Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2654: Return to the pharmacy

Sun Hao looked at the female repair in front of him, and suddenly felt a feeling of crying and laughing, but when she saw the expression of the resentment of the woman, Sun Hao’s heart had already vaguely guessed what it was.

This is really a foolish account, I returned to the Terran, the bag left my own mother-in-law to run with her own, did not think, this woman guessed the way of the bag, blocked in the drug **** mountain, waiting for the rabbit, waiting for their own back .

In the heart of the move, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile: “Older sister, in order to wait for me, I can keep it for thousands of years in my drug **** mountain. You are really hard, it’s not easy, if I don’t come back, you plan to return How long will it take?"

The sea god's Shouyuan is many times more than himself. It is also a Mahayana monk. She called her an old sister, but it is nothing.

Besides, the side animal husbandry and the bag pitted the monk of the Mahayana. I was a little embarrassed, and told her a sister, hoping to turn it into a jade.

Poseidon glanced at Abi, whose face was a little red, and his eyes were full of tears. He said with a chuckle: "There is a lucky star here. I believe that you will come back sooner or later. No, are you not coming back?"

Sun Hao smiled and looked at Abi, and said in his mouth: "Abi, these years have been hard, there is such a Taishang Emperor here, is there any hands?"

Abi’s face showed a smile on her face. She said in her mouth: “Tie Fei’s sister is very good to me. She has done a lot of things for the drug family. She helped me. The drug family has developed quite well these years.”

Sun Hao swept the sweeping Wu Canglang and found that Wu Chuanglang was nodding slightly.

Suddenly, Sun Hao understands that in recent years, Poseidon has maintained quite goodwill on Yaoshen Mountain. Also, when he came over, the Yaoshen Mountain was quite calm. In his own knowledge, Yaoshenshan did not feel a bit of grievance. It seems that I need to thank this cheap sister.

With a bright smile on his face, Sun Hao said with a smile on the medicine god: "The old sister, you have a heart, I know why the old sister is waiting for me, rest assured, hard work pays off, I will give you a reasonable explanation. ”

The medicine **** smiled a little, as if it was a long sigh of relief, the body swayed, half empty, and the whole body turned into a light blue water column, floating on the Yaoshen Mountain, soft. The voice came from all directions: "Well, my sister, I am waiting for you in Forna, you are busy first."

She knows that Sun Hao has just returned, there are many things, and his own affairs have been waiting for a thousand years, and he is not in a hurry.

Everyone is a Mahayana master, and if you spit it out, it is equivalent to Jinkou Yuyan. Sun Hao said to give her a confession, then there must be, and it’s better to wait for an answer.

Sun Hao nodded slightly to the distance and said: "Well, old lady, you are going slowly."

After that, Sun Hao looked down and looked at the thriving Yaoshen Mountain. He said in a loud voice: "You friends, this seat is back."

On the mountain of Yaoshen, the monks who heard the news, cheered out loudly: "Welcome to the adults, long live the medicine god; welcome the adults, long live the medicine god..."

Looking at the medicinal monks who were kneeling on the ground and screaming, the heart of Sun Hao could not help but feel a strange feeling.

In the people's submerged for thousands of years, low-key and calm, Sun Hao did not feel any abnormality. After returning, facing the worship of hundreds of millions of drug-minded monks, this kind of pilgrimage, Sun Hao’s heart, instantly surged a kind of Wonderful satisfaction, the feeling of fullness, and, as if in the midst of it, some of my own understanding of the Four Great Roads will have some wonderful changes because of these worships.

If Sun Hao did not suddenly change from low-key to such enthusiasm, Sun Hao may not perceive this change.

This kind of change is so difficult to understand. If Sun Hao’s four great roads have accumulated to a certain extent, understanding has reached a certain height, and it is very likely that they will not be perceived. This is really a strange opportunity.

Perceived by the strange changes in his own body, Sun Hao couldn't help but think of what the ancestors said. It is good for the Mahayana monks to shelter a race. Now it seems that this is the case.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao's face showed a bright smile, and his mouth said: "This seat advanced Mahayana, settled in the medicinal things, deliberately went to the innocent void, and the drug **** mountain entrusted the sister of this seat to help guard, these In the year, Yaoshen Mountain has developed quite well. This seat is quite satisfactory. You and your friends have worked hard."

Naturally, Sun Hao took the power of the **** of the sea to defend the millennium.

Below, hundreds of millions of medicines have been cheering together: "Long live the medicine god, long live the medicine god."

In the past millennium, the drug family has the pressure of the name of the drug god, and the personal host of the drug **** sister. That is, in the speeding development, the kindness of the drug **** needs to be kept in mind.

Sun Hao perceives that on the mountain of Yaoshen, the heart of every medicine repair has aroused the enthusiasm of the mountains and the tsunami. At the same time, the heart is happy, but also not surprised, no thought, and disappeared for thousands of years, actually have such influence. force.

With a bright smile on his face, his mind is moving, and his heart is inductive. Sun Hao has already understood what this is all about. Poseidon is stationed, but he has become a **** in the hands of Wu Chuanglang. In these years, Wu Chuanglang and Abi teamed up from the grassroots level of the pharmacy, that is, the doll to grab, and the first level of infusion of the drug-minded monk is one of the most supreme truths. Without the medicine god, there is no medicine family, no medicine god, there is no future of the medicine family. And tomorrow.

The effect is that Sun Hao has already seen it, surprisingly good.

Wu Canglang, this guy is really powerful, subtly, and quietly, he has helped himself to cast the supreme authority among the pharmacy.

Satisfied with the heart, Sun Hao smiled and said with a loud voice: "You friends, my pharmacy is booming now, and everyone is working together to make my pharmacy one of the most powerful races in the virtual world. Well, this seat Just come back, you need to understand the situation first, after a hundred days, this seat will be on the third day of the drug **** mountain sermon, and you will listen to your friends in the local government."

Medicine God preaching? Yaoshen Mountain was suddenly a cheering, long-lived voice of the drug god, straight into the sky.

A Mahayana monk's sermon was really a small feat. The drug **** mountain instantly boiled, and some family forces quickly issued an emergency call to the disciples who performed the task outside, and they came back to listen.

Yaoshenshan was busy, and Sun Hao took the nine stars and returned to his long-awaited drug palace.

I listened carefully to the report of the Nine Stars. I first learned a little about the problems and difficulties in the development of the drug family. After deciding on the directional problems of some drug families, Sun Hao waved the other stars to go back and stay. Under the Abi, fulfilling his own important responsibilities should be fulfilled.

In other words, even if the monk has a long time to retreat, and the millennium is not seen, it is indeed quite miss.

Abi cried into tears, squatting, biting a few mouths of Sun Hao's shoulders, leaving a row of dental prints.

Of course, this is Sun Hao’s intention to let her bite out the teeth to solve her thoughts. If not, if Sun Hao does not control, the woman’s teeth will collapse.

For a long time, I won’t win the new marriage. This sentence is really correct.

As long as there is no one outside, Abi hangs on Sun Hao's body, like a vine, tightly entangled Sun Hao.

Sun Hao sometimes joked: "Abi, you are a bit like a vinegar, do you want to live on me!"

Abi softly said: "I want to entangle you in my so that you can never leave."

Sun Hao smiled and whispered a few words in Abi's ear. Abbey was flushed with his face. However, his body was softer and he seemed to be able to drip out water and be generally emotional.

This woman, the millennium is not seen, it is really fierce.

After Sun Hao issued a message of a hundred-day sermon, he stayed at the Palace of Medicine and did not go anywhere. He was comforting his woman.

Sometimes, Sun Hao’s heart is also quite emotional. Do you say that the monks practiced in order to marry? At the height of their own, they are all masters of the Mahayana. If you want to improve, if you want to practice, you will still have to run. You have to work hard and you can’t stop.

Quiet, recalling the experience of his own journey, Sun Hao suddenly discovered the fact that no matter when, he always tightened a string, always walked on the road of monasticism, rarely stopped. Rest.

Sometimes, Sun Hao feels that he owes a lot of people around him, and he can only comfort himself with his best ability.

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