Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2663: Horror space

In the Yuxu Palace, for thousands of years, Sun Hao has read a large number of classics, among which there are handwritten notes of Mahayana monks crossing the void.

However, what Sun Hao read is only the normal books of Yuxu Palace, not the ones that are strange and eat the plates that are particularly powerful.

Is there any danger in the void?

From the tens of thousands of people of the medicinal family, Sun Hao has come all the way to the guidance of the empty mark, but it has not encountered too many difficulties.

The feeling is that there is nothing special about the void except for the length.

However, after reading the handbook of the Mahayana monks, Sun Hao discovered that he may perceive the mistakes, the real void, according to the handbook of the Mahayana monks, may be extremely dangerous, and, in fact, the real illusion, in fact, is also hierarchical.

The Mahayana monks divided the ruin into four levels, and warned the younger generation to master it carefully. When crossing the void, be careful. Don't be ruthlessly emptied by the void.

A hierarchy that breaks the emptiness of the mainland means that after getting this level, it can break the influence of the mainland on the monks and break away. Two levels, breaking the sun, the great sun thinks that a huge sun is one. A huge fireball, he ruled many continents, is the core of many continents. After the monks broke out from the mainland, they will also be affected by the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to break the sun's emptiness to go further.

The Mahayana predecessors believed that after the combination, the initial weakness was formed, but it was not until the perfection of the fit that the ability to break the power of the sun was reached, reaching the second level, but the third level should not be able to be done by the fit monk. It is.

The three-level ruin is to break the ethics of the race. The Mahayana predecessors believe that a strong race, the region of life is a combination of many continents and many fireballs, with one or a few cores as joint levels. Combination, when the monk breaks through this level of combination, it needs a stronger destructive power.

Only after being able to break through the three levels, can the monks truly travel in the innocent void, in order to truly penetrate the powerful attraction of the emptiness everywhere, and travel around.

In the end, there was another ruin, which was a major warning and hypothesis proposed by the Mahayana monks.

In the place of the Mahayana monks, in the void, there are countless crises, there will be a void storm, there will be a ruin of the mainland, there will be a powerful void behemoth, but all of these are not as terrifying as the core of the hierarchy.

The Mahayana monks used to be inadvertently close to the core of a hierarchy. At the time, the result was exhausted and they barely escaped from the core area.

What is the concept of the core of the hierarchy? The record of the Mahayana monk is: "The light is ineffective, the wind is invisible, any law is invalid, and the gravity is infinite. It seems that there is chaotic space. The only way to devour everything, the only way to break through is to form a powerful force instantly. The field counteracts some of the attraction and uses the distorted time and space to escape."

The level that can escape from the core of the hierarchy is the fourth level of ruin that the Mahayana monks admired. Only the Mahayana monks who can break the fourth level can truly have the ability to cross the void.

If not, if the monk accidentally hits the edge of the core area of ​​the hierarchy, only one result will be swallowed up and disappeared without a trace.

What is going on with this level of core?

The description of the Mahayana monk's handwriting is: "The gravitational force is infinite, the light can't escape, so it is impossible to observe his existence in the void, because there is no light to escape, then it is likely that he is a suspension in the void. The black hole, the invincible black hole, or the ultimate show of the Devouring Avenue."

Invincible black hole? Devouring the avenue.

When Sun Hao saw this handwritten book, he felt a shock. The four levels of ruin that are described inside should all be real, and the existence of the fourth level makes Sun Hao feel the danger.

Moreover, according to the theory of the Mahayana monk, in fact, so far, the breaking of Sun Hao and the four spirits is still only the second level, that is, breaking the sun's constraints and starting to fly in a huge hierarchical combination. A kind of ruin, that is to say, the pharmacy is actually in a hierarchy with the human race.

According to the records of the classics, the level at which the Wu people are currently at the level is very different from that of the Terran, and it is not known whether the power of the four spirits can be broken.

Also, what if you have a bad luck and met a black hole? That thing can't be observed. Even if God knows the past, it will be swallowed up. Once it is discovered, it may have been wrapped up. When will it be possible to escape?

The sparkling effect of the bag is just right.

In the Mahayana handbook, the black hole is the existence that can be swallowed up with the light, and the easiest way to escape from the black hole is that it must run faster than the light.

Sparkling, you must practice, you can smash with the light, and you can run faster than light.

At the height of Sun Hao, I can already perceive it. Light also has speed. At sunrise, before the sun comes out, the earth is dark, the sun rises, and the earth begins to brighten. The process is that the speed of light is kick in.

Sparkling, the practice is a kind of light that transmits the speed of wave light on the sea.

Among the sparkling, the monks took the opportunity to go far. When Sun Hao was in the big fight, his last escape skill was sparkling.

The four spirits of the emptiness, with Sun Hao kept moving forward in the void, although Zhu Pang yelled and said that he was very wronged, but it is also a sign, he has also sunk into the four poles Understand.

For the four spirits, their ruin level itself should only break the first level of the emptiness of the mainland. Now, under the organization of Sun Hao, the four spirits have used the power of the four spirits to perceive the second level in advance. Broken.

This kind of leap-forward perception is a great help to their cultivation. It can help them to better understand themselves, help them to better polish the real yuan, and help them better understand the power of the four poles.

Sun Hao sinks into the power of the four poles, and in the realization of the four great roads, he splits part of the distraction and begins to practice the sparkling inside the Sumi.

Time, there is no change in the void, space, there is no meaning in the void, but Sun Hao in the condensate of the empty tower, the sense of time is still relatively clear.

In the four spirits, there is no known how long it has been flying, and there have been many times in the emptiness. Sun Hao’s perception in the condensate tower is more than a year.

For more than a year, it was relatively stable, and there were not many changes.

Just as Sun Hao initially mastered the sparkling, and began to shuttle between different waves, when the different waves were realized, after the four spirits broke, the void saw a very strange change.

In this space, a huge fireball screams and burns, giving off a powerful ray of light.

The four spirits have just entered this space, and the light has been ubiquitously illuminated.

Zhu Ling reacted in the first time, and she cried in her mouth: "Be careful, this is the meta-magnet light."

The Suzaku wings suddenly appeared, and the infinite flames rose and slammed into the air.

Among the sky, those meta-magnetic gods have been stunned.

The defensive circle formed by the fire of Suzaku is continuous through the sieve, and Zhu Ling’s mouth is sullen.

The sky roared and there was a white light on the The thick soil wall was blocked in front of the four giant array.

Hey, Yuan magnetic **** light came over, the white earth wall was also instantly penetrated, the big arrow, Zhu Pang’s mouth screamed: "Roll, give me radiation..."

When Kang Zhi's teeth flashed brightly, a light microscope appeared before the four giant arrays. After the Yuan magnetic **** light flew, it was illuminated by the mirror and radiated back.

Wang Yuan shouted in the back: "Be careful, our four giant arrays have been attracted by the Yuan magnetic **** light and are flying fast to the fireball."

In front, Zhu Pang wowed: "No, the fireball keeps brushing out the powerful Yuan magnetic light. If we plunged in, don't you die?"

Feel the invisible attraction of Yuan Magnetic Light, and there is a strange feeling in the heart of Sun Hao in the middle of the quadrant.

This phenomenon is very similar to what the Mahayana Master said, the fourth level is broken. The difference is that the opposite side is a burning fireball, not a black hole.

Sun Hao’s heart trembled, but he understood that this thing was afraid of exceeding the limits of the four spirits.

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