Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2665: Swallowing

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The direction we are marching is the direction of the ancestral guidance. In theory, it is also considered a void that has been developed. The possibility of black holes is relatively small. We only need to be careful, luck should not be so bad. ""

Wang Yuan said in a deep voice: "Xiao Hao, what kind of characteristics do you have in addition to the attractiveness of the black hole?"

Sun Hao thought about it: "According to the description of the Mahayana monk, the existence of this thing, I don't know what form it is, there is no way to detect it, not just the fiber can be swallowed, it will not overflow, even the gods will swallow, so I don't know what he is, but I think that once we suddenly enter a region with few stars and no fireballs around, we should be careful."

At this time, Zhu Peng glanced at the small fire on Sun Hao's shoulder and looked at it a few times. He suddenly said with a smile: "Small fire sister, you said, you just didn't swallow a sigh of light? Is there any feeling?"

Although Sun Hao is talking to everyone, his attention is always on the small fire. Yes, in order to delay the time for himself, the small fire swallowed a emptiness of the void, and I don’t know what her current situation will be.

I can't figure out the current state of the small fire.

Small fire claws touched their little belly, and said carefully: "It seems a bit noisy, a little indigestion, and the other is not a big problem."

Zhu Pan glanced his forehead with one hand and snorted in his mouth and said: "I said Xiao Sister, your stomach, is it connected to the black hole? If not, how can the five colors of the gods swallow?"

The small fire scared a big jump, standing on Sun Hao’s shoulder, and suddenly a little shocked and said: "No, there is such a terrible black hole in my stomach?"

Sun Hao laughed and touched her soft fur. He said, "Don't ignore him. If it is a black hole, you have already sucked in this small body. You should be born to devour the magical powers. And already."

The small fire understood and slammed his head and said, "Well, um, that is."

However, the small fire can swallow the five colors of light, but it makes Sun Hao think of an interesting thing long time ago.

At that time, the small fire swallowed more things and liked to fight, as if it was still rushing out of the armor. In this case, Sun Hao could not help but whimsically ask: "However, a small fire, you are in this situation, Can you imagine that in the future, you will swallow some of the five colors of light, meet the enemy, screaming fiercely, and appearing a burst of five-color light, can you scare each other in an instant?"

In other words, Sun Hao said the meaning of this, it is a whimsical, but did not expect that the small fire actually took it.

Thinking about it with a small head, Xiaohuo said carefully: "Brother, you said this, in fact, I don't think it is impossible. I have a natural ability to devour and extract, what I want, after I swallow a certain amount. It is not impossible to have the ability to have such things by nature.

The scene suddenly calmed down.

Just the ability of the five-color gods to destroy the earth and the earth, everyone can see it with their own eyes, the powerful destructive power, people look at the fear.

Xiaohuo said she can make such a thing? Is it true, if it is, then her combat power can be really powerful.

Sun Hao stayed for a while. After a long ringing, he looked at a few companions and said, "Would you like, let's go back and turn around? Let the small fire swallow a few more, and then continue on the road?"

Zhu Pan raised his hand and said in his mouth: "Ask a question, Xiao Shoujie, it is said that you swallowed more things and liked to fight, saying, will it, we fly and fly, you spit out a five-color God light?"

The small fire said in a serious way: "Well, this is possible, right, Xiao Pang reminded me, if this is the case, I must be at your disposal."

Zhu Pang was shocked and jumped out loudly. "No, little fire sister, don't scare me. Xiaohao's skin is thick and thick, and you are a good man. You have to fight him." Don't be fond of me."

The small fire snorted and said in his mouth: "But I want to eat roast suckling pigs."

Zhu Pan squatted and said, "To say a suckling pig, I strongly recommend my sister, fine skin and tender meat, to ensure enough milk."

Zhu Ling was a sigh of relief, and the jade legs waved and slammed into the back of Zhu Pang.

The little fire grinned.

Sun Hao shook his head and said in his mouth: "You are careful, I have to rush to the opposite side, and prepare for the small fire. Ha, others are afraid to dodge, but I have to go against it, hahaha, come on, Bros……"

The four spirits returned to their homes, and they were connected to the four spirits. Sun Hao drove Shen Xiangjian, fighting the stick, and turned his direction. He burst into tears: "Give me a break."

In the sky, a burst of flashes, the team broke out, and there was another space that had just escaped.

As soon as I came, the huge attraction suddenly passed over. Sun Hao felt the whole body slammed and slammed in his mouth: "Stabilize..."

The movement of the gods, the magnetic element of the gas drive, offset the strong meta-gravity, the team floated in the air.

At this time, the five-color **** light has passed, and everyone suddenly discovers that the mainland that has been brushed by the five-color gods has become much smaller, and the speed of rushing to the fireball is getting faster and faster.

The scene in front of you is incomparably magnificent.

In the void, a burning fireball rises and rises to the raging fire. Around, many of the continents are attracted by the meta-magnetism, and the moths rush to the fireball.

The five-color **** light that has just erupted has disappeared. The kind of **** light is not always there. The squad is now coming, and the next wave of five-color **** light has not broken out. As long as it blocks the attraction of Yuan magnetic **** light, everyone is Relatively safe.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but burst into emotions. Every step of the monk’s practice was crucial. When he condensed the body’s five elements, he chose the absolute strong existence. He didn’t see much effect at the time. But at every critical moment, these accumulated accumulations show powerful effects.

In the past, the magnetic energy that was rarely applied to it was more prominent when it was repaired.

Now, if there is no practical application of the magnetic element, I am afraid that I will not dare to go to this dangerous place to help the small fire to swallow the five colors of light.

Zhu Pang floated in the air, stretched his hands and wiped his sweat, and said in his mouth: "It's hot, I said, Xiaohao, you have to help the little fire absorb the five colors of light, let me go back to rest, it's good to kill me, too dangerous. I am afraid."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak.

Zhu Ling glanced at him and said in his mouth: "Xiao Hao does not hesitate to spend a huge price. Bring us together, just to let us feel the power of space. This powerful spatial change can greatly increase our ability for the four spirits. The feeling of power You actually do not appreciate, really mad at me."

Zhu Pangqi laughed.

At this time, a continent was subjected to huge traction, and a bang bang into the fireball. Sun Hao’s heart suddenly moved, and his mouth sighed and said: “Small fire, prepare, everyone is careful.”

In the sky, suddenly a shock, hit the place, flashing glare, the five-color light really spewed out.

The five-color **** light bursts very fast, almost instantaneous, and has broken through the void, and has come over.

Sun Hao's shoulder, a small fire opened a small mouth, aimed at the front, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, continued to open three small mouths.

In front of Sun Hao’s body, the void is black, and all the five-color gods seem to be swallowed up.

However, just in the gap between the three, there are still a lot of five-color gods rushing over, the whole four spirits burst into a flash, and the four spirits constantly changed positions to remove the huge impact. Sun Hao’s magnetic element was also broken by layers. The entire team, under the scouring of the five-color gods, kept going backwards.

Zhu Ling said that it is right. In such an impact, the power and structure of the four poles have been greatly tested. After everyone has fully invested, they have gained different general understandings.

Just when everyone was a bit unsupportive, between the electric and the Flint, Sun Hao shouted with the team, smashed away and fled.

In the void, everyone has a feeling of panting and sorrow. Just a few times, the time is very short, but the test for everyone is very big, everyone is nervous, even if everyone is not weak, From the other side, there was a very tired feeling.

Zhu Peng patted his chest, sighed and gasped, and said in his mouth: "Stimulation, the stimulation of Grandma."

The little fire didn’t look at him kindly, slamming...

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