Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2648: 10 points low key

The heart is moving at random, coming in abruptly.

Is this really a real moment of movement? In the past, Sun Hao did not expect that his instantaneous movement speed can reach this level.

The practice of the five elements of martial arts, the instantaneous movement of practice, so that Sun Hao suddenly understood a principle, that is, after his own level of practice, that is, after the Mahayana masters, at first glance, his cultivation has been far from the peak Not far away, it is quite proud of it.

However, it is also at this time that if a monk seriously practices and practices a certain spell, he may have a completely different understanding.

How do you say that after the monks practiced the heights of the Mahayana monks, one of the most obvious differences is that the monks are pursuing the roots, pursuing the roots of some problems, and pursuing the hidden truths or principles.

At this stage, as long as the monks are willing to work hard, they will find that there is a huge room for improvement in many of their own spiritual practices.

After getting such a conclusion, Sun Hao simply sinks his heart and is not hurrying, and he has polished his nine cultivation systems from beginning to end.

Standing at a higher height, standing in a new angle to understand, to think, to practice, Sun Hao really perceives a lot of room for improvement in his nine major practice systems.

For example, refining, Sun Hao’s gods have been quite powerful after the Mahayana period. In the past, Sun Hao did not practice too much.

Now, seriously understanding his own god, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the gods have a new application, for example, after the transformation of the three gods and the six-armed magical system, they can not only pick up six powerful weapons, but also The body of the gods, the body of the magical law, can already wear gold and silver.

The so-called gold-plated silver, you can use your own golden body as a armor, and use your own suffocation as a bone to further enhance your combat ability.

For example, Sun Hao’s practice of refining his heart seems to produce some magical changes. On the basis of his heart, Sun Hao’s heart can also produce a very wonderful feeling, as if what he can see becomes More transparent, things that can be perceived become farther.

In the past, when Sun Hao did not cognize himself, he ignored this change. He only thought that it was a new change brought about by his own cultivation and enhancement. After careful analysis, Sun Hao suddenly realized that it is very likely It is a brand-new application of refining the heart. It is a kind of new ability similar to his heart, but at the same level. After Sun Hao seriously thinks, he gets a conclusion that makes him more happy.

This special ability based on refining the heart is likely to be the bud of the heart. The future development direction should be the famous Tianyantong.

Within the aristocratic classics, there is also the practice of Tianyantong. Sun Hao spent a lot of contributions and borrowed it to practice. The effect is really good. The practice of refining the heart of his own practice is generating the eye of the sky and it took decades. Sun Hao also put a third eye on his forehead.

Vertical eyes, usually closed, not used, when needed, can be opened by hand, to break away all illusions, to see the special essence of many things.

Among the monks around Sun Hao, Qinglong Wang Yuan, who once practiced the vertical eye dragon, he developed a special eye.

However, his ability to be of a racially talented nature has some differences with Sun Hao’s ability to practice himself.

The characteristics of racial talents are that they can practice when the monks are low-level, and they can produce some more and more functions. However, when it comes to understanding this skill, the monks who practiced are often more profound.

After the advanced Mahayana, when he was in the pharmacy, Sun Hao rushed to the understanding of the avenue, and bravely and rigorously, directly grasped the overbearing comprehension, directly pushed his hegemony to the great consummation, and realized It is the rudiment of the way of time and space and the way of the four poles.

Now, after the Terran, Sun Hao was surprised to find that after he advanced to Mahayana, there is still more to be filled.

Before comprehending the road, in fact, Sun Hao can better consolidate his own foundation.

After sinking his heart, Sun Hao began to earnestly practise himself in the Yuxu Palace. Of course, he did not forget to practice his own time and space and the four great roads.

After many years, Sun Hao gradually came to understand that the pharmacy and the human race have different contents. As for how to practice after the Mahayana, there is absolutely no way for the pharmacy to go there. Therefore, only the monks can practice according to their own understanding.

The Terran is completely different here. After Sun Hao came back and found the way of Mahayana practice, he also suddenly discovered that the Mahayana Road is actually a pilgrimage that stands at the apex of various spiritual practices and is based on various repairs. A strong method of practice, to repair the Mahayana, in fact, more need to first lay a solid foundation.

The understanding of the avenue is actually the process of pursuing the principles of various practices.

Such practice is the most time-consuming. Sun Hao is honest in the Yuxu Palace. It is a thousand years of experience. It is to repeatedly polish itself, practice its own refining, refining, refining, refining, refining, There are also nine systems of refining, alchemy and refining. After fully exploring the integration of the nine systems, the new applications and capabilities of these nine systems explore the deep principles of many practices.

During this practice, Sun Hao maintained a rather low-key style.

Basically, in the Yuxu Palace, Sun Hao is an invisible person. He never summoned the two kings and six princes, and even basically did not touch other Terran monks, but only occasionally let Wei Xinbing do something for himself.

In such a state, for a long time, the two kings and six princes will basically forget a grandson.

Occasionally think of it, I think it is quite good. Although this kid is occupying a high position, he finally has self-knowledge and does not rely on his own identity to trouble everyone. This state is not bad.

In the past few years, Hao Anyi has revived several times from the time of admission. However, with his eyesight, it is natural to understand the status of Sun Hao at a glance, and he did not disturb Sun Hao and let Sun Hao practice himself.

Moreover, after feeling the state of Sun Hao, Hao Anyi is quite satisfied. As with Sun Hao, it is really safe to be able to practice carefully after the Mahayana monks and masters, carefully filling all the foundations of the monks. .

In other words, Hao Anyi himself was also a detour after a long time, only to truly perceive this kind of compensatory fundamentals.

Sun Hao did not need to remind, he realized that Hao Anyi had to admire one or two, Sun Hao can rise so strong in a short period of time, and sure enough, it must be very extraordinary.

In the Yuxu Palace, it took more than a thousand years to practice itself and practice the technique of time and space. Sun Hao basically realized its own precipitation, and basically completed the first step of the practice of Time and Space Avenue.

In other words, Sun Hao basically completed his initial plan to come to the Terran camp. For more than a thousand years, Sun Hao’s feeling of self is very important, and many practices will have a huge beneficial impact on his future.

The double kings and six princes in the Yuxu Palace gradually became more contemptuous and scornful of Sun Hao’s performance. On the one hand, they recognized Sun Hao’s self-knowledge. On the other hand, they also felt that this was Sun Hao. Very incompetent performance is also a fact of Sun Haoyong's too, for the whole millennium, Sun Hao has nothing to do, even did not make any sound of his own, and occasionally saw Sun. Hao, they only saw a good smile on their face.

This is the second ancestor of the Terran?

The two kings of the six kings also know that the Terran has more than two ancestors, more Terran monks, even the monks of the Terran Yuxu Palace, and how many people know that the Terran is actually such a ancestor?

Sun Hao, not so much the second ancestor of the Terran, is better to say that the second generation of the Terran is more suitable.

In the millennium, Emperor Hao Anyi did not specially arrange any important duties for the two ancestors, and did not specifically manage the second mainland's strong mainland. It is estimated that the attitude of the emperor to Sun Hao is the same.

For various reasons, after Sun Hao returned to the Terran, in the past millennium, the prestige was not only not increased at all, but actually there was still retrogression.

The very low-key Sun Hao is really not very concerned about this. Really to the height of Sun Hao, some trivial things really do not need to be counted, really need to speak for themselves, or when you need to come out yourself.

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