regarding the Avenue of Time and Space, there is not much to say in "Eternal Life", just look at "Nine Refinery and Immortal".

I haven't seen the understanding of the avenue. When I read this strange classic, Sun Hao has begun to understand. This book starts from the nine major systems and writes nine realms, each realm, every major system. The characteristics are analyzed very clearly. Every step needs to be practiced. It has a heritage of inheritance and is a rare conscience work.

More crucially, this book also gives Sun Hao a systematic summary of his practice experience, and has formed a good reference for his own practice system. In a sense, this book is not only the protagonist's ups and downs. In addition to the joys and sorrows, it is really a heritage.

Without in-depth study of the need for each step of practice, Sun Hao began to enter the part he cares about after he realized the middle chapter.

With the practice of the protagonist, and began to comprehend the avenue, there are still many discussions about Sun Hao and the four poles.

Sun Hao’s eyes are bright.

According to the characteristics of this book, as long as there are time and space avenues and four great roads, then there are as many as 80% of the avenues of practice in these books.

With a spirit of strength, Sun Hao delved into it.

Time and space, a simple set of nouns of time and space, namely time plus space. The dependence of space and time expresses the evolutionary order of things. The concept of divergence involved is Zhou Yili's "Qin Kun", the Taoist "Tao" and the Dacheng wisdom of Confucius and Mencius.

Seeing the explanation of time and space, Sun Hao’s heart is one of the brightest, this is a kind of continuity, it should be an absolute concept, and it is the basic attribute of existence.

That is to say, according to the words of the heavenly machine, the space-time avenue is the avenue of real existence that can be perceived.

Immediately afterwards, Jiu Lian returned to Xianli and believed that the measured value of time and space is relative to the reference system.

"Time" is an abstract concept that expresses the arrangement of things. Its connotation is endless and never before, and its extension is a measure of the length and sequence of all events. "Endless" means that time has no beginning and end, and "forever" means that the increment of time is always positive.

"Space" is an abstract concept that expresses the scope of life and death of things. Its connotation is unbounded forever, and its extension is a measure of the size and relative position of all objects. "Unbounded" means that any point in the space is centered, and "forever" means that space always appears at the current moment.

Seeing these descriptions, Sun Hao’s heart gradually fell into thinking.

The "endless and forever" of time, the "unbounded and forever" of space, these two attributes, no doubt, can have a very clear guiding direction for the practice of their own time and space.

There is also the reference attribute of time and space, that is, the general understanding of itself in the void, any time and space may need to set a point first, in order to correspondingly refer to the measurement.

This is also a theoretical basis for the great help of the practice of time and space.

Throughout the book, the understanding of time and space is gradual. After seeing this part, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the focus of the book has changed into four poles.

Temporarily left the discussion of time and space, and turned to the four poles.

The four poles are also called four elephants or four odds.

The four elephants in the ancient times, the earliest refers to Laoyang, Laoyin, Shaoyang, Shaoyin, and its source is also the basic foundation of the birth of the world.

The most primitive period of the ancient Terran, when the power emerged from heaven and earth, began to understand the origin of the world. At that time, the root of a universally recognized world was "the two instruments of Taiji, two images of four instruments", too First, it means chaos, the two instruments refer to yin and yang, while the four elephants are old yang, old yin, Shaoyang, Shaoyin derived from yin and yang.

The four elephants, that is, the four poles, the most typical feature is that "in the image of heaven, forming in the earth", the sun, the moon and the stars are divided into yin and yang for the four images of the sky, and the water, fire and earth are divided into four images of the earth and are soft and soft~www. Before the emergence of the Five Elements Theory, the Four Images represented a deep change in the world's derivation, and it was an important means for the Terran monks to understand the laws of the world in ancient times.

The four images evolved from the two instruments, that is, the yin and yang, and they are greatly different from the two instruments. The ancient monks used the "image" type, and the four images were the four poles. It is a method of classifying and analyzing things. It is a kind of The means and methods of knowing the world.

In the exposition of Jiu Lian's return to Xianyi, the paper analyzes the development and cognition of the four elephants in detail, and puts forward a viewpoint that makes Sun Hao shine brightly, "four poles move, and heaven and earth."

Four poles move, and the world is fixed.

This is a combat skill that Sun Hao learned in front of him, that is, a powerful combat ability that he realized after he got the feelings from the four spirits. The four poles have some inextricable links.

However, after seriously understanding the core meaning of "four poles moving and heaven and earth", Sun Hao suddenly discovered that in the ancient times, the theoretical level of the monks and the height of practice were really unimaginable.

The core of the four poles and the earth and the earth, that is, on the basis of Sun Hao’s four poles, the expansion of space connection.

The theory described in the book is that the four poles are unstable and extremely easy to move. A quadrilateral can't bear much power at all, and it is easy to collapse. Compared with the stable triangle, the quadrupole is unstable.

It can be unstable, moving, and it is the special attribute of real space.

In any space, he is always changing. Space always means the moment of the moment, that is, missing the current moment, what the next moment is, and no one can say clearly.

The characteristics of the four poles are movements, but in the process of this movement, the four poles can set the heavens and the earth.

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