Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2642: Time and Space Sand (2)

Snow eagle lord

Dragon King Legend

Super soldier

Repairing the truth

Budo Supreme

Yong Yejun

My neighbor is the banshee

Legend of Xianmu

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The generation of sand in time and space requires great coincidence, and it is not known where it can be generated.

However, there are more ancient records that every time the sand of time and space without refining and chemicalization is launched for the first time, it should be able to fully realize the feeling after the opening of the space-time tunnel...

That is to say, every time the sand of time and space starts, it can make people feel the existence of time-space tunnel very clearly, and this has great help to the monk's realization of time and space.

In addition, it is to perceive the existence of space-time tunnels in various different time and space.

For example, Sun Hao's time fishing, this magical magic weapon, can archive time so much time, every day can have a certain number of uses.

This kind of can also be used to practice and understand the path of time and space, but this level of understanding is relatively weak, and it takes a long period of accumulation to achieve some subtle effects.

Before arriving at the Terran camp, Sun Hao had also consulted a large amount of information in the inheritance of the drug family. Unfortunately, among the books of the entire drug family, there was very little information about the Mahayana period.

The drug family basically did not have the power of the Mahayana period, and the practice of inheritance and inheritance is also a combination period. The number is not many, and it is completely incomparable with the roots of the Terran.

Sun Hao did not think that after he came back to the Terran, the first book about the practice of the Avenue, especially the books on the practice of Time and Space Avenue, would have such high-end cultivation theory and practice of cultivation and inheritance. It’s really right to go to the Terran.

However, as far as Sun Hao knows, the inheritance and heritage of the Witches in the virtual world are also very good. The witches even surpassed the existence of the Terran in the early days. Then, among the Witches, Sun Hao may also have some A good harvest, the Terran here to understand the practice of the time and space Avenue, Sun Hao can go to the Wu people to turn around.

The world's things are so coincidental. When Sun Hao thought of the next stop to go to the Wu people, immediately, the book of Jiu Lian Guixian gave Sun Hao a reason to go to the witches.

The existence of sand in time and space has always been a mystery, and the sands of time and space left in the world are few and far between.

In the records of the classics, it is clear that the sand of the time and space that was born is likely to have the place where the sand of time and space remains, which happens to be the witch.

In the ancient wilderness period, the Wu people were able to open up the earth and form a big world. At that time, the artifacts in his hands were ancient and axious, and there was time and space ability. Later, during the war of the gods, there was another Kunlun mirror. The finished products that have been handed over from the family, these two powerful powers, and even powerful magic weapons that can be called the artifacts of the towns, are from the witches.

Therefore, the analysis of classics believes that it is best to go to the Witches for a turn. If you want to get one or two sands of time and space without refining, you can open the time and space tunnel of the sand of time and space to experience the road. .

The sand of time and space must be refining the magic weapon. The effect of one or two grains is not great, only a small effect and effect.

But if you want to realize the avenue of time and space, it is just right.

I don’t know if the Wu people still have the remains of the sand of time and space. This kind of thing is the existence of the anti-sky, and it has been so long, unless the witches have the means to find sand in time and space, or to master the sand that generates time and space. The dense land, otherwise, it is difficult to find the remains.

All in all, this is the only possible race in the classics that sometimes appears in the sand. In addition, Sun Hao does need to go to the Wu people to see if Gellan is okay. This trip is inevitable.

Practice time and space tunnels, speed of perception, and so on. In the analysis of classics, they all attribute their major categories to practice that favors time.

According to the analysis of classics, if the practice only pays attention to time and neglects the space, then there will be big problems. The experience of Tie Pengpeng also explains this point.

Then, the classics also put forward some remedies for this kind of situation. Among them, the practice of the four odd roads is a powerful complement to the space-time avenue.

The four extremes are determined by the world, and the four great roads involve the origin of the world. Many of them transcend the extension of the space-time avenue. That is to say, the time and space avenue cannot regard the four great roads as their auxiliary avenues, but after the four great roads are completed, It is extremely beneficial to the stability and understanding of space. Therefore, the four great roads are the basic roads of time and space.

This is an auxiliary practice proposed by the classics.

In addition, the books also have a lot of new ideas on how space should be practiced in the space-time avenue.

This is another practice that makes Sun Hao's eyes shine. Of course, it is not easy to achieve these conditions of practice.

For example, the two best ways to practice space, one is to open up space, expand space, in this process, to understand the changes in space; the second is to enter the most primitive chaotic space, the kind that has not experienced processing There is no space to create anything, a chaotic space to understand the space.

These two methods are the most powerful space practice techniques pointed out by the classics. To be done, it is actually very difficult.

However, the excitement of Sun Hao’s heart is that he has opened up space and expanded space. He has been carrying out the space. The space within the empty tower has been slowly expanding, and he is slowly growing up. This is his own. It is not difficult, you only need to strengthen the understanding of this process, you should be able to gain something.

However, what is chaotic space, this is the first time Sun Hao heard.

It is estimated that this thing is not so easy to find, even if there is, it is not so good to go in.

This can only be placed on the mind for a while, and I have the opportunity to look for it again.

After reading the discussion about Time and Space Avenue, Sun Hao found that the book in his hand did not seem to be here. That is to say, it is very likely that the powerful ancient monk did not continue to study the space-time avenue.

The whole book is abruptly stopped.

It is a pity that Sun Haoyi has not yet fully caught up with this great book that he can call the temple, and began to think about his next practice.

According to the records of the classics, the space-time avenue can be divided into two major stages of practice. The first stage is mainly to practice the time and space movement of itself. At this stage, the main purpose is to create various time and space effects around itself, so that you can enter itself. Go in different time and space.

In this stage, the monks actually do not have the ability to shuttle time and space. The special ability of the monk is only reflected in the speed and concealing skills.

The second stage is the practice of the monks in the real practice, allowing them to break into time and space and produce various ways of practicing time and space.

If you can complete the second phase of practice, then you can realize some powerful time and space avenues in the future.

At different stages, there are different ways of practice. These are the roads that Sun Hao can now consider to proceed.

When the high-rise buildings rise from the ground, they must first lay the foundation.

The first stage of practice, instantaneous movement, all kinds of martial arts, this must go to formal, they must be seriously cultivated.

Among the two practices, the instantaneous movement is mainly to understand the change of spatial position and time by slowing down the This, Sun Hao only needs to practice seriously.

In the second way, it is necessary to find the corresponding martial arts to practice, and do not know which martial arts can be found in the classics of the Terran.

When he did his work, Sun Hao did not waste time. He directly called Wei Xinbing and handed him a task to give him all the skills he could find in the tribe.

Wei Xinbing took the task, and he had a lot of contributions from Sun Hao. He ran to find Sun Hao for various tricks.

This kind of practice secret technique is not to go to the collection of the sacred place of the Yuxu Palace. This kind of inheritance of the secret class, the Yuxu Palace has another collection of Jinshishi room.

Wei Xinbing ran to find it again, including the Sanctuary of the Kunming Palace in the East and West, and also ran to find it, and finally found the "five elements" of martial arts, "Thunder", "bloody" and other martial arts.

However, there is still a slight gap between Sun Hao’s ideals. For example, I could not find the wind, the light...

It seems that these things must be carefully searched for in the process of self-cultivation.

In the next step, Sun Hao will also go to the Wus, to the roots and inheritance of the Wu people, and do not know whether there will be wind and light.

If the Wu people do not, then maybe Sun Hao has to run to grab the big-headed scorpion and learn his brilliance. Tip: You can search for "Zero Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu. The address of this station is: In order to facilitate reading the book next time, you can click on “Add Bookmark” to record this reading record. You can read this chapter directly next time you open the bookshelf!

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